give me your worst Veeky Forums
Spoiled/Moldy Food Thread
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Wish I had a picture....
I made a bunch of kimchi last summer, probably about 2.5 gallons in a 3 gallon pickling crock (ceramic lid just sits on top of the ceramic crock, no seal)... So anyway it was going great after like 3 days fermenting, but being summer and being that my house has like no insulation and the A/C is shit ambient temps were in the 90s and it went downhill fast. Eventually I just stuck it in a corner and forgot about it because it got bugs in it, until about 2 months later I peered inside out of curiosity...
Absolutely crawling with maggots and flies and looked and smelt like vomit. One of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
How do you fuck up that badly?
Well I guess I should have refrigerated it but it was my first time and was used to sauerkraut where it ferments for a long ass time. Also first time using the crock, didn't realize how shit it was at sealing. I've got nice thick paper plates that fit the lid perfectly and make a nice gasket now though. Currently the crock is full of rice beer. I think I accidentally contaminated it the other day when I drank some though and it formed a pellicle, but it seems to be lactobacilli and is developing a tartness so I'm gonna let it go and see what happens.
lmao, is that your moms tampon?
How did it taste?
i spent a day on the beach with friends and we had a picnic complete with hot dogs and juice and on the way back home i never threw away the fucking hots dogs and ice and some random chips and a gallon of juice in the cooler cause i was sunburnt and tired. so im forgetful and a week later i realize the foods rotting in there and it scares me so i ignore it even further until its about a month later and i open up the cooler ready to face my problems
>even the maggots died (approx 20) along with ants and flies and beetles
>i start gagging as i dump out the waste water into the storm drain in front of my house, the hot dogs liquefied once the hit the concrete
looked similar to pic related
>Dad grilled a whole lot
>Left leftovers in oven
>Forgot about it for weeks
>Open oven, rotten pig head crawling with maggots
how does he manage to not use an oven for weeks??
We eat this in México
I had a block of colby jack cheese in the fridge for about 6 months. So I threw it in the microwave for fun.
So you had something with mold on it, and you thought "I'll heat it up and spread these spores around *real good*!"
Hope you disinfected your microwave afterward.
you people disgust me
Sour Cream hmm....
gets me every time
>the sourest of them all
I have this story, when I left my house for
be close to the university. I stay in a student house where we had a common refrigerator.
>Somebody left a half chicken on a tupperware
>I left the house a few time (like three or two weeks)
>Still there the chicken
>Wait until somebody says: "It's my chicken" or something
>Pass another three weeks, nobody says a word about the chicken
>I has tired so I decided clean the tupperware (some a sour smell was inside of the refrigerator) and then take the tupperware for me
>Take a gloves and some soap and chlorine
>Take the tupperware outside of the house
>Open the tupperware and there was
liquefied chicken (even the bone)
>I throw up, cleaned the tupperware (not very well)
>I gave it to the owner of the house
>Next week I saw new food in that tupperware
Sounds like you didn't add enough salt and/or too much was exposed to oxygen. It should theoretically ferment until it's too acidic for anything else to grow.
I only do 3 day ferments though so I've never dealt with this.
>mfw he got arrested for criminal mischief for this because he caused $30,000 in damage to the house he was renting and was extradited from Minnesota
fucking hoarders are a disgusting blight on humanity
unless it's actual tupperware, you just throw the entire shit out
Is that the stinky meat project?
Fuck I read that back in high school a decade and some ago.
I stopped using my rice cooker for a month or two and forgot that I had left something in there. When I opened the lid I immediately threw up into the sink. I barely had the courage to go dump it into the woods. I bet I killed a tree.
Go back there and take a picture for us pls
yeah its stinky meat project. i still laugh whenever i think about his redneck neighbors catching him fucking around on their property with the meat
or something to that effect.
funniest thing ive seen all day
thank u for this
This thread just reminded me to clean out my fridge when I get home. I'm sure there's some moldy shit in there rotting away in the back.
take pics
>Dad grilled a whole lot
Reminded me of this
Living the dream
what was that originally?
looks like fruitcake to me
That's just your mirror, user.
Pretty sure some user posted it and asked if good cheese was still good.
*their cheese
Yeah but that wasn't the original poster of the image, just a shitposter
bought a bag of lecithine, poured some off in a smaller jar and put the rest away in a cupboard.
by the time i needed a replacement i realized that i didnt close the big bag well. What was once a yellowish powder turned into putty
I was in this thread when the guy posted this shit, it was gruyere iirc.. I know it was cheese.
Sporebro taught us about sporangiophores and the like I wonder where he is now.
My fucking brother visited a few weeks ago, and apparently took a plate up until the guest room. Was only expecting to need to change the sheets so I hadn't gone in until now.
There was a plate of abandoned meat of some sort, with mold on top.
>Well that's a bit nasty
Then when I scraped it out into the trash I saw it was full of maggots.
Never nope'd harder than that, took the entire plate out to the back deck and treated with a fuckton of bleach.
Fucking hate maggots.
Didn't mean to quote.
I think I also remember him posting something after that initial thread, in which he said his toilet backed up and overflowed. Instead of cleaning it up, he just locked the door and taped it. Eventually the floor rotted through, if my memory is correct.
This is what r9k actually does.
I don't have a pic on my phone anymore, but one time my roommate left some penne noodles in a small styrofoam container for God knows how long. I eventually found them in the back of the fridge.
They had turned and were covered in a Smurf blue mold.
Really wish I still had that pic.
rice cooker. pushing the button to pop open the lid was a mistake.
gallon of milk left in fridge for so long it became under intense pressure, was afraid to touch it, so left it.
It eventually exploded.
fuckin retard
shit man, that's a good quality rice cooker too
Fungus bro, please give us informationsss
I should clean my fridge. Lots of stuff I could share. I currently have a blender sitting on my counter with some ice cream base still from four months ago that hasn't been cleaned. I've been watching the mold grow.
My grandmother had a cot in the attic where she kept all her homemade tinned food, some big glass wine balloons and a big freezer filled with game.
By the time I came around the tins had been sitting there for 40 years (post war era) and since they were bulging we were'nt allowed to touch them. Nobody else wanted to either so people forgot after a while. They also forgot the freezer.
At some point the power to the attic was shut off.
A few years ago the tins started exploding, coating the walls with weird black fermented stuff. The explotions took the wine balloons with them and loads of liquids drained into the floor.
When we opened the door to check the carnage people suddenly remembered the freezer filled with meat. It stared at us as a sarcophagus of death among the liquids and the black goo.
My dad opened the freezer carefully to see the damage. The stench was the most horrendous thing I've ever experienced. It filled the room, hallway, and soon the entire house.
The place needed to be evacuated while a professional cleaning crew did the job for us. Curtains had to be thrown away and carpets were destroyed. I'll never forget that fucking stench.
not like it had to be thrown away....
went clamming and stored all the clams in an esky on the porch with ice.
at our fill then "forgot" about them for about a week in 85f heat.
realised our mistake, too scared to open, let it sit for another two weeks.
the smell started leaking through the closed cooler into the house if you got close enough to the wall separating them.
finally opened it. ice/clam liquids had evaporated. all that was left was a thick jelly on the bottom with hundreds of squirming worms working their way through it.
ending up burying it in the back yard.
>opening the freezer
literally punch your dad in the face for me
you're supposed to understand what happens naturally during the biological process of rotting and fermenting and carefully haul the sealed and unopened fridge off to your local dump.
It was the summer after I had graduated and became a depressed slob, and I only lived off of canned food. I barely ate one can a day, and one day I didn't finish my canned pasta. I set it down next to my desk because it was bothering my internet browsing activities. I forgot about it, then I found it a week later, and I figured that I might as well left it rot even more. I set it down and waited one more month before I took a look at it again, and it was just a cup full of pitch-black fuzz. The flies wouldn't go near it anymore
How the fuck does mold grow on hot dogs
You created a beautiful universe user :)
Nuff said
>Nuff said
I really hate that phrase. It's like overly arrogant, even for the suburban white teens who use it exclusively.
Thanks for sharing :)
Jesus fucking christ how has this guy not died from disease, infection, or fucking maggots climbing down his throat wherever the fuck he sleeps
how could you do that to a Zojirushi
>It's like overly arrogant
I really hate it when people inject the word "like" where it doesn't belong.
That's no mold, that is popcorn. It's ok to eat it. Don't waste food, dude.
I really do not understand why people think this is disgusting. I agree that the combination is far from conventional but in the end the noodles are just grain, the spices are omitted. It could be definately better but I am not throwing up in my mouth by any means.
>nuff said
But that's food gore you fuckwit, not spoiled/moldy food.
Not to mention like 90% of avid board users have seen it already.
this is how I lived at uni. Not as bad as some guys. And yeah, that's petri dishes with bacteria samples in the back.
I had some college roommates leave me a lot of trash as we all moved out. (as in we finished up, but would get fined if we left shit about). As in they left me 20 or so odd bags of shit, and in regards to the bag that broke I really wish I didn't mean literally.
I once called these people friends. Just threw the bags off the porch, fuck it. I got fined, we all got fined.
Me too. Though I cleaned my with bleach, and it was more of a dry heaving. It looked like a documentary about jungle fungi, all luminous and shit
A trip to the sink and 5 minutes of moving stuff around the desk would clear that up. Hardly the worst.
I miss halls so much
What kind of mold even is that? Looks like hominy.
I used to have a big problem keeping my room clean in uni.
Luckily I do a bit better job now
Not again
my room is almost this bad but at least i don't have a dedicated puking receptacle
allright. rotten food story time
>be me, 21yo living in dormitory with a roommate
>we are both sort of lunatics, making fun of the worst shit possible
>roommate was bringing jars of goulash from home
>there was one particualry large jar, which he said he couldn't eat whole, so he let it sit on the shelf
>he then brought more food and forgot about The Jar
>we were talking about the thing a few times and decided to let it ferment
>we never opened it
>until the end of the school year
>for 8 months this thing was fermenting and bloating on our shelf
>8 motherfucking months
>for those who are not familiar with goulash, it's basically thick beef stew with lots of onions and paprika
>so at the end of the school year we had to move out of the dorms
>as we were going through our food we hit the jar
>fucking thing was all slimy and decomposed inside. Bloated like my stomach after huge pot of chilli.
>"We're gonna open the thing, I want to see it"
>so I took the shit to his table and twisted the lid
>spray of literal shit got on my hand
>no smell yet, it didn't come up to my mouth
>then I took a sniff
>Worst decision of the year. That stuff was so pungent, so wrong. I had to kneel down and hold my mouth so I won't vomit from that smell and laughter.
>roomie took a sniff
>he started coughing and ran straight to the trash can where he left his dinner.
>that smell was so thick it held in a hall like a cloud.
>I left the jar with a note "a gift from erasmus students from Ghana"
>Next morning I've heard the charlady in the hall coughing and gagging.
10/10, would do it again
Horders are basically fine with living in their own shit, vomit, dead animals, rotten food, etc.
They either become immune to all their crap, or its the reason why they become so fucking sick in their own homes filled with mold and slime, and filth.
That's why on those shows they usually need to people with literal hazmat suits to come and scrape the place from top to bottom, and throw almost everything away.
You didn't sanitize your vessels or seal it correctly
If you did there would be no maggots
The system works, what can I say
How did gruyere turn into that shit? What are all those fruit pieces then?
This was from awhile ago, but I found this Greek yogurt that was sitting in the fridge for what had to have been at least 4 months. It was in the refrigerator that is in the garage and was Tues behind a big ass jar of pickles or something.
>be me, mid 20s
>now living about 100 miles from hometown
>go back like every other weekend or so, hang out with best friends
>stay at one friend's house
>he has a storage freezer we'd use for weekend food
>had a build up of frost that bulged out the lid so it wasn't working right
>decided i would clean and fix for him
>pulled out the old stuff, but an old turkey too big
>told me to just leave on table, that he would get it out with the weekly trash
>got back home
>wasn't able to get back up for a couple of weekends
>get back up after three weeks
>stains on walls
>big black stain on floor under table
>ask other friend what happened
>turkey sat on table that entire time, became a beach ball then exploded
>other friend came by and cleaned it up
>homeowner friend said he'd get the walls and call in a carpet cleaner
last i ever knew, he never did that either
oh fuck my sides
>hot dogs liquefied
how much can you vomit that it's caked on the side of your bin? is that really your pic? care to explain?
Supposedly the person has some condition that causes them to vomit uncontrollably from time to time.