Why the fuck are women so heartless? Like how the fuck do you walk around so honorless and be okay with yourself?
And what can I do to get the ring back? She said she already sold it.
Why the fuck are women so heartless? Like how the fuck do you walk around so honorless and be okay with yourself?
And what can I do to get the ring back? She said she already sold it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Think twice next time, never trust women
Why would you buy 10k ring? God damn user don't let the Jews win.
Another day another /r9k/ LARP. I’m sure this shit happens all the time just not to you OP.
All women cheat if given a chance.
You aint getting that money back. But you can keep fucking her as a whore to pay you back. Just act like you still have money etc. You can keep ex-gf's who fucked up as fucktoys.
Next time date a cute boy. You have no trouble with that judging by your choice of pic.
im so sorry user. that sucks ass. I would personally take my anger out on getting the money back for that ring by torrmenting her. but thats bad advice.
move on bud
Bait her bro, tell her you treated her wrong and deserved it, and promise to buy her some shit from some fake next promotion etc. Tell her u dont care about the ring, and then after like a couple weeks, either find it, take some of her shit or siphon your moneys worth of some aspect of her life on the down low. Make the slut feel pain. Keep your enemies close. Dont do it for too long lest your own life becomes misery and geared toward that alone, in which case shes wins again. Best of luck user
>OP's pic
user, I...
Here's you problem:
You are treating PnD assets as a long-term hold.
>And what can I do to get the ring back? She said she already sold it.
Use a smart contract next time, you stupid fuck.
>10k ring
For any user here with a decent woman planning to put a ring on it, consider Moissanite in lieu of diamond. Bought my wife’s ring for $800. Sometimes we get it professionally cleaned and it gets appraised for ~$7k. Because the people who’s job is to evaluate the Stone can’t even tell the difference.
Best of luck to you OP.
Its a trap that is also lesbian.
>Use a smart contract next time
>gas price is too high
>tx takes too long
>can't make ring out of digital gold because btc is not on eth
>Trusting females in MMXVIII
>can't make ring out of digital gold because btc is not on eth
That's why you need LINK in your life. Install a smart oracle on her cunt and the smart contract will automatically take her shit away once the oracle detects an unregistered dick in proximity.
>Install a smart oracle on her cunt
christianity or islam?
belle delphine/kirschner
this comment wins, kudos
A mandated religious society is way better than this shitfest we live in today. I welcome Islam if thats what it takes to get women back under control.
>take some of her shit or siphon your moneys worth of some aspect of her life on the down low.
wtf do u mean by this
Should have bought her an 11k ring
Holy shit am I the only one who wants to beat her up?
Like really make her face bleed.
>cuck LARPing
For when LARPing itself is not embarrassing enough.
Yes. Elves are pure.
Not Veeky Forums go to /r9k/
lol 3D
Just Monika.
I can't wait to hear you scream for Allah with your dying breath through the doors of the industrial oven/shower!
fucking this
Slowly steal from her over time and put emotional drain and stress on her
Because stupid, thirsty men like you always tag along.
Even entertaining the thought of giving in and dropping 10k for a piece of jewelry is retarded
Some women are okay and a part of those are actually great, real, honest people.
Problem is they become rarer and rarer, you basically have to be as lucky as picking the next moon mission coin. But they're out there, and you can go to the moon with them too.
>take her shit
>she calls the cops
Now op is getting fucked in the ass in two ways
Who is this?
lmfao this is my OC
Women are cowards by nature and inferior to men in every way - that includes honour and integrity. Stop expecting anything of them and you'll stop being disappointed.
Solve it with murder and livestream it.
This is a form of chasing losses. You were a retard, the money is gone. Walk away before it costs you even more.
If you bought her that ring in anticipation of marriage, you can sue her for it. If it was just a regular gift, you're fucked.
I’m a hobby metal smith and made my ex a moissanite ring and got cucked out of a couple hundred when she bailed on me instead of $10k like poor OP. No bitch is worth anything more than that. Maybe after 40 years of marriage but not some pump and dump slag that is the majority of women in Le current year.
try getting to know a girl better before you go full beta on her.
also grow up. shouldn't get married til you're 30 anyway.
How much link for this girl?
>tfw no tiny elf gf that you can pick up and slam against the wall while ramming the shit out of her
Small cock issue. Thread closed
100k link now, 1 in the future
God bless, I waited 25 years for a woman like that, I can wait a couple more
Where the fuck are this thing's parents?
Slap her about a bit when you fuck her, show her who's boss.
Its a trap
>tfw a trap elf girl is considered a superior mating partner than an actual woman
Fuck, man.
My girl always be searching through my shit like she has a warrant. Searching my shit like she the police.
I think she knows.
It doesnt matter if they have a bf you retardo
Thread theme
Fucking this
Shes pretty small.
That thightness could suffocate my dick
I hope this was at least an engagement ring lol AND SHE SOLD IT LOL.
Fuck man.
Firstly, I don't believe this is true lol
Secondly, if it is you're an idiot for spending so much on a woman you aren't married to.
Thirdly, I can sympathise if true since I bought my ex gf a ring worth 1K not much but still a shit ton to spend on a cheating hoe.
Lastly, count your losses cause you aint getting shit back.
Seems dangerous man. I want no ass-whoop
Sell her organs on the black market to get your money back + some suffering compensation $
Cunts like this deserve it. Sadly the world is full of them.
at least you learned your lesson young where you can bounce back
imagine if you were married 10 years with kids and a house and she leaves you, takes the kids, takes the house, and brings her new beau to fuck in your house while youre still on the hook for alimoney and child support
welcome to western civilization in its current state. god help you if she decides to accuse you of abusing her or the kids, as the onus will be on you to prove your innocence and not on her to prove your guilt.
ask yourself why you and so many other men keep willingly getting suckered into this ponzi. its because they want men to be shackled and constrained by the state. women are better consumers and obey easier. women make the decisions on 80% of household expenses, women initiate 70% of divorces and win cash and prizes for life for destroying families on behalf of the state
why do you think im in crytpo? i want to separate finance and state so governments are stopped from buying votes with their printed money. they are the new priesthood and the cathedral. they need to feel the righteous and virtuous retribution of God for their crimes. Crypto is the tool to do it.
Its a trap
>tfw a trap elf girl is considered a superior mating partner than an actual woman
You actually could probably take her to court and get the 10k back. An engagement ring (even of it wasn't that there is no proof it wasnt) is given to her with the intention of marriage. If she broke up with you she broke that contract. Wedding ring would be different.
Its not like her bf isnt already cheating on someone else.
Unless theyre 9/10 at least they wont care at all
Thanks, just bought 100k ring.
I'm from /g and this guy is right. Crypto allows us to fight back against deep state and liberates men.
A conditional gift is one where the giver gives the gift to the receiver with the expectation that some future event or action will take place. If the agreed-upon event does not occur or the agreed-upon condition is not met, then the gift-giver has the right to get the gift back. The majority of courts classify engagement rings as a conditional gift, and award the engagement ring to the giver in broken engagement cases
>youre welcome
i mined bitcoin in highschool and at first it was a novelty for me but as i grew up and saw what was happening the writing on the wall is clear
people will look back on our time and wonder in bewilderment how we sustained such a system. governments buy votes and import votes with their printed money. this practice will be seen as barbaric in the future and it is my aim to see the separation if state and finance.
today’s technology is finally at the point where we are beginning to see how a decentralized autonomous organization could function and it is just the first glimpse
Pls go
Whoa where's this picture from? Haven't seen it before
belle delphine
Pump in 1 hour. Join in now,,
goo dot gl/7ixGXd
is this fake?
Thanks, just fapped 100 times.
found her
thanks for the advice
wow bro you are so optimistic I would follow you to battle. Really I would call you captain and serve you. :winkyface:
cause you are attracted to pic related, probably the type of whores you chase around. Get fucked, degenerate
Man she needs to just take the clothes off already. Don't even give a fuck if there's a dick under there.
>spending over $20 on a loop of metal
You buy cheap and tell them it's expensive. Raid grandma's jewelry box if you must. That way you aren't out anything when the bitch cheats on you.
She's worth 10k after she's been with you for 25 years or more. Not year 1.
lol not sure if youre being sarcastic but its going to become more obvious as times goes on
i studied quantum physics and quantum computation/cryptography for my masters, in time people will understand that reality operates much in the same way that blockchain consensus is established. people will begin to use this technology to create new realities and travel to other dimensions (not a joke)
obviously this is more in the long term, for now my
main ideological goal is to separate state and finance so as to enable this next future i wrote about. we will not be able to get there in this current paradigm where votes are bought with worthless pedo papers (aka fiat)
ITT: """People"""" posting in an obvious Bait thread. The absolute fucking state of this board.
>travel to other dimensions
ayyyyy you had me going for a minute there user
“The book proposes that the universe is a quantum computer, and advances in the understanding of physics may come from viewing entropy as a phenomenon of information, rather than simply thermodynamics. Lloyd also postulates that the universe can be fully simulated using a quantum computer; however, in the absence of a theory of quantum gravity, such a simulation is not yet possible.”
remember, what sounded impossible and like magic before is commonplace today
I have one argument for you guys why it is better than 80s or 90s. Back then men literally killed themselves or drank themselves to death when things got sour with their wimyn. Nowadays this rarely happens as we are more sophisticated and see through all the bs.