Can we do something about the reddit problem?

can we do something about the reddit problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying I care about normies

>muh secret club
people from reddit come here to find memes, that's absolutely fine with me, I know they cant take the culture around here, so thats a plus

Streissand effect says no

its absolutely disgusting how those idoits talk over there.

i just don't get why they take shit from here there? Is karma that important?

>Just do what you enjoy senpai
>You just need 20 gorillions from working at finance first

No, they come here for """insider""" info (read larps).
Veeky Forums retards post something on leddit in hopes that LINK moves 10% so they can finally dumps their bags and then fellow ledditors ask where did he find this """insider""" info and they forward them to Veeky Forums.

I don't give a fuck about reddit but this made me cringe

Pump in 1 hour. Join in now.

goo dot gl/7ixGXd

you fucking caused this, tards

truly living up to his username



Thanks for the bounty user, have fun talking with the burger parliament

>silly bastards
>being this much of a faggot

Thing is, he's not wrong. Yesterday I watched as bunch of LITERAL crazed autists desperately search for the exact shirt some fat programmer was wearing at a computer game conference the other weekend. And the crazy bastards not only found it, but then proceeded to buy out the entire online supply.

"Best crypto discussion"
this guy is really selling it huh

I dont like sharing my tendies

>Veeky Forums
>best crypto discussions
>half of the board consist of LINK empowerment and price prediction threads
>let me tell you about muh sekrit klub don't forget to upboat
It's like this board isn't shit enough so lets invite literal dumb fucks, juke nuke this board already

i dont even know wtf ELI5 is


reddit is a jewish creation - not even joking.

dude this is nothing compared to half the shit you faggots post here. Keep in mind that a shit ton of you were having a bitch fit looking for sergeys shirt.

have an upboat mister

reddit is fucking gay. it's a fucking gay leftist stormtrooper cancer organ. they grind it all day producing the dumbest shit imaginable, the lowest common denominator shit
everything reddit does is so faggy it makes my head spin
it is one big moronic exercise in faggot groupthink

jews didnt create this but they do now own it.

If you don't use reddit, then how the fuck did you find out? What a massive faggot.

it makes LINK look retarded

i go on there because shit gets stale here some times and i want to laugh at them

>link 1000$ EOY magic is broken by reddit
>we are cursed to perpetual downtrend
>never ever making it

lol he deleted his account

>it makes LINK look retarded
Yup, THIS is what makes link look retarded. nothing else folks, just posting /biz threads on reddit is what makes link look retarded. Absolutely nothing else

he must have been lurking

>once your skin turns purple pink. lol

I literally hate reddit so god damn much, they poison every community with their fucking pleb tier idealistic crap that is actually completely immoral and satanic:

"everybody can make it"
"DAE buy their wife jewellery w/ bitcoins?"
"we need to use crypto to help africa"
"i'm an anarcho-communist-syndicalist and i believe the future of crypto is community driven xxxxxxx"

Fucking sapes.

I want to see at least 10 neets wear that shirt together and get it autographed by sergey at sxsw

It literally does

top kek, I'm just imagining Sergey's face along with the co-founder of docusign when they see that shit.
>what the fuck have I done

You're the idiot if you subscribe to fanboyism over something as silly as a website.

You don't get to determine who comes to this website. That only makes you look like an asshole.

Also, \biz\ would do well to borrow the good parts from Reddit. This includes a strong community, ending negativity, and banning racism/hate/discrimination for good.

It pisses me off so much when I see people talk negatively about Jews or PoC. I report every single one, but the admins don't do anything.

remove the "strong community" part and touch up the end a little and you'll have some pretty decent bait

For every problem, there is a Final solution.

Wow. So common sense is bait/a troll now.

Fuck this website sometimes seriously.

>shilling biz on reddit
what the fuck

just fucking leave normies

some smart user once proposed to post shit they cant handle to keep them away, gore, cp and shit, so biz should be basically a red board


nah, i'll leave the strong community in the next time i post this, and i'm pretty sure this is bait tho

>can we do something about the reddit problem?
can we all downvote that thread?

That would be the crowning glory of biz - the attainment of true full retardation

Holy fuck I hate whoever the fuck is doing that.
Fuck you nigger. Such a shame gook moot bans gore spam.


Probably the most jewish faggot shit I've read on this board today. 6/10

fuck you nigger

>also, 100% of r*dditors browse Veeky Forums
Wouldn't be surprised. This board has turned to complete shit in the last 6 months.

I post there

Who cares half the people there are Veeky Forumstards

This is 8/10 b8 right here boys

nice bait nigger

Both communities suck ass for their own reasons. I feel sorry for your mothers



or break off /crypto/


stealing this pasta


How will mocking Sergay out in the field help him in any way? It can only damage the entire enterprise.