How the fuck do I into Campari? Shit tastes like ass.
How the fuck do I into Campari? Shit tastes like ass
>he fell for the negroni meme
I guess just try drinking 1000s of them and maybe you'll develop a taste for them?
>Shit tastes like ass
That is where it comes from.
honestly, i think the problem may be the sweet vermouth. Have yet to find anything I like with it.
Although i tried it with club soda and it was.. well... not great.
Campari with soda is actually one of my favorite drinks. It's very refreshing. I thought it was too bitter at first but I grew to enjoy it. I found the same thing with fernet
I haven't had Campari, but I will confirm that vermouth is awful. Every mixed drink with it is inferior to the other components drunk alone.
Spotted the faggot.
Fuck this shit was $30. trying a gin and campari right now. Not helping. Absolute garbage.
>Shit tastes like ass.
Ass isn't bad.
mixed it in a 2:1 ratio with gin. Way better. Shit is bitter as fuck. or I am to drunk to notice...
I don't know if my taste palate is different from other people, as most of my friends who have tried campari also said it's very bitter, but personally I find it very sweet. Bitter, yes, but also very sweet. Especially when it first enters the mouth.
This. Acquired taste, but one of the best summer drinks or hangover recoveries around once you have a taste for it.
With soda and a slice of orange
Fernet is life. Cheers from tucuman
>Not liking Manhattans
Fernet is nasty. Even Malort isn't as bad as that wannabe crap.
>even malort isn't as bad as fernet
Now you're just being silly.
Nope, honest opinion.
I like bitter, but there's something about the eucalyptus or something in Fernet that's just disgusting. Plus every goddamn bartender and chef friend I have always orders rounds of that shit.
I understand Fernet not being everyone's taste, but Malort is literally drunk as a joke.
Campari and OJ is great. Even better with a dash of lime juice.
>With soda and a slice of orange
Yes. Incredibly refreshing drink on a hot summer day.
A friend of mine tried to into Campari me as well and I just can't. I don't do bitter. Also why i hate gin. I'm a whiskey and tequila man myself.
I really enjoy Campari and soda during the summer. I wish it wasn't so sweet though..
OP here, trying an old pal tonight, equal parts rye, dry vermouth, and campari. Still tastes like licking a shower curtain.
Campari and orange juice
75% OJ 25% campari
Also, fucking lots of ice.
Campari and tonic is my "I need to sober the fuck up" drink.
Use red vermouth, casual.
red vermouth is sweet vermouth you fucking mongo
Acquired taste my friend, same as Fernet, I'm from Argentina and we drink Fernet and Campari a lot we are used to it taste, every non argentinian who I made try it said it was disgusting.
>try to explain Fernet with Coke to some guys I play vista with
>strays outside won't stop barking for some reason and they can hear it
Argentina now confirmed non-whites who drink wine mixed with Coke and eat dogs
Fucking autocorrect
OP here. It's amazing, I am getting used to the taste. 1 oz in a rocks glass filled with club soda. I wonder if this is how it was when I first drank wine or beer. Still will NEVER be my go to, but it's no longer spew. Now it's just a bitter cola.
Why the fuck are you drinking it alone? The only way to drink campari is with orange juice.