Is this why we going down Veeky Forums?


fuck me it's gonna take a fucking decade for this shit to recover

I was hoping to retire in 5 years not 10

Fucking japs at it again. Can somebody nuke that fucking country again please?

hahahaha what

>sold $20 trillion
>BTC total marketcap is $180 billion right now
Yea, so they """sold""" more BTC than the existing volume? Sounds like bullshit to me. It would never leave the exchange because it's simply impossible to withdraw non-existing BTC. At most, they'd drain the exchange it happened on, and I doubt the exchange would allow such big payment to go through without supervision.
This is bullshit through and through. And definitely has nothing to do on why prices are falling again.


>20 trillion

A sign that crypto is going to zero.. youve been warned


u wot

They cancelled all transactions, so it's all good.

>all good
> crypto to zero

it's fake news. that amount of money doesn't even exist in crypto.

And LOL @ the idea of a single cryptocurrency exchange having more money than America's GDP

Fake news

Maybe 20t yen?

it's in yens you fucking brainlet

oh so like $8



No you retards. It's 2,200 trillion yen aka 20 trillion US dollars. Yes, that's more than the market cap of bitcoin and no, that isn't impossible because this was a glitch on an exchange, not something that actually happened on-chain.

so not actually traded just a glitch