Do Americans really not use kettles to heat water?
Do you all use the microwave to heat water instead?
In pretty much all British households we have kettles
Do Americans really not use kettles to heat water?
Do you all use the microwave to heat water instead?
In pretty much all British households we have kettles
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Their current voltage or whatever is lower than ours so it makes a kettle fairly pointless
We just heat it on the stove in a pot or non-electric kettle. Why is this such a difficult concept for you?
Bongs gonna bong
Most Americans don't drink tea constantly.
We also have built in hot water faucets like pic related that instantly put out nearly boiling water.
nobody except white trash microwaves their water. People boil water on the stove in the u.s.....hell, even your most tyrone nigger won't even microwave water.
we have those *taps (not faucets) too
I doubt many people have those anyway
Must be like being a caveman
I think it's more because you all have coffee machines
>must be like being a caveman
Do you also own a rice cooker?
I have literally never heard of anyone microwaving water before. I idea never even occurred to me
whats wrong w/microwaving water? its fast and easy
kettles suck ass, just boil some water in an ordinary pot
I've got no idea whats wrong with it
If i don't have the time to boil water for instant coffee i just microwave a cup of water for 2-3 minutes and it's boiling after a piss.
It's less effecient than a kettle but it's a step above a stove which is slow
>boil water
>instant coffee
so do you live in a single wide or double wide ?
What is our preferred brand of "wife beater" undershirts?
Kettles are readily available here and plenty of people use them but they're certainly not as popular here as they are in Europe. Most people just either microwave water or cook it on the stove top.
Nothing wrong with any of those methods 2bh.
If you boil water in the microwave it can get to the point of super-boiling where it doesn't seem to be boiling at all but by disturbing it only a tiny bit, like lifting it out of the microwave, can cause it to violently explode into your face. People have been disfigured doing this.
The only guy I know who boils water in the microwave is a fag from Australia. Everyone here just uses a stove.
My stove can boil water FAST, too.
>Do Americans really not use kettles to heat water?
?? some of us do. some of us just use a fucking pot. I've never seen anyone microwave a bowl of water, by the way.
>Must be like being a caveman
how does this make sense my dude, holy fuck. a pot with 4 cups of water in it might take two minutes longer than your kettle. wow I can't believe how much time I'm wasting!
normally I'd pass this up but I genuinely don't think you're trolling. you're just a typical dumb foreigner.
That is from distilled water. Tap water doesn't do that so some never see it.
not that guy but it might not exclusively be from distilled water. I've burned myself in a similar way. I microwaved a cup of water for tea for about 2 and a half minutes, took it out, and when I dipped the tea bag in and disturbed the surface, it kind of bubbled and boiled over the cup and splashed in my hand. was only a tiny amount but still, I can see this happening with tap water.
>im trolling now lol
we're not faggots.
now leave, bongs don't belong on a food board.
americans are not all the same, just like any other group of people. posts like these are absolutely worthless.
>what is a stove-top kettle
Are all Britbongs this lazy?
When I make my morning coffee I fill a mug with water and put it in the microwave for 1 minute.
It comes out at the perfect drinking temperature (not boiling) and is much faster than using the electric kettle.
I only leave myself about 20 minutes between the time I wake up and head out the door, so every second counts.
My kettle gets a flogging at all other times though, I never actually *boil* water in the microwave, that's just retarded.
t. Ausfag
I think it's both ineffective and wasteful to have tons of appliances that can only do a single thing, Especially if thing is literally put water in pan on stove, wait for 2 minutes.
>Do Americans
Bong here, I can understand both sides of the argument (hob vs electric kettle). The only time I can see it being an issue is if you're using all your hobs already, which is pretty rare. Electric kettles are slightly less labour intensive though (they turn themselves off).
What has more unlimited shitposting potential:
>Why Americans boil water in the microwave
>Why is it called grilled cheese when it's not grilled
I had one in university for instant ramen, oats, tea and my french press. Pretty convenient for a dorm.
At home I'd probably never use one, even if didn't have an instant hot water faucet (I do). It's not a huge time saver over just boiling a pot of water and takes up space.
Why do Americans drop the 's' in "cheese"? I've noticed they do it a lot when talking about fast food. They also talk about fries in singular. I guess the kind of people who eat fast food all the time are just stupid.
you're being epicly trolled
don't take the bait when some fucking idiot says something stupid
If you're using all your hobs already, where are you going to put the pot of water once the kettle has boiled? The real issue is how long it takes to heat a litre of water in a pan.
For the same reason all English and Irish people talk exactly the same.
wait do all brits use an electric kettle? don't you people have stoves?
what the hell is a hob?
Everyone I know that drinks tea has an electric kettle. Otherwise I'm not sure what I'd use it for. They heat plenty fine on 110V here in the US, obviously the euro plugs would be quicker though.
>When I make my morning coffee I fill a mug with water and put it in the microwave for 1 minute.
So you drink hot water instead of coffee?
A friends owns one of these aberrations and I simply refuse to drink tea in his house. Sorry, I only accept proper tea made in a pan.
it takes like 100 years to boil water on the stove vs less than a minute in an electric kettle
The stove.
Microwave the mug full of water 1 1/2 minutes even 1, boom it's done. Get fucking wrecked you snaggletooth faggot bongs.
It's relatively very wasteful using the hob to boil water, especially when doing such a low volume of water (e.g. enough for a portion of tea).
>It's relatively very wasteful
>relatively very
what the fuck
who taught you english
>relatively wasteful
as opposed to plugging something in and wasting electricity?
Gas is way efficient than electric heating in every way, what are you smoking?
I always start with ice cubes, made by freezing mineral water in a large container and securing it on my work bench as I use a chainsaw to slice it down to pieces that can fit inside a drinking glass or flushed down the toilet, just in case. I then get a pan,smoking hot over the hub. I use my 14" cast iron skillet because it's already seasoned and my water won't stick to it. I proceed by turning the heat down and placing the ice cubes in one at time while they melt. Once melted, I strain the water and place it back in the fridge for up to a week. After a week is up, it's ready to boil by pouring it into the coffee maker (gold filter) twice. Simple boiled water, I don't know why eurocucks are so confused by it.
No, I usually put a packet of instant coffee with milk powder and sugar in it ready to go because I'm in a hurry and am a lazy fuck
When I get to my office I drink real coffee either from the shop down stairs or from the espresso machine in the kitchen
Holy man this thread is a disaster.
>In pretty much all British households we have kettles
Those are expensive.
It's hot as fuck outside what would I want to heat water for
In an electric kettle, a greater portion of the energy produced from the element directly heats the water - it is submerged.
A gas hob however inevitably uses significantly more energy on heating the surroundings (i.e. the atmosphere) and the metal of the pan. You get loss of effective energy in this process.
A litre of water needs about 2300kJ of energy to heat to boiling point, and gas heating efficiency is around the 25% mark whereas kettles are around 60%. Therefore, 10,120kJ of gas energy gets you a litre of boiling water, compared to 4,140kJ of electricity for the kettle.
This means that despite gas being a bit cheaper than electricity, the inefficiency of your gas hob means that electric kettles are superior in both energetic and price point terms.
Bear in mind this is separate to home heating systems (gas vs electric) as this is an open-system rather than a closed one - your gas hob pumping out heat into the air makes for a lot of inefficiency.
Of course a kettle is also temperature sensitive and turns itself off at boiling point, further reducing waste.
I open myself to questions from the threads sceptics and general uneducated ignoramuses
Completely missing the point.
Don't be afraid to read a book for once in your life :)
We have kettles, stoves, and hot-water taps in Australia. Whatever bogan fucker you know using a microwave to boil water is not our norm.
I use a pot because I don't see the point in buying something you don't actually need and has only one purpose.
Because it takes 5 minutes and a kettle can do it in 10 seconds
Or the stove. We don't drink much tea so usually if you're heating water it makes more sense to heat it up on the stove.
>Euro water is so dirty they need to boil it before drinking
I'm American and have an electric kettle, because I use an aeropress and drink a lot of tea. My family on both sides of my marriage both have coffeemakers and use that for hot water if they want tea, though neither drinks tea often. I assume most other Americans don't need a kettle because they have a drip-machine.
Except not really, and its your amerifat country that has shit water issues atm, your water sucks ass.
Americans that enjoy tea on the reg mostly have a kettle of some sort. Occasional tea drinkers will just use the microwave or stove. Why waste the counter space? We wouldnt have room for all of our 2 liter bottles of coke and cheeseburgers.
wait, so you've heard some Americans saying chee instead of cheese?
> Doesnt realize most british people only drink insrant coffee
why pay extra money foe an electric kettle?
>A device purely for the purpose of cooking rice
I don't buy useless kitchen gadgets.
I know this is Veeky Forums and we tell people to throw ice in boiling oil to control the temperature, but microwaving water will seriously injure you.
I always pre-boil water in the electric kettle before putting on the hob (sorry "stove") for cooking things, like if I'm making pasta why wait a gorillion years for water to start boiling on the hob when I can boil it in the kettle first which takes like 2 minutes max, pour it in a pot and start the pasta off straight away.
Yeah you should probably stop shitposting, your damage control is just childish.
electric kettle costs like £1 which is now worth about 0.01 freedom dollars.
they have a lower voltage but a higher hz in america
you need to use a kettle that's designed to work better with the electricity
You can't even compare them. A kettle will heat up a litre of water in a minute or two and a pan on the oven will take five minutes to even get warm.
For subtle American shitposting ask them who has the best BBQ and what is the correct way to pronounce "pecan".
The same reason they call sausages "sausage".
>I had sausage
It should be I had a sausage for singular or I had sausages for plural, but nope with Americans it's simply I had sausage because they are morons.
is it true that americans use their barbeques to boil water?
>Gas is way efficient than electric heating in every way
And brits are idiots for adding an e to shit and and an r to ass
They talk differently because they're stupid. That must be it
Non-Americans are quite literally the niggers of the internet
You guys are so cute when you get triggered.
>Those are expensive.
All threads involving Americans are a disaster, it's best just to enjoy the ride.
americans say 'sausages' too, it just depends on the context.
Like I would say " I am going to have 2 sausages", but I would say "we are going to have sausage for dinner" rather than 'sausages'
Before I started making my own coffee, I never had a need for hot water.
Other than cheap ramen
I have one because I use a french press for coffee. But for most people, the need to just boil water doesn't come up enough that they need an appliance just for the purpose.
What about when you want to boil some meat for dinner?
Yeah, If Americans made tea 6 times a day it would be different, but most Americans don't really have the demand for such a specialized appliance
haha, is this a thing people do in England or is this a joke?
Why not both?
Americans truly are a cancer.
>he cooks his rice on the stove instead of doing it at the press of a button
Must be like being a caveman.
Your average American doesn't habitually consume enough hot beverages to warrant the heating of water in anything other than the microwave.
And most who drink morning coffee usually just brew it in one of these, which are electric anyway.
They throw it into the harbour.
I bought an electric pressure cooker. It's like a rice cooker except cheaper, 3-5x faster, and useful for things other than rice.
The worst of both worlds.
You bongs used to have a powerstation on dedicated standby waiting for the first commercial break of an afternoon episode of Eastenders.
When the first commercial break comes on they activate this nuclear powerplant to help deal with the load placed on the grid by millions of english people turning on their kettles at the same fucking time.
You understand the levels of bizarre that is this phenomenon?
Bunch of fucking sheep.
>nuclear powerplant
I highly doubt nuclear is used for something stopping and starting so frequently.
Got this exact one at work.
I make coffee every 20 mins out of boredom
I just use my coffee machine to heat water fast
Clapistani here, my apartment has an electric kettle. It's useful for cup ramen, and I use it to brew tea for when I'm sick or something. I don't drink coffee.
...Who the fuck drops the 's' in 'cheese'? I've literally never heard anyone do that, to my knowledge. Do you have a video source or something?
I'm not sure what you mean by "talk about fries in singular".
I think you mean bongs
Brits/Euros are probably the main instigators of /int/ shitposting type threads, but Australians are the ones who will bump a thread to the limit with anit-american trolling. (If they start a thread themselves it's usually so low quality that it gets deleted.)
>sage for off topic
I have my coffeemaker connected to our water main, and it keeps a reservoir of hot water. When I need hot water, it has a spout on the side. We have the same thing at work. It's great for tea!