Mfw vegans can't eat cheese and crackers.
Mfw vegans can't eat cheese and crackers
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No, we just invent a vast number of bean pate dips/hummus variations and nut-based dips/'cheeses'. Some companies are doing some cool things by making nut milk then curdling it using a type of vegetable rennet and inoculating/aging it the same way as traditional dairy cheese, or using cashew/macadamia cream and fermenting it (pic related), though getting that stuff is tough if you live outside of major metro areas.
I'd give you all the nut milk you want of course you'd have to touch some meat to get it...
Has the mean be mistreated in any way?
I'll stick my meat in you and fill you up with my nut milk instead eh
It is beaten regularly, I'm afraid.
I've eaten some of this stuff. It's not so bad, but it's an insult to call it cheese. It's not even close of a substitute for the real thing. I was vegan for like 90 days and missed cheese the most.
I've been vegan a little over a year, and I can't really remember what cheese or meat taste like so I'm at the point where I try that sort of thing and just think "Oh, this is nice".
On the other hand, there are a couple biotech companies that are engineering yeast to produce casein directly, at which point we can have 'true' non-dairy cheese insofar as that the magical milk protein responsible for dairy cheese is available for use outside of the cow. It seems like the sort of thing that would really be a home-run in creating cheap block/shredded cheeses or similar products, like the old 'government cheese' they used to give out when I was a kid.
Shut up vegan, you can taste my nut milk.
>there are a couple biotech companies that are engineering yeast to produce casein directly, at which point we can have 'true' non-dairy cheese insofar as that the magical milk protein responsible for dairy cheese is available for use outside of the cow.
Why bother?
If you are vegan for health reasons then eating genetically engineered artificial cheese will be just as bad as eating real cheese.
If you are vegan for ethical reasons then dairy cows are not mistreated and sustainable farming is probably a lot better than creating artificial life-forms just to please your palette.
>If you are vegan for ethical reasons then dairy cows are not mistreated ....
Uh, ok
That looks awful. Having to show up once in a while do donate your milk. Truly horrendous.
>having to show up once in a while
>implying they aren't there forever
>a vegan never having dealt with a bitchy cow because it hasnt been milked yet and it's trying to ram through the fences to get to the milking yard
yes, they are there forever standing in that little circle hooked up to a machine
Dairy cows are constantly impregnated, separated from their calves, kept in shit conditions, then slaughtered once they're used up within a fraction of their normal life span.
>not activating your nuts before milking it
>vegans can't eat honey
>dairy cows are not mistreated
Omnivores can eat all you said and cheese...
Plus, we do not depend on companies for food as much as you do. If you are going to be vegan do it right and stop eating fake food.
best food, field hands love petting them, get to be kept the cleaniest and healthiest of all live stock, Considering the calf is removed they'd hurt other wise
>vegans think that is abuse
>I've been vegan a little over a year, and I can't really remember what cheese or meat taste like so I'm at the point where I try that sort of thing and just think "Oh, this is nice".
Well they just end up as beef in the end, so might as well eat meat too, unless you do it for health reasons.
I was vegetarian for a year (ate only a little dairy because I'm lactose intolerant, and few eggs). I ate beans every day, like a good veg should. After a few months I started getting really painful and weird stomach pains in the night, and waking up with bad diarrhea. I then started getting more colds, when usually none of this stuff would happen when I was eating meat. I was supplementing B12 too.
I went back to meat and now I'm in perfect health. No stomach pains in the night or diarrhea and I haven't been sick in months. Maybe it's all just coincidence, or maybe it was the B12, but I just don't know. I do know that I feel great again. I don't discourage anyone wanting to try the vegan or vegetarian diet though because if you eat right it can be very healthy.
Dairy cows have horns and tails removed without anesthesia, wallow in their own shit, deal with severe infections (including infected udders with pus leaching into the milk). That last one isn't even a sentence. Cows and calves are distressed by their separation.
I literally don't give a shit about cows.
>mfw vegans (read: my mom) thinks they're being healthy eating fake meat garbage like those "chik'n" nuggets its all just the same processed shit
That shit is funny
Not all vegans eat soy products like that. I'm not vegan, was vegetarian for a while, but I can't even eat soy, it gives me a wicked stomach ache and gas/diarrhea.
How do you rationalize letting yourself be a slave to corporations? Do your ethics stop at modern factory farming and progress nowhere else? Have you given thought to the fact there are better farms than others, that you can get meat without it being mistreated?
>mfw vegans don't eat bee honey even though they produce it with no human intervention and die if they don't
The issue here is one of you niggas is talking about free range and one of you niggas is talking about factory farming and your both right.
"Organic" is a meme when it comes to everything EXCEPT livestock. Free Range Organic Beef, as much as it's hipster fuckshit, I must admit at the risk of being physically ill it makes for the BEST beef, the happiest cow, and the most humane process.
Organic Produce continues to be marketing horseshit only idiot yuppies buy into
>If you are vegan for ethical reasons then dairy cows are not mistreated and sustainable farming is probably a lot better than creating artificial life-forms just to please your palette.
Maybe it's just me, but I have a harder time imaging yeast as conscious, feeling beings.
I don't support the vegan industry but there is nothing wrong with making your own milk and cheese at no expense of the cow's health. There's no reason to be strict about the diet if the point is the animal's well being. Just secure the financial means to do so instead of buying morningstar shit that still harms the environment.
Maple syrup is the superior sweetener
> do it right
What does that even mean? Veganism is an ethical position on the usage of animals for human pleasure, it has nothing to do with how 'natural', 'organic', or whatever food is. If we can culture casein from vats of yeast and using it reduces the amount of animal agriculture required, that's vegan.
Veganism is not about health. That's just a side benefit for certain types of vegan diets, but veganism itself is purely an ethical decision.
>How do you rationalize letting yourself be a slave to corporations?
They're the only ones doing the science necessary to develop such products. It's pro-science, not pro-corporation; that said, capitalism for all of it's faults does tend to meet luxury wants (like 'cheese') much faster than government.
That's not what I mean. What I mean is that veganism itself is a product of capitalism. It is not, nor was it ever, an ethical decision. Anyone actually interested in an intellectual, ethical basis for their life would realize that veganism has horrific consequences for pretty much everyone but the first world were it universalized. Veganism is only possible in a privileged society, using such specialized processes and apparatus that it's not even environmentally sustainable. You can't be ethically for animals and live in a society where veganism is possible - you are on a computer, in a town, destroying the natural order of the planet.
The best ethical life is that which does as little harm to animal life and plant life as possible - know what that life is? It's doing for yourself and abiding by yourself to nature - which involves, guess what, if we factor out the leviathan of technology that has spread all food everywhere? It involves growing your own plants and, yes, because of scarcity, killing your own animals, humanely.
Do not pretend that your decision to give money to organic corporations laying waste to the earth with food science is 'ethical.' self-flaggelating.