I wanna drink the purest, cleanest water I can

I wanna drink the purest, cleanest water I can.

I drink tap water now, but that shits full of limescale, chalk and all sorts in my area in southern UK.
I don't like bottled water since you can taste the plastic and I read somewhere that the plastic used in water bottles can give off some sort of estrogen hormones into the water from the plastic, if left for a while.

I remember when I was little and I was visiting family in the country in Ireland. We were walking a huge herd of sheep from one place to another across all these fields and rocky areas. We stopped at a house of this guy my uncle knew and he lifted up this huge slab of rock covering a well, jumped down into it standing on a ledge and scooped up a cup of water for us all.
That was the cleanest and best water I've ever tasted, it was sweet and almost nourishing. If I had water of that quality on tap I'd drink only that since it was so nice. Can only imagine how good that water would be for you too.

I know I'm not gonna find water of that quality, but how can I drink better water that's gonna taste better and be better for me than the shit that comes out of taps or bottles?

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Man, I know what you mean. When I was a little boy I had a dog named Sparky. He was a damn good dog and only shit on the carpet once but that was because I fed him barbecue sauce as a joke. He used to hang out under the stairs in our geranium room because he liked the smell. Sparky died from a seizure one day in his sleep. He was the best friend I could ever ask for. I still buy geraniums and leave them on his grave every week. Thank you, Sparky.

Just buy a filter idot

Get a reverse osmosis setup, remineralize it to taste (careful about what you use here, some use "natural sources" which will just put lots of heavy metals back into the water).

>purest, cleanest water
Distilled water isn't hard to find, dude

Tastes like nothing and is honestly rather unpleasant.

Why would you assume the water you found was "pure"?

Just get a Brita

Distilled water is pretty much as pure as you get

>it was sweet and almost nourishing

Dude that is a retarded phrase, especially concerning water

You don't want "pure" distilled water. You want water from the ground and not the same place that processes your sewer systems waste. It should have minerals in it which give it at least some substance but not chlorine and all that crap to cleanse it. I am on a well and just use a simple filter attached at the house from the well line. It's like a 55 gallon blue drum looking thing with charcoal and some other crap in it. In the winter when it's really cold out and the lines are cold and the ground has been cold for a couple months there is no better water. I love it.

When I go camping in the Victorian high country/alps there's one river which I always drink from. I know what you mean man. If I could bring that shit home with me I'd fill a 1000L trailer drum with it, unfortunately as it's untreated it's completely unsafe for storage. The fact that it's so refreshing and feels good to drink, in my opinion, proves that it's the water we're supposed to be drinking.

Talk to my pal Dean Kamen, also watch Slingshot on Netflix, you can literally get water out of the same mud hole u piss in and it will be the purest shit you can get once it comes out

There was a well at my grandparents and the water from it was awful. Then again, my city is a swamp, so whatever. I sorta get what OP is saying, I'd like to drink some water like that.

Distilled water. Drink nothing other than distilled water.

maybe gramps dumped the census man in there some time before ?

He obviously means clean water that still has minerals in it.

Distilled water isn't for drinking.

My drinking glasses are exactly like that pic.

That's all I really came here to say.....

Don't do this. Distilled water isn't for drinking. It's basically "dead" water. I only use distilled water for filling my iron's steam chamber and using in my Waterpik.

>It's basically "dead" water.
Your post started out well, but then you had to say something this retarded.

Has anyone ever told you that your drinking glasses are really beautiful?

It is. It's de-mineralized. That's not really good for you, unless you suffer from kidney stones, and even then, it shouldn't be the only water you drink. Perhaps "dead" was the wrong word, but the point is clear.

No, but thanks! I like them. They look very nice on the table.

I agree. The "crisp refreshing" taste is missing in distilled water from lack of trace minerals. It tastes flat.

Confirmed. I bought a distiller a few years back and it's been amazing. Add a tiny amount of baking soda to a jug of distilled water and it's the best tasting water you'll ever drink.

This. Grew up with well water in a town where the tap water, at least at my school, tasted like old shrimp. The well water was incredibly refreshing and tasted nothing like the tap.

Now I live in a town where one of the major bottled water companies bottles their product. We have a mercury problem which makes me wonder if the stuff is adequately filtered. Doesn't make much difference to me though, never gonna buy my tap water in a bottle for 10x the price and I filter the stuff I drink at home.

Your point isn't clear at all. You didn't say anything about why it isn't healthy anywhere. Most people happen to be aware of the fact that minerals aren't living creatures.

>You didn't say anything about why it isn't healthy anywhere.

Isn't that obvious from the point about how it is lacking in minerals? In case it's not:
-nutritional deficiency due to lack of minerals
-likewise, it can fuck up the osmotic balance in your body.


that's the point user was trying to make. Though honestly, it's probably a bunch of bunk unless you're drinking demineralized water in massive quantities without food. If you are drinking water with a meal then the food will provide plenty of minerals to cancel out those problems.

Simmer down, sperggie.

Simmering distilled water is dangerous, user.

Rainwater and pure grain alcohol.

You'd agree if you tasted it.

Bud I hate to rain on your parade but sweet water isn't more pure. You probably had water from a limestone well or something like that. Its pH is basic.

>That was the cleanest and best water I've ever tasted, it was sweet and almost nourishing
clean water tastes like nothing
if you want good tasting water, find a distributor you like OR make it yourself

Just drink it out the tap you fucking nonce

When I said 'purest and cleanest' I didn't literally mean pure water as in completely free of minerals and stuff. I mean I want water that's not got all the shit tap water has in it, not contaminated by anything and is basically like drinking water from a source. Water that's had all the undesirable shit filtered out or removed and is clean in that regard.

That's a pretty shitty answer to someone who's asking for a better quality of something.
>I wanna use the finest beef for my burgers, wher-
>Just get the cheap shit in the supermarket ya big nancy.

Limescale and chalk are good for you dumbass


No worse than rain water.

Something being dead doesn't mean it's not good for you. The last time I ate chicken it was completely dead, and that was for the best.

Dude, dont you know about the benefits of eating things while they're alive? You're uninformed.

I eat all my meat from living cattle I have attacked in farmers fields. And I eat all my greens STRAIGHT FROM THE GROUND, DON'T PICK THAT SHIT BITE IT FROM THE STEM AND SWALLOW IMMEDIATELY.

>Limescale and chalk are good for you dumbass

Yeah, but who wants that crap in their cookware, coffee maker, etc?

Post sum pics of your glasses on your table please

noob, I only drink ionized water