What is the main reason why LINK is still under a dollar at the current time?

What is the main reason why LINK is still under a dollar at the current time?

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They never will solve oracle contract problem.

I want to know too. Keep me posted senpai.

Is there any reason why you post gay men on Veeky Forums?

this is brad you faggot

Why would it be worth anything more? Besides the fact that some people on Veeky Forums believe it should.


You should be asking the question why everyone is FUDding LINK, OP. FUDders have nothing to gain from LINK tanking. They are only trying to comfort their state of mind by delaying the moon because they are afraid to speculate and have not bought in.

They will buy in at 5$ btw.

can someone tell me what LINK is and why a lot of people are talking about it



Because $1 is the best price this ERC20 token could ever realistically hit.

It's funny see retards who take this seriously get mad because they've been holding bags for so long they've fused with their hands

It is actually performing really well in a bas alt-market. Compare it to shitcoins like ICON.

This is truly a great moment to be a linker

The real question is why is it above a cent.

a perfect piece of memetic craftsmanship created to con the entirety of biz brainlets posing as smart people.

It's actually an erc667 token

its an ERC20 token, doesnt even have its blockchain and is run by an eastern euro...next.

They said the same about NEO when it was $16-40. They called it a PnD shitcoin everyday. This was only 6-7 months ago. Now you don't even see anyone FUD it anymore.

It’s actually and erc667 as Said

Because Link being over $1 defeats the purpose of the coin.

still, its just piggy backing ontop of the ethereum blockchain. Hardly the 'next eth' or 'was eth fudded like this in the early days'

Lol this FUD never gets old

this is chad and chad isnt gay he is going to provide many beautifull white children

There's 1 billion LINK tokens. Even assuming 90% of them get locked up in nodes, that's still 100,000,000 LINK in circulation. With 350m in circulation right now, you have .70c per token give or take. So give it roughly ~x3 value for supply, and allow for x10-x20 growth with adoption (generous), and you still only get $20-$40 per LINK.

All this $100-$1000 dollar stuff is delusion for the next decade, let alone EOY.


He married his childhood sweetheart and is building a house with her

Idk man. How many other erc667 tokens are out there? Everyone is stuck using erc20 parameters while LInk was bold enough to use 667

It's blockchain agnostic. Eth could tank and link would still have the exact same purpose.

Holy shit this fag got huge hands. His dick must be huge.

It doesn't want to be the next eth, completely different use. Eth is the most important smart contract platform by now, so there's no reason not to use the eth network for the token.

Chads aren't white.

Why even try when people who look better than you will most likely have more money by simply doing some stupid social media videos or pics.
The world is indeed unfair.

Because its a meme coin and other cryptos already have a working Oraclee protocol. Thats why CL needs constant shilling so it doesnt die.

Think of Link has the "Link" of anything to the blockchain. That's really the gist of it.

What the fuck is wrong with his proportions

oy vey

It's a scam aimed at people who think biz is still "niche" and are sad about missing out on BTC and ETH

wtf those hands.. they are literally massive as fuck

wales r gumulatin

Nobody outside Veeky Forums knows about it and any attempt at creating a LINK post on /r/cryptocurrency gets deleted by the mods
no joke. they straight up delete all link posts and the only reason they give is "no shilling"
meanwhile they have a NANO or REQ post on the front page 24/7



If you’re a chad you don’t fawn over men. Be an example.

>comanies will use chainlink for their smart contracts
>companies will use smart contracts at all
Oh that's funny. It's a buzzword. Companies won't use a shitty platform like ETH that can't even handle cryptokitties. IF they end up using smart contracts WAY in the future, there will be a better smart contracts platform that has its own built in oracles, making LINK redundant.

Not to mention Ethereum is an amateur project developed and maintained by a kid who still larps as a communist. Real companies across the world are more likely to hold out for an enterprise-tier platform developed by professional software engineers.

A couple reasons:
1) as you can see from this thread, the vast majority of people in crypto are too dumb to understand what this is and how it works.
2) the team has not done any marketing whatsoever yet. dumb money buys purely based on marketing hype. fundamentals dont matter.
3) its almost impossible to accurately determine the value of a token like this since nothing similar has ever existed before

1) ethereum has multiple scaling solutions rolling out in the next few months that will make it faster than we could ever need
2) chainlink works with any blockchain. only the LINK token is an ERC20. this is a protocol where all the heavy lifting is done off chain. they could easily move the token to stellar or create their own blockchain but there is no point. the payments & reputation piece dont need to be instant.

Bots. It's really simple.


Nice neck

Whales still need time to accumulate. It's the ONLY answer.

>dump every other coin
>accumulate until 100% of portfolio is LINK

I wish all the trash pajeet link shilling would be deleted here also...

0 marketing

Dude thats non sense do you think zuckerberg was professional when he built facebook??? The guy from stanford who build snapchat in a week in his dorm? Google when with their search engine as a university side project. Most all successful projects start with few resources.

>2) the team has not done anything yet

there you go

Are the mods there secretly Veeky Forumsraelis doing us a favor to keep the Redditfags blind until we are ready for the Singularity?
>puts on tin foil hat

no, they're just typical redditards and LINK is known outside Veeky Forums as "that Veeky Forums pump & dump" so they have a hate campaign against it

It's a scam

My point is it will never reach the value or hype of ETH so I dont understand why its compared to ETH.

Because its value is purely speculative.

Yes they are, dumbass.

If ICX is successful and contracts can be written in mainstream languages will LINK be unnecessary to connect with extremal APIs?

Steve made the 667 token protocol just for chainlink. There are no others like it.

What are you talking about? Link brings data from the real world in to the blockchain. Icx doesn't do that.

there is a working alpha release right now. people on biz are building nodes on it as we speak. also, it makes no sense to market this project to redditors and neets. its an enterprise product. price will go parabolic when enterprise partners/customers are announced and not a minute sooner.

It was already over 1$ before rajesh


It's still a shitcoin that is just a chink etherium rip-off.
I just invested into it for the hype.

The data doesn't just come "from the real world" it comes from existing APIs. LINK is an adapter between those APIs and the blockchain.

ICX will be compatible with Java, C#, and C++ which may mean that it is already compatible with the outputs of those APIs.

18 decimals

What happened to $5 eoy 2017 stinky Linkies? Turned into $5 end of Jan, now $5 end of Feb, soon to be $5 end of March