What are the best tasting vegetables to bake? Need to grow my list
>brussel sprouts
That's it
What are the best tasting vegetables to bake? Need to grow my list
>brussel sprouts
That's it
Literally none of those taste any good. Kill yourself.
Sweet potato, okra, bok choy if you figure out how to cook it right
Then which ones do
All manner of squashes and potatoes and basically any vegetable 2bh.
any root vegetable, any squash plant, any tuber
parsnips and sweet potato are my favorites
Please leave this board. We don't need kysposters who have nothing to contribute here.
Go back to your reddit shithole if you don't like it.
Plain baked eggplant is amazing, it just tastes like something that should be incredibly unhealthy, it's velvety, rich in flavor. Zucchini is similar but a little more on the grassy side
teenager w/ undeveloped pallet detected. Literally all of those taste good if prepared correctly.
swiss chard is based when baked in pickle juice.
They only call it that cause I can eat 500 pounds of fat ass
Okay, enjoy eating your 500 pounds of fat ass.
Sweet potato. It will roast in less than 20 minutes without par cooking, doesn't go bitter when burnt and gets delicious and fluffy with a caramelized exterior.
not sure if you count it as a veggie, but you can throw corn(still in the husk) directly on the oven rack for about 30 minutes on 350 and it turns out great
i almost when ctrl+f "carrot" yield no result
*tips fedora*
bought an eggplant, will try it out. Thanks
couldn't find okra, would've liked to try it
garlic (hurrr durr not a vegetable)
Artichoke...! And eat them with an aioli.
you are a stupid person.
god tier
>brussel sprouts
>butternut squash
good tier
>most other squash
okay tier
>green beans
cooking with jack tier
and if you want to count potatoes as a vegetable, then those are god tier, but their not particularly healthy like most veg is.
Potatoes are very healthy, high in potassium which most people are deficient in. I eat 2-3 bananas a day and a bunch of veg and there are still days where I fail to go to 5 grams potassium
Cooked carrots are disgusting, beets are disgusting in general, basically you don't know what you're doing
Brussel sprouts/asparagus with salt, pepper roasted in garlic (optionally pulverized into a soup)
Pearl onions in gravy
Squash soup
Yam casserole
Rosemary red potatoes
Stir fry
Oh, and Kimchi
Cauliflower is at least good tier if you good it the right way
lol you are a fag
Yam casserole is amazing.
>what are the best tasting vegetables to bake
>stir fry
You what now?
People get baked, vegetables do not get baked. Vegetables get roasted, grilled, sautéed. OP's pic looks to be something that's finished in the oven, but not baked.
All the vegetables.
sorry, I just assumed anything that goes in an oven gets baked
>bruzzel sprouts
Blue boards are still 18 and up, little guy
drink bleach :^)
have you ever actually washed, prepared, seasoned, and cooked them properly? Do you still eat hot dogs with ketchup for lunch?
Squash and zucchini are GOAT.
Youre doing great, those are good. I like to roast cherry tomatoes, brocolli, mushrooms...its really any veg you like. I like to hit them with some oil, pepper flake, garlic, pepper, maybe soy.
Please leave this board with such a shallow opinion. All these veggies are flippin' delicious, you just have to give up on processed meats and cheese full of artificial substitutes of real umami flavor.
then you'll start to realize what real food tastes like.
take a heck of a long time to boil or fry soft though
Spaghetti squash is GOAT. Make a lasagna like casserole out of it sometimes.
I've wanted to try an eggplant for a while, I have no idea what it's like though. How long should I stick it in the oven for and what temp? should I slice it in half or cover it with anything or cut anything off, or would sticking an entire eggplant in there without anything actually work?
The only time I roast a whole eggplant is for something like baba ganoush where I'm going to scrape out the filling and use is mashed up. Usually I slice it, salt it, and press it between paper towels to remove excess moisture before cooking however (aside from ratatouille, where you want the moisture).
Not saying that's the only way to do it, just that it's how I've been taught.
Eggplant is a fucking garbage-ass vegetable in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to cook it.
In the hands of someone who does, it's a creamy, incredibly rich and wonderful vegetable than few can match.
There is very, very, very little crossover in my experience. The key to eggplant is to cook it thoroughly. Undercooked eggplant is spongy and disgusting.
just stick it in the oven whole, cook at 400, itll be great, youll know when its done
>baked kale
literally like eating bark
carrot and parsnip with honey
Also potato if you aren't already aware.
It does bro, turn the gas on and put your head in and you'll get totally schwasted baked.