Oracle 15.5

Z see much


like when z first save biz

save biz at 7950

z say

z say

Z will help biz up

z help biz down

z help biz good

z help biz bad

stop fear. this not "dump"

z even show this zact best/worst case

and perfect time dip days go

Other urls found in this thread:

>scrambling to fix the situation
>increasingly nervous as shown by the change in typing style

so retard bitcoin has been trending to this """correction""" for 3 days now, why haven't you said anything about it until now?

I dont get this oracle shit language, can some1 explain a total brainlet?

Dude, I can't understand what the fuck you're saying.

So you're saying we're going to bounce off 10k and hover around 10-11k, then move up to test 11.5k then 12k+

holy fuck this chart looks like real bull trap
thanks for oppening my eyes

same skimpletong

lots of laughs

Ty z for your help keeping the price high so the whales can exit scam and dump their bags on us.



>let me pretend IDs don't exist and deflect so I don't have to respond
this isn't /tv/ faggot

again no dump

z leave this


nons do as nons want

within 48hr see who right

Ty false prophet for tricking a ton of people into believing they might actually have a reason to live

>ssssssshhhh breathe

>within 48hr see who right
>tricking people into holding for 48 hours while this dumps even more

u said 11k bounce, now its broken saying moon ?

Just stop posting dude. Come back when everything goes back into a clear uptrend so you continue to pretend you're always right

z say worst case 10k

just shh

just watch


Anyone got caps of this idiot oraclenigger telling people to not sell alts while we were at 11700?

it's over my dude. Time to turn your trip in. meme lines are a thing of the past.
and this???


hate typer

hate tye lose money from 7950

now hate type think

moment to shine

then short skimletongs

we see

we watch

all z ask is

when hate typer wrong

hater typer learn

plz be right Z. I am below 400k again. I don't want to be below 400k again.


all TA shows we are fucked guys, 10800 was it, we are well below the trend. GG boys,



Fuck off with your worthless TA you mentally ill piece of shit.

There are countless others who actually know what they are doing, like PhilakoneCrypto for example.

Z make clear

If below 10 CONFirm

Z wrong

Until hate type mean


kek, i wish ur wrong and it collaspe to 5k but thats me greed, 10k will do, thx for the accurate insights so far, although i';ve only seen version 10- now at most. too much red vein men hide ur thread in past. wish i saw ur post during 6k to save money. when should i re-enter u think? any more dips ahead you see oracle? i only have 8k cad, on hand, how are you with finance? i hope u well as u prolly do.

How can you call yourself an oracle when you are just throwing every fucking scenario possible and claiming to be right just because one of them fits?

KYS already low class nigger brainlet.

thx again, 10k> = buy in or wait? also what u think about dow jones? silver coins? economy in general, know anything about the canadian housing market? pls accecpt pic as offering

pic old by a little while, note we at 10,500, well below the rising trend. the trend is officiall broken. no volume. selling at the next mini bounce but honestly know i should sell RIGHT now.

Hate nons have

pent anger

Wrong wrong x14

Jump at slight dip now

They learn now

or later

good targets to be honest, though i think drop to 8k isn't that unlikely


my alts are dying

now i see btc also drop

i start to worry a bit

i feel i need to rage type

red vein appearing on my face

soon i become redvein angry guy

what do

just patience? just trust and wait?

pls respond ;-;
also thought on digibyte & link? i ask oracle more than 4 times but nvr replies ;-;


whats this mean Oracle?

Just shh

And breathe

Not buy or sell


Below 10k

Or confirm bounce

Right now just shh

Above 10k

Non is okay

Repeat after z

Above 10k

Non is okay


Or listen same skimpletongs say

Dump at







And 11k

Eventually, yes correction

And if scream down 24/7

Statistic right eventually

But above 10k

Non is okay

who else /comfy/ despite the red?
stressing about the ups and downs each day feels like we're just looking for things to excite us
long run, we're fine, so don't lose any hair over this
anons, go have some coffee and read a nice book

Cant believe people actually follow this blathering fool
You all deserve to die

-450% here i am totally fine

!! MANY TANK ORACLES, I Sold many moons ago, and look for entry to buy in, sold near 8k because idiot face low iq me. below 10k, what habbens you think? eventually in when u thinks and how bigs corrections? will there b bull run after this dip atm? many thank 4 replies,

btc very strong long term

through 2018

as non said z hold most portfolio

this short term more on


that z not let skimpletongs

fear new trader into losses

like they try

every 3% dipper since


>Statistic right eventually
that's not how probability works user...

I will shhbreathe. Ty for helping me stay sane through this. Even if you're wrong I appreciate that you are giving us some peace of mind

He's saying that if you always say the price is going down then you'll be right eventually. Which is exactly how probability works.

Shhhh and learn

above 10k non ok

Too many fucking retards freaking out over every single dip. This is normal corrections you retards. Chart still looks great. Z is awesome!

Z do you ever sleep
getting seriously worried about your physical health

this is the dumbest TA anybody has ever posted on this fucking board

actually that's the only correct TA i've seen so far.

that downtrend line break and retracement is a text-book bull trap

Thank non for

Care type

Z sleep 3.5 hr

No wonder you are posting such shit TA.
You are hallucinating.

at this point with your skills you should be millionarie who needs sleep when you can print money right?

z, with that kinda sleep schedule you better be taking your rhodiola!

we lost him
i just hope he dies soon

z has family? how old z? me 25, kissless, sightless & handholdless virgin. also broke. but great family tho, perdy comfy, but i prep 4 me family incase rainy days ahead. guns, food, silver, and now cryptos

You better be right


You are one crazy fucker to be able to type like this all the time. You must be laughing your ass off all the while

Fuck you Oracchio !!
Wish I was a nigger to pump you up till 20k !

I just wanted to say thank you Z


Never seen so many spastic 12yos in one place in my entire life.

You're either
1: magicians who somehow can confirm downtrends in a few hours through voodoo in which case should be extremely rich and not on Veeky Forums.
2: complete spazoids with low 80s tier iqs who accidentally stumbled into crypto.
3: trolling.

Read the speach impaired kind user's posts. Understand them. Anything above 10k is not a serious dump. If 10k is broken expect a more serious dip.

Imho the bottom seems to be moving away from 6 towards 8k can Z confirm ?

Ps: breathe.

V normal correct

InB4 skimpletongs say


HEY Orkle

Orkle say up downs

No skimpletong

Both says

Correction to up

If first correction break

Second correction hold.

2 questions orkie
Whats the comfiest hold?
Where do we go after correction?

I skimpletong

I Shhh

I breathe

I learn

Non doesn’t deserve Z

I believe you Oracle, I'm joing shhhhhh now

Z say 5% chancer below 10k. Non Shhh and learn

Is my 10k bid going to fill?

Can non panic below 10k, Oracle?
Because guess where we are going, shithead?

Z said no fear heart even below 10k

no sell
i watch
i learn
see z
Z calm
i calm
no sell

Riiiiight, so he will tell you to sell @4k, when you will all lose your money? Genious. You guys are cucks.


Fucking glad I sold everything yesterday. Alts are fucked and BTC is fucked aswell.

TA is right sometime, TA is wrong sometime. These are the moments Z is wrong.

Goodluck with the crash bois.

How’s he wrong? He called 5% below 10k.

THanks mr sathioracle in times of despair the real followers are revealed and separates chickens from mens
We are nons
We shh
Fuck the fear weak pussies they trie to bring despair but oracle its here to bring hope and wisdom
We will see the truth soon
Hope all fuders die then

>"you will lose all your money if btc hits 4k because it will stay there forever and never go up again"
>acting like a dick is the same as being smart

shhbreathe senpai


It will go just below 10k enough to scare people to sell. Then rocket to 11k and slowly climb again. 9700 bottom. Also its wednesday u dumb fuck! Shit goea down. See you saturday 2am .. then whats up ohh SCREEN CAP DIS! POST FOR SAT 2AM oki -


Above 10k non is okay
>Above 10k non is okay
Above 10k non is okay
>Above 10k non is okay
Above 10k non is okay
>Above 10k non is okay
Above 10k non is okay
>Above 10k non is okay
Above 10k non is okay
>Above 10k non is okay
Above 10k non is okay
>Above 10k non is okay


Be real
It was 6k to almost 12k. 100% gotta trace back dawgs!
No worries the Ellen is buying!

skimpletongs spam this

A. non say
around 12k

b. not dump

see op

Too obvious. I will go to 10200 to make people short and lose hope, only to start rising again.

10200-10300 also is an important line apparently, a lot of heavy support and resistance were around that price.

how are you this stupid? you're like those guys that talk to someone with a faint Chinese accent or something, and constantly screams "WHAT?", "WHAT?", "WHAT?" when everyone else can understand exactly what they're saying.

The problem isn't with the language, its with your ability to interpret. Even if someone explained it you still wouldn't be able to understand the message.

1 day


skimp skimp

IT* will go.

This Oracleguy is wrong

DarkTrip was in here saying it was going to crash and he was right. He called it 45 mins before it happened.

yeah, darknigger, you forget to quote the other 100 times you called it and nothing happened just like omegafaggot and yet you are worse because you cant even open your own theards

When I say *call* I mean he put money down in a rising market.
Actually money. His liquidation point was 12K standing to lose 10s of thousands of dollars/pounds/euros whatever. Real money, instead of all this TA crap The Oracle gives us.

How is it possible you are more annoying than the incessant BRAAP and pink Wojaks?



it okay darknigger



Oracle saved non from selling 8k

Non thankful

If 10k broken

Non safe to sell?

When rebuy?

I trust Z.

like .001 btc


Nice id, why do you hate NEO?
Also, where can I find anyone who said this correction was due? Anyone to follow on TradingView?

Honest advice, sell the next bounce or now. This is going to collapse really fast if it's a bull trap. You can tell the change in tone in Oracle's post that he knows something is different.