Favorite youtube chefs?
I find Chef John helpful along with Vahchef and Chef Buck.
Favorite youtube chefs?
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Best Chef John
Worst Laura Vitale
cooking in russia
She's attractive. Voice is too shrill. She is a good cook though
Bruno Albouze, by far
give her the ol' jizza jizza
>sexualizing chef john
its disturbing because i never considered it. you are a dark, disturbed man
Chef John is fantastic but he's really been running out of steam as of late.
He occasionally has his down times, but every now and then he has a few great recipes in a row
i dunno, i get you but a lot of his stuff is like accessible classic recipes that would normally take long, but he simplifies. if anything, he is the greatest starting point to cooking seriously.
The one and only
So juicy!
>Freakishly small fingernails
Merrill Howard Kalin taught me everything I know about cooking
STOP bullying Laura RIGHT NOW
Henry's Kitchen is the only option.
>that shit eating grin.
I love Bruno. Wonder how much of his camp is intentional or just by accident.
His mom died a little bit ago so he's probably just been dealing with that.
Ive been on a kick lately watching Gordon clips on line, f word all that.
food wishes is p good, Ive only made one recipe, the fondant potatoes, but they came out really good.
No, what are you going to do about it?
Bruno Albouze is the GOAT youtube chef. Chef John is fantastic and there are quite a few other good ones but no one comes close to Bruno.
He was running out of steam long before that
>janitors trying to suppress Ja/ck/
It's like fighting the tide
>I love Bruno. Wonder how much of his camp is intentional or just by accident.
He clearly hams it up, but a lot of it is just his French accent coming through.
>some pepperRRRRRrr
Can't go wrong with Jacques Pepin but you'll have to track his video because it's not like has a channel. Dude's a culinary legend with tons of tricks to teach.
wa la
>find VahChef
>holy fuck this is the best Indian food I've ever made
>VahChef stops uploading for a while
>comes back
>now has no hair and is literally a JUST version of what he once was
Honestly I still haven't gotten over it.
>holy fuck this is the best Indian food I've ever made
Not like that's saying much
Better watch that lip, bud.
Chef Juan as well, he's the man. I always enjoy.
You can't not read it in his voice. Fak u man. Sexualizing my best youtuber is over the line.
I like Helen Rennie a lot but she doesn't upload very often.
I wonder if you guys know about this guy. He has like 6 years of video activity on youtube. Awesome piece of work, yet no one knows about him.
His channel is called Frankie cooks.
that's it. I can see what's she going for with that fucking prison style neutraloaf, but that garnish made me slightly vomit in my mouth. At least I belive half digested margheritta pizza tasted better than this shit.
one more.
love how he allways explains the dish. Goes in details about every step, the fragrance of his ingredients, sometimes even a bit of history of the dish. Also his brother composes background music to every single video, so it's real work of art.
You can't really put someone like Frank to one category with "chef" Jack and his fucking toad tongue.
it's just a shitty silicone ring from dollarstore or am I missing something? You can do better job with onion ring.
>he undercooked the white holy shit.
also why does he use so much oil on nonstick pan? It's swimming in the stuff.
You can literally wipe the pan with paper towel and a tiniest amount of lard and the food won't stick to it even if you want it to.
Stevescooking streaming right now
>mfw fresshhhhhhly ground black pepper
>mfw the oolllllll tappa tappa
>mfw you are the ______ of your ________
>the oooold shake-a shake-a
I pray every night that some cosmic force would give you types of people inoperable cancer.
like multiple types all at one that leave you and your immediate family in a state of financial and emotional ruin.
Are you ok, user-chan?
CookingInRussia to impress other people who are into cooking
bruno albouze to impress the ladies
chef john to impress the normies
thats all you need t b h
jewish uncircumcised wat?
old man cooking. so comfy
Papadesuyo is pretty alright.
any other answer is just a jackfag in denial
it's good to be king
I made John's demi-glace and it turned out great. Worth the trouble.
Please, kill yourself.
Offer your body for his next cooking video to discrete your body the way it deserves to be.
I'll make sure he discretes me just like I deserve, professor butthurt
CookingInRussia is somewhat underrated because people probably expect him to play up the I AM RUSSIAN gimmick or something based on the name, but it's a great channel focused on practical cooking. Both Chef John and Bruno Albouze are legit professionals and it comes through their style.
kinda hard to understand at times, though
>mfw watching him dip fingers in boiling oil to help flip fish and not even wincing
>mfw ja/ck/ is now a /tv/ meme because he isnt allowed on Veeky Forums
I don't know what the context here is, but if it was about, say, cognac in stroganoff, the commenter is a fucking retard.
The alcohol wouldn't remain, only the taste of it.
>not allowed on Veeky Forums
Yet somehow shows up on at least 25% of the threads I've seen...
if your fingers are wet you don't get burned.
the more you know
I ended up making the beef jerky recipe. Tasted better than store bought, and cheeper to boot.
Let's hope he and his little fag fans stay there.
hehehe... nope!
well shit. thanks.
Post a link to one of his videos.
>no greg
I just want to protect that smile
tfw no frankie bf to cook italian food for you in a small but comfy NYC apartment
life is suffering
He's not a dedicated cooking channel, but everything on Cooking with Boris looks pretty good, even buterbrod. youtube.com
>begging for easily accessible links
well ok, faggot, if you really want to get in on the circle Jack I think his jello cheese salad is the best starting point. What would Ramsay say if he saw this shit am I right?
Greg's hilarious