How do they make it taste SO FUCKING GOOD

How do they make it taste SO FUCKING GOOD

the white girl drink

It tastes bad. Is this marketing.

Place I worked has what me and the manager call a "white girl sandwich" hand pressed baguette, turkey, brie, green apple slices and fig spread, warmed in an oven, shit tasted like sugary anus

I tried it while trying to stop drinking soda and it fucking hooked me. I don't know why.

The ingredients are on the side of the bottle.
Maybe start the investigation there?

Peach is the only one I like.

Hit and miss

I like the orange tangerine one, the strawberry watermelon gives me PTSD from ripping shots of Watermelon Burnette's in my freshman dorm, fucking putrid

Others are pretty average

I don't know, but I'm glad someone else likes them. My favourite is Kiwi Strawberry

Carbonation with flavor

Same reason I'm addicted to seltzer now

what the fuck it tastes so bad, too watery.

Drank this stuff most of the time, but t-bh kinda grew tired of it. Only ones I mostly like are the tea flavors and peach lemonade.

>static gif

If you're going to shill a shitty carbonated beverage, at least choose a better picture.

>shitty artificially flavored trash
>not lacroix


Some flavors taste like poorly disguised sewage, but some like kiwi strawberry, or cherry lime taste just fine.

They use my cum.

>land whale detected

Why don't you just drink carbonated water without weird tasting and probably expensive flavours? Don't you "like the taste of water" or something?

For some reason, these taste good at first, but make me feel kind of sick as I continue drinking them.

jesus OP I was just about to make this same exact thread, ice is BASED

>zero calories but no artifical sweetener flavor
>dat fizz
>biotin gains


Almost considered this post lads, discarded.

Water is a really ineffective chaser for the shitty cheap vodka I drink.

Has that disgusting "sugar free" aftertaste. I never choose this over any other drink.

god that sounds good, maybe minus the turkey its a bit off putting

for me its the red ones I tell you my friends it taste just like mountain dew code red!

Artificial sweetener

>no artificial sweetener
>sucralose is one of the main ingredients
enjoy your alzheimers chaps

this shit gives me migraines

you can get alzheimers from sleeping wrong
so you're fucked either way

dsd receiver here

>zero sugar alternative to soft drinks
>literally one dollar

Beer distributors usually carry Sparkling Ice, so stores are more likely to have every flavor stocked at any time. It's a strong marketing plan as it's always accompanied by a "10/$10.00" sale. My store goes through roughly 15-20 cases of these a week.