>wood fired
>most pretentious meme way to cook food
>inb4 sous vide
>forced meme that almost no one knows of
Wood fired
Dry heat is not a meme and we know water conducts heat better than air.
>stop liking the things I don't like
the thread.
>wood fired
Nigger we've been pit firing brisket and other glorious chunks of meat over wood fire for fucking ever in Texas.
I think the argument is that a regular oven would work in lieu of a wood fired oven, something which is no doubt true. Also sous vide is super memeish, if you don't see that then you're a pleb.
>calls food a meme
Obviously you need to kill yourself for the rest of society.
Ellen Page is hot, especially in that pic.
As for wood-fire being a meme, I guess so. A two-hundred-fifty-thousand year-old meme, a conservative approximate age of the oldest wood-burning hearth known. A hearth, I might add, that predates homo sapiens as a species by fifty-thousand years, give-or-take.
>unironically falls for the restaurant industry's memes.
Stay pleb my friend.
It is from a tv series she hosts called gaycation.
>being this autistic about "falling for tricks"
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Beef/Poultry/Fish tastes fucking epic if you cook it on / over a cedar plank. L2C op. (Learn 2 cook)
>he doesn't know how to greentext properly
At least attempt to fit in, redditor.
>Blah Sous Vide is a meme
I didn't understand how am easy, stable, method of preparation, that has an absurd level of user control over it, is a meme.
Though I understand that it isn't as skillful as more traditional methods of preparation, it's a great method of preparation and yall are acting like piss babies over it
>calling out meme methods of cooking
Nigga every way to cook something has a purpose
>responding to a troll thread
Sous vide is a meme because most people don't actually like their cooked meat to have the texture of raw meat
I thought you were supposed to sear meat after sous-vide-ing it? Forgive my ignorance
Applebee's line cook here, or should I say 'microwave operator' reportan in
Sous vide is a meme because most people, like you, think it's only for vide rare steaks. Modernist cuisine aside, sous vide can actually be useful.
not really, you can get the same effect as a sous vide machine using a pot that is roughly the same diameter as your protein. put the lid on and the walls of the pot produce enough heat to mimic that of a sous vide. It's just a marketing scam.
>stuff in murika has existed since forever
It takes like 40 minutes and costs like 200 dollars (at least the one that chefshits shills) Just sear and put it in the oven, same shit.
and what heat would that be user? do you cook every cut of meat from every different animal at the same temperature for the same time?
>the proper use of punctuation confuses and infuriates me
>best cut the tension with a piss-poor attempt at "bants"
It's okay, user. This is a safe space. The big, bad punctuation can't get you here.
>the proper use of punctuation
yfw hating things and calling things memes is a meme. Go fuck yourself with a pinecone soaked in poison.
please kill yourself
Surely, you meant
>Please kill yourself.
Fixed that for you, user, no need to thank me.
I hope you take the opportunity to learn that punctuation is not the enemy. Punctuation is our friend.
I don't think sous vide is obscure at all. Maybe it's because I'm upper middle class european but all my friends would know the term. I even had a bf that used it
> oldest method of baking is a meme
> it's forced, nobody knows of it lol
Hey, super autismo; what got your "knickers" in a twist..? There is no need for a period, at the end of a sentence, on an anonymous chinese-cartoon worshipping forum! Were really cool here seriously, have a seat & unwind.!
Dear me, I think you may be having a stroke. Do have that looked to.
Nah hes find?
Ah, yes. Another meme thread. Just what Veeky Forums needs.