Why arent you vegan yet?
Why arent you vegan yet?
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Whats going on here?
That's fucked up and I love it
Looks like someone stapled bits to a piggy carcass to make it look like an elephant.
I wonder what the ears and trunk are, looks fatty and delicious.
I hope they're gonna eat that and not just waste it.
Pig ears and cheeks are delicious.
I'm not vegan yet because I really couldn't care less about animal suffering, I question whether or not animals are capable of suffering as we understand it, and I believe the worst human being to ever exist is still a more valuable life than the noblest animal.
I find too many people suffer from delusions about how animals behave in the wild, and are often unable to separate their instinctual desire to protect and value beings they perceive as being cute from their practical value.
Once society fixes how it treats humans, then it will have earned the right to tell me how to treat other animals. Until then, fuck you.
>tfw day drinking and a random pink elephant appears on my screen
“The only excursion of my life outside of New Orleans took me through the vortex to the whirlpool of despair: Baton Rouge"
> eat raw meat
> tastes good
> nothing bad happens unless parasites
> eat raw beans, mushrooms
> die of poisoning
> eat raw rice, oatmeal, any grain
> tastes bad, also get tetanus and salmonella
Salad for brains, not even once.
E coli and salmonella are parasites?
>I question whether or not animals are capable of suffering as we understand it
That's because you're a retard
>and I believe the worst human being to ever exist is still more valuable than the noblest animal
Actually think of the implications of what you're saying and realize how unbelievably retarded it sounds
>once society fixes how it treats humans
Like not being psychopathic retards that would save a serial killer over any fucking racoon? Your issue is far more complex than simply abstaining from industrial animal farming
I'm not a little bitch and accept animals die for food, even I don't eat them myself.
>you're literally filled and covered with bacteria
>you're eating them and they're eating you, digesting you and shitting you out and you eat their shit
>every step you take kills hundreds of creatures
>posted from your iPad made by dying Chinese children slaving 18 hours a day
Man fucking sec. This is coming from a guy at uga
No. They're your friends
The thing with Veganism is that you cannot preach it. People will just ridicule you and come up with absurd arguments.
I was one of these people, until I found my own reasons to pursue veganism (I have a severe skin condition called sebhorric dermatitis).
Since I have become a vegan, my skin is so much better, I can actually step outside without people staring at me now.
An attempt to make an elephant...haha
>That's because you're a retard
No, that's because I don't have the requisite narcissism to automatically assume anything with a brain functions the same as us despite mountains of evidence to the contrary because it's conceptually easy.
>Actually think of the implications of what you're saying and realize how unbelievably retarded it sounds
Thought about it, not retarded. A serial killer has the potential to be reformed and live to better society as a whole, at least partially repaying their debt. An individual raccoon can't ever better itself or promote any positive change to the world. It has no agency, and is a beast. Best case scenario, it's descendants will eventually die out or overpopulate local biomes pushing other creatures to extinction.
>Like not being psychopathic retards that would save a serial killer over any fucking racoon? Your issue is far more complex than simply abstaining from industrial animal farming
Argument from absurdity, strawman.
>literally just got your gif from a walking sprite thread on /v/
go back to your /b/-lite board, newfag, and never return
Exactly what I was thinking.
Tastes good, I don't really care about farm animals happiness and shit and I won't die from it in the short term, it's likely I will either die of an accident or end myself before I have issues related to eating meat. The only reason that would make me stop eating it would be some disease like .
>Pump meat full of antibiotics
>Humans eat said meat
>In turn Bacteria becomings resistant to anti-biotics
>Super bacteria kills us all
Thanks a lot carnists. I hope your KFC nigger bucket was worth the complete and total extinction of the human race.
>requisite narcissism
Its called a basic fucking understanding of biology you fucking dumbass, your stupid claims of contrary are utterly non-existent
>a serial killer has more potential to be be reformed
This is why you're a fucking utter retard. You either admit you made a useless hyperbole or admit you're actually this fucking deluded
>argument from absurdity
Literally your argument you stupid fuck
Because I have zero veganism ingrained in my genetics. Completely changing your diet more than halfway through life is fucking retarded.
Unless your family has been vegan for 1000+ years, fuck off and stop preaching bullshit.
meh not my problem
won't even have children either so they don't gotta fret over it
You are a pretentious nitwit.
I am for sure going to start saying nigger bucket now, thank you so much
>A serial killer has the potential to be reformed
oh he was right, you are just retarded
>Its called a basic fucking understanding of biology you fucking dumbass, your stupid claims of contrary are utterly non-existent
I'll go ahead and wait for you to explain how "basic biology" proves other mammals experience complex emotional constructs like "suffering" (it'll be a long wait)
>This is why you're a fucking utter retard. You either admit you made a useless hyperbole or admit you're actually this fucking deluded
It isn't hyperbole. Humans first. Always. No matter what. I don't care if we kill every single other living thing on this planet as long as we find a way to survive it ourselves. By the way, this is exactly what drives every other living thing. We're just smart enough to understand it.
Maybe you should look up what Argument from Absurdity is.
Just because they probably won't be reformed doesn't mean that they can't, or won't be able to sometime in the future if/when we understand brain chemistry better.
edgy m8
you're extremely pretentious and you're displaying a stupidly rudimentary understanding of basically everything you're talking about. you're what, 16 years old? You've been browsing Veeky Forums for month or two and read like two pages of whatever hot meme philosopher you saw on the front page before giving up? This is the type of person you convey yourself as. And you wonder why nobody in real life wants to be your friend. It's because you're that moron who (incorrectly) acuses people of logical fallacies because you think someone calling you a fucking dumbass is then attempting to debate your infallible logic when in reality they're actually trying to tiptoe around you similarly to how they would tiptoe around a steaming pile of dogshit that they'd rather not step in.
because meat is fucking delicious
>wahhhh animals r cute and helpless
>people bad, animals better
>me not wrong, u dumbass
That's what you sound like.
Your argument is literally "what!?" as if your opinion is the obvious truth and based on anything besides your feelings.
Go back to tumblr and make a blogpost about how triggered you are.
that was my first post in the thread, lol i eat meat. just pointing out how much of a pretentious faggot you are
dude... triggers belong to guns, and guns are bad. Your use of "triggered" triggers me. You also made me quote you, and thats sorta like rape.
Because I'm a bloodthirsty monster, you kek
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Because I was born with front facing eyes and pointed teeth in my face
Because my vegan gf just dumped me.