>You have 10 seconds to defend why you still use microwaves afters its been confirmed its linked with cancer
You have 10 seconds to defend why you still use microwaves afters its been confirmed its linked with cancer
quick and easy
i want to die anyway
not true
and your tone sounds a bit appliancist
Fucking EVERYTHING gives you cancer these days. Seriously, stop caring and live a little.
I did a year abroad without a microwave. I actually prefer reheating food in a wok or skillet. Sure it takes a little longer, but I think it tastes better.
>tfw now I exclusively use a microwave because I want to die
but I don't even have one
citation needed faggot
hahah why trust the britbongs when they can't even decide if they want to be in the eu
>>You have 10 seconds to defend why you still use microwaves afters its been confirmed its linked with cancer
there is no other way to heat up my dindin
It makes frozen stuff hot in 2 minutes. I'm probably missing the point.
If I'm at work I'll reheat my shit in a pan or wok, but fucking cleaning and drying my pan at home for fucking leftovers
>its linked
Fuck off retard
I'm just gonna shoot myself eventually. nice trips btw
my man
>Microwave ovens don’t make foods radioactive. They just heat them. Microwave ovens heat food by producing radiation which is absorbed by water molecules in the food. This makes the water molecules vibrate and produce heat, which cooks the food.
Any modern day microwave oven in good condition is perfectly safe as long as you follow the instructions for use. If you use a microwave oven in the correct way there is no known harmful effect on humans. But people still tend to worry. Understanding the different types of radiation may help to reassure you that cooking in a microwave is not dangerous and won’t cause cancer.
Cuz I Fuckin love popcorn
trips confirm microwaves steal your apostrophes and make you greentext
Did you not see my heaven trip??
i like the convenience of cooking my hot dog in less than a min
I still go on this website. Same thing.
Nah i have a wood stove heat gun gas ring so dont need it i found microwaves slow as shit
You guys know a oven does the same thing just takes 3-5 mins longer
Stop being impatient fattys
I don't care.
>You have 10 seconds to defend why you still use cell division afters its been confirmed its linked with cancer
Different cooking method all together.
>You guys know a oven does the same thing
Ovens excite water molecules using a ported 2.4Ghz radio wave?
>takes 3-5 mins longer
kekasauruas undercooked
>microwave: 30 seconds to two minutes
>oven: fifteen to thirty minutes
Ain't got that kind of time nigga
Because it's 100x better than boiling vegetables. Keeps more of the vitamins
Steaming vegetables is where it's at.
> is perfectly safe as long as you follow the instructions for use
Huh... how else are you going to use a microwave?
>hahah why trust the britbongs when they can't even decide if they want to be in the eu
U wot m8
Where the fuck is the correlation?
I'm gonna get cancer from the microwave so I gotta use my time wisely
in ur mum m8
incidentally, quick and easy is how I want to go
It's the cancer which makes it taste better. The Maillard reaction is the real cancer, any heat source >100 degrees is cancer ... delicious cancer.
I don't own a microwave so why are you implying I have one you stupid shtskined cocksucking niggerlover?
>source: some homeopath pooinloo con artist who writes in my alt medicine rag that I read while pulling coconut oil and waiting for my almonds to activate
put in oven at 225F for 30 mins while wrapped in foil. There are other ways. Put in a ziploc bag and boil it until hot if you like it mushy. Deep fry it at around 325F oil for 5 minutes. Put in a toaster oven at around 325F and flip it about every 5 minutes until the center is hot. Let it lay in the sun on a black car hood or blacktop driveway for 4 hours.
Only use it to reheat pizza 2bh.
shut up faggot boy their are literally hunderds of study's that objectivly prove what im saying
what do their own
There's a hundred thousand studies that objectively prove you're a big stupid baby I don't have to cite them either
"Their" is possessive. Their car. Their dog. Their children. They own those things.
"There" is a place. I saw my keys over there earlier. I've been there several times. I drove there and back in under 10 minutes.
"They're" is "they are" They're going to come over for the holidays. They're whining about my post. They're making a pizza.
One time I saw their dog eating over there and they're all just standing around watching it so I said to them "Hey, why don't you go stop your dog from eating your plants or you're going to regret it"
Exactly man listen to this genius, why use a modern marvel like a microwave when you can heat your burrito on top of the hood of your car over the course of four hours. Or put it on your driveway!!!!
Fuck this board man
They said there are no other ways to cook it beside a microwave. I was simply stating there are other ways to warm it up. What is wrong with that?
Same reason I smoke, Mr. Trips.
Fast and easy.
Nothing wrong with your post, he's just autistic and read into it too much.
No seriously, pot method burns some of the butter
It sounds like your pot may be thin and thus prone to hotspotting.
also, butter burns at a relatively low temperature due to the milk solids it in. It makes more sense to pop the kernels in oil, then add the butter later as a topping.
I wan't to die.
I see, I usually just scraped the contents of a microwavable pouch inside.
I believe that a couple of decades from now someone will make a madman style tv show based on our time and they will look at the microwave and think
>holy shit, did they really really used that thing? Damn. So reckless and stupid.
There are hundreds of studies that microwaves cause cancer, however your average microwave doesn't produce a level that is known to be cancer-causing, it produces non-ionizing radiation, so it's unable to cause cancer, stop believing every 'natural' magazine or website you see.
>he doesn't clarify his butter when cooking
It's worse than that, user. He's not even using actual butter. He's scraping the crap out of a microwave bag.
Gotta heat up muh food at work niqqa
i want to die
My girlfriend's family never had a microwave, so when we first started seeing each other she let slip that she thought pic related were in fact, small chips.
We don't have a microwave in our current house, we did in a previous place, but our kitchen is pretty small and we can easily live without it - sometimes I miss the convenience, but I think it helps to promote good habits, rather than just going for the easy option of getting a ready meal and throwing it in the microwave for 6 minutes.
microwaves are seriously fucking underrated. they're fucking killer for cooking vegetables in their own steam and i use them to make fucking killer soups with practically no work in less than 10 mins. it's also fucking good for precooking potatoes for making chips or roasties cause it dries out the surface. there's tons of applications of microwaves and if you're scared of radiation well son i wouldn't go near that infrared death box that is your oven
to be fair i would've thought the same
yes chips are fries to brits but the micro just makes me think small
the box to me was enough to give it away
Putting metal in it and making it explode, for instance? People are stupid
If your microwave can kill you, your wifi definitely will.