I'll start
>Great taste
>Improves anything
>Used by ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, Greeks
>Few calories, lots of nutrients
>Reduce blood pressure
>Combat common cold
>Keeps (((vampires))) at bay
>Strengthens bones
Can you name a more based veggie?
Post based vegetables
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's red
>the nazi flag was red
>it's tasty af
I can think of several boards that would have been appropriate you cuck
Sage for obvious shill thread but I'm allergic to garlic so you can fuck right the hell off
PS: Butternut squash is best veggie.
Pick one amerifat
Nice public education
Pork is the best veggie, it keeps the muslims and Jews away it also contains vital proteins and lipids for energy.
2nd most based veggie
>With 1 onion Napoleon conquered Eurocucks
>Tasty and bold
>Keeps roasties at bay
>Has layers
>A nukes equivalent in power and nutrients
Red pepper, cause you can use it on almost any dish.
>Brussels sprouts
>The very smell repels child minded leftists
>Only eaten by mature adults
>Tasty as fuck, especially with mustard
>Lots of fiber and vitamin C
Red Capsicum
Those aren't onions.
>inb4 shrek meme
Garlic is also super-easy to grow, and you can do cool shit with it like make a pultice out of it thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
Reminder that veggies are for the white man
Is this what we've come to?
wait...are you choosing sage as your vegetable?
god i know! a food/cooking board talking about vegetables!?
easily red bell pepper tho
Bell peppers are my shit. Hated them for a while based on smell, tasted them now they're gr8 m8
pure health, pure vitality