Who else only lost money in crypto here?
down 35k this month fuck u guys u told me i would b rich
seeing people complaining about not cashing out on their 10x and are now only 3x, meanwhile im 60% below initial investment
My crypto is up 3 times but i still haven't cashed out anything, so yeah so far i lost money.
Went from 10k to 600k, now at 180k and genuinely suicidal. Don't know how you're coping.
You should of took your profits by mid January at the latest because now nearly all altcoins are in the red now. Now you have to pray the next bull run comes if ever.
haven't bought crypto with fiat since BTC was sub $600 comfy af regardless of what happens in the next few months
Currently I'm >99% below my initial investment. Crypto took everything I put into it.
what did you idiots buy
I'll be in the positive until bitcoin falls back to $1k
down 14k overall and I've never been up more than a couple grand. invested in good projects, holding to the end no point in selling like a bitch. if crypto fails spectacularly it will be the defining failure of the millenial and younger generation. i truly believe this is the chance for this group to make their mark, like older millenials and gen x did with the startup rush of a few years ago. too much momentum for it to flame out
Everyone who invested around the 9th of January (when the crash started) to now has only lost money. Unless they randomly bought in around Feb 6th when the market started recovering. Making gains from crypto has become nothing but a meme. People who were invested before either cashed out and are laughing at us right now or held through the crash and are still down 50% from their ATH or even more.
Invested around $4k in the last 6 months of so and down around $1k not too worried as I didn't put in money I was afraid to lose and can see it easily rising up higher. Main fuck up was buying Raiblocks at like $20
I'm upset i didnt cash out at 20x and now im 10x
Imagine tethering up when you were at 20x and buying back in now. When you're back at 20x you would've already been at 40x. Instead you're just treading on the place with the constant up/down-cycle we're in.
>earned $110 ETH from mining
>put into coinbase
>have $890 in coinbase
>decide to buy 1 whole ETH
>have $890 worth of ETH when wake up
Fucking kill me
thread is ONLY lost money in crypto dumbfucks
try reading
really surprised you are losing money btw
DarkTrip made about $50K so far, last time I asked him he still had the position open.
How fucking retarded do you have to be for this to happen? I literally took all my money out of the bank opened Veeky Forums for 30 seconds saw link posted 10 times, didn't research shit, and went all in and i've profited.
How is that possible? Did you buy bitconnect or something?
about 10% below my Initial investment at the moment. Was at -55% at the lowest point
>I invested randomly into a shitcoin that just happened to randomly go up afterwards
>I must be a genius
Bought ETH at 965. Where the fuck is muh flippening. Also bought VEN but I think that'll work out with the rebrand soon
I stopped looking at how much all my stacks are worth after q1 of January, so I don't care cause although I know I'm down, in that time I've managed to seriously increase my stack of link, & consolidate my other coins into the choices I intend to hold for a year at least now. I'm actually pretty excited. I believe in all the coins & hold & am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next 12-18 months. Just consolidate your holdings into good coins, delete your blockfolio or just watch the coins you own if you must know the price every 5 seconds, & you'll be alot happier.
I got in very late, a lot of my money got used in paying fees which is credibly annoying. Imagine losing $500 in fees alone, not counting how much I pay in crypto fees when I move stuff off an exchange, it's ridiculous. I'm hoping as more exchanges start popping up the old ones get forced to reduce their fees to stay competitive
I lost $1k as of right now you failed abortion. Learn to read
Who the fuck takes $500 in fees? Please tell me you didn't use Coinbase.
>Be me
>Go on autistic crypto hivemind
>Read autistic shilling
>Invest in LINK
>Make money
What can i say i'm basically a genius, thank you.
Yes, congrats. You randomly timed it perfectly as it seems. There are a lot of timeframes in which you would've only lost money with LINK.
Went from $300 at beginning of Jan down to 150 Where's my fucking lambo biz
Maybe one day you'll have a big brain like me and follow the tides of the hivemind instead of thinking your individual intuitions can lead you through.
>buying kikecoin
What the fuck were you thinking?
No even coinbase would have been better, I've been buying from iqoptions because it's one of the few sites that lets people from the caribbean buy crypto with a debit card.
I tried bitstamp and I've been stuck getting verified for almost a month. I did manage to get verified on kraken but I can't do wire transfers yet. I've been waiting 2 weeks for my bank to let me do wire transfers online, once I do that then I'll use kraken to buy crypto but until that happens I have nowhere else to buy.
down 35% from initial investment right now, down 50% at the lowest point.
>bought in around $16k in mid January
I think the only way I could've timed this worse was to buy a month earlier.
We weren't talking about you. The rest of us will be rich, but someone has to buy our bags.
Went from 325K down to about less than 100K.
Not too bad. All in ICX. Meh. It should atleast come back to what it was by EOY. I'm going to fucking cash out this time and not be stuck bagholding.