What is your preferred peanut butter and why? Pic related is mine, because:

1. It's natural. Doesn't taste like marshmallows or cream cheese, but like peanuts.
2. It spreads easily while still avoiding being a literal paste or cream, like most popular peanut butters are. It's like, just, mashed peanuts with some natural peanut-y oil to give a spreadable consistency.
3. It has actual peanuts in it. Yum, yum.


you are criticizing these things about modern peanut butters like extra taste and better consistency, without realizing that they are improvements

I go for postmodern peanut butters

Well that's your opinion. I said "PREFERRED" peanut butter, as in your personal opinion on what is the best peanut butter TO YOU. If you like "modern" peanut butter, as you call it (It might be the more modern style Idfk about the history of peanut butter), then that's fine. I'm just saying this is my favorite and why. And you're supposed to post your favorite and why... Like I did... But now my thread is ruined probably. :-((

Eh i actually tried this and it was awful. Its not easily spreadable by the way. At all. I couldn't even get it out of the jar when i tried unless i left it out for an hour since it requires refrigeration.

It's easily spreadable for me, you must not have mixed it? You have to mix natural PB because of the oil separating to the top of the jar. and it doesn't require refrigeration.

It says on the jar to refrigerate it. If that werent the case it would be fine im sure and spreading it might be easier. But it does say to do so.

I get the fresh ground stuff at my grocery store's bulk section. But I usually go for the almond butter over peanut butter.

You need to mix it before refrigerating it.

I love you

It still gets hard.

You just gotta work it a bit move it up and down what else are you supposed to do when it gets hard

I ate that peanut butter for a while, but it seems too dry and pasty, probably because the bread soaks up the oil. It's good for making peanut sauces though, when you really don't want the sugar.

For sandwiches though I like the typical peanut butter with extra fat and sugar, but the low sugar varieties. Otherwise it's too sweet.

I'm not getting a picture but the jif natural. It's the most naturaly you can get without oil separation or requiring refrigeration.

I usually microwave it. I'm just saying it's a nuisance sometimes.

I'm really into PB2 right now.

It's peanut butter in powdered form. Just add water to make peanut butter. You could also use the powder itself as a topping, or somehow use it while cooking.

Also has less fat & calories than conventional peanut butter. This is a major plus to me. Despite the significantly reduced fat, it still tastes amazing.

You can also control the texture. Make it as thick as you want. You could even make it runny if that's what you're into. If you're the kind of person who refrigerates his peanut butter (I believe some brands even require it), you've probably had peanut butter go hard on you before. This is a non-issue with PB2.

I fucking love PB2.

Too futuristic for me. Like, what could that powder be made of? Idk, just doesn't seem right to me... I like the fat in peanut butter, it fills you up easily and peanuts are good for you also. But if you like strange mutating powders then, so be it. :-)

>Like, what could that powder be made of?


>Like, what could that powder be made of

Literally peanuts and sugar...

>Like, what could that powder be made of? Idk, just doesn't seem right to me
>strange mutating powders

"natural" PB like this just tastes like peanuts. I'd rather just eat peanuts and not consume the extra fat.

Seems like peanut butter without fat would be too starchy, and having less calories doesn't inherently make something better.

I can see how it would be good for a few applications though, like peanut chicken stuffed pastry or something like that where the oil in regular peanut butter would make the pastry soggy.

>low fat, wonderfully healthy
>has more sugar than the average peanut butter that already has sugar added

yeah the oil separation is what ruins this line of PB for me

lol dont tell me your to so stuped u actuelly believe what they put on packidges

I only eat Kraft nigguh

Yeah, I forget if I saw it first on Veeky Forums or somewhere else, but since trying PB2, I haven't switched back to regular. I like to mix a bit of cinnamon with mine sometimes. Fucking awesome

pic related??? if not, what other store has that?

Well done, you fucking spastic.