what was your favorite poverty food when you were young Veeky Forums?
>pic related
What was your favorite poverty food when you were young Veeky Forums?
Ramen. Or steamed carrots, red potatoes and broccoli.
Couscous and a tuna can.
Or replace tuna with fried eggs, just put them on top of the couscous.
The first one is easier to cook, all you need is a bowl, hot water and a microwave.
I'm not ashamed of it, i still do it 2-3 times a week.
I used to yell at my mom when she put the flavor packet in ramen while it was cooking instead of when it was in the bowl. It tastes so much better if you put the flavor packet in after you take the noodles off the heat.
Bread cereal (pieces of bread with sugar and milk)
No. In while cooking saturates the "noodles" with "flavor". She was right.
For me, Walmart root beer and Totino's pizza
shit on a shingle.
Bechamel and ground meat over toast.
you are over halfway to bread pudding. i like the name "bread cereal" though.
Egg washed bread...
A single egg and two pieces of white bread pan fried with a little butter was god send for me and my sister when we were little.
That is called french toast, and it is fucking delicious with a little salt, sugar, and vanilla (artificial, since i guess poverty and it doesn't taste any better than the real thing)
Eh, not sure how poverty this is but my mom made malawach for me on weekends. It's just a pan fried crepe with a topping made from grated tomato, garlic, and salt.
>cooking the noodles
Fucking savage you boil the water separately then add it to noodles and flavor packet.
Do you want shitty soggy noodles or something?
For actual poverty food, probably cheese toast.
Couple slices of shitty white bread with a slice of american cheese on each, and into the broiler until the cheese melts and browns.
cornflour cookies cereal
still eat it
mom always made a big batch of pasketti
Bologna tacos
Egg and chips first, then tuna rice.
American chips or British chips?
> Pasta and pesto
Pesto is expensive though.