20 mins
Are you in?
Remember, it's an exchange token, and whilst you can withdraw it after the sale, you can't exchange it until their beta service in a months time!
20 mins
Are you in?
Remember, it's an exchange token, and whilst you can withdraw it after the sale, you can't exchange it until their beta service in a months time!
Fucking scam like every other referral powered exchange ICO.
What the fuck dude? That's clearly a scam.
Site is a ripoff of Bloom.
Huge scam. Mods have fucking DBZ avatars in Telegram for fuck's sake.
delete, user
coinmetro.info for 2.5% bonus (redirects to reflink)
If you buy any amount of XCM, mimimum is 0.1 ETH contribution, you will receive a lifetime discount to trading fees of 25% even if you sell your XCM later.
If you trade regulary this is super interesting, since Coinmetro stated that they will have lower fees than the large platforms, Binance for example has 0.2% fees which is very high. The 25% bonus would be on top of the cheaper fees. Basically if you trade alot, you should join the ICO with a small amount.
might as well use my ref which is 5a8d82f7e81027571d7181c8 , one of the most promising ICOs of 2018 (always do the opposite of what biz says, yada yada).
a few questions:
when is the exchange ready?
do I need any whitelists/kyc to buy it?
what was the bonus if any?
The bonus in this case is that this is a "flash sale" and not the main ICO. The price is expected to keep going up for every X amount of coins sold.
I don't have much faith in the project but threw in 2 eth just in case.
Can Ameriburgers buy the flash sale?
this is the first of the institutional icos afaik. The team behind it is an established Forex broker definitely look into it anons
open beta early april
you can buy it now if not amurican, 0,1 eth minimum
this is the main ico, till 23 march or till sold out
>when is the exchange ready?
Check their roadmap. Beta platform is in march as I recall.
>do I need any whitelists/kyc to buy it?
You will eventually once the tokens are officially unlocked. As of right now, burgers can BUY the token, and they're willing to put in the work to let you get in (you know, because of the U.S. and their ICO laws and whatnot), but if their conclusion is that you can't participate in the ICO afterwards they will refund your COIN.
I think they said they were putting out an answer today on that, but I haven't seen it yet. I would do it anyway if you're in the U.S. since it's likely you'll be fine.
> what was the bonus if any?
2.5% bonus for using a ref link, current bonus added on top is at the bottom of their main page (currently 36.4%).
My ref is attached if any anons found this helpful. I'll post when people ask but remember that tokens not bought will be burnt after so I won't be bumping randomly.
No more flash sales. This is the main sale, it started about an hour ago.
No whitelist / verification needed, so probably yeah. But I didn't do any sorta research because that's not how I row nigga.
Apart from that - be aware that probably many people here bought below 5-10c and are now eager to spread FOMO. So i'd be careful with money i can't afford to lose.
Check it out senpai, that demand will be huge. ALL Fees are paid in XCM coin :D
Only a small amount of tokens was sold at these low prices and they are locked for half a year. I don't expect XCM will dump all that hard.
They have an ambassador program. You get an additional 2.5% on your token purchase if bought through my link.
I get 5% but that's up to you to decide if you want to use my link. But 2.5% extra coinmetro tokens is better than 0% extra so I'm doing you a favor by making you aware of it.
Small is a relative term as there will be a token burn of unsold coins. If they fail to meet expectations, the late buyers could be a bit fucked in the ass. I am optimistic, but not "all in" levels of optimistic.
>Anonymous (ID: Itw+jwLV) 02/21/18(Wed)12:34:33 No.7853125 ▶
the creators of forex approved site FXpig are scammers? Do you fuckin research you god damn child. fuckin idiots everywhere on chinky chan.
Yes they are now shut up. SAGE
I know you think it'll net you more in terms of fiat to shill this coin with your referral link than it will if the unsold tokens will get burnt. It will not. Everyone who buys this using your referral link are going to shill it as well. Network effects are incredibly powerful. Don't encourage them if you like money.
sometimes it's hard to read between the lines around here. A hard to master skill.
Do you mean: yes they are, now shut up? Your piss poor grammar immediately disqualifies you from being taken seriously in this discussion, Sally.
Oh, and IF you're going to buy this. Don't fucking do it when the markets have been dipping all day. Christ.
Holy moly, you really are low iq.
pic related it's you.
Coming from the kid who doesn't understand proper punctuation. Are you Somalian?
You think it would be a good idea to wait for the initial sell off and buy at the bottom of the bowl shape?
If you have play money at hand, this is one of the less shitty ICOs atm. If you are not into gambling, use TA to trade shit that's already on exchanges and has volume I guess.
goddamnit you guys are bad at FUD
This is purely a scam.
The devs have nothing to do with FXPIG like they claim.
They ripped off another sites graphics and have been hyping this huge scam for months.
dont fall for it.
Out of curiousity, why do you lack faith in the project, and conversely name an ICO you participated in that inspired more confidence, besides things like ETH. I'm trying to gauge whether to go all in on XCM.
All unsold tokens get burned why the fuck are you guys shilling
If you are an accredited investor otherwise no.
Next month will be the exchange beta
their is w KYC module coming
Bonus is that it raises price in increments the guys that bought at .03 and .05 are vested for 6 months so they cant auto dump on you. Also discounts for people that buy in at certain levels for a life time.
The CEO is literally the same person... he is even on telegram answering questions a lot of the time along with being a public person that goes to conferences to speak.... brainlet fud is the worst.
Let the team get more funding to make the exchange better. In the long run thats more valuable than the token burn.
i invested 100 ETH, they took the money and didnt give me coins.
The coin amount is bullshit, it changes every day back and forth.
First of all : I am a literal retard that sabotages himself in every possible way.
Further - I lack faith in ANY sort of project. Right now crypto runs on hope and vapour, 95% of projects will fail. There is no regulation, which means good gains but it also means everything can exit scam at any moment or just update their website with the message "oh well we failed too bad cya".
In the absence of faith I throw money at this and that hoping for another hype cycle before the total market cap goes to 70MM$.
Other ICOs I participated in : literally none. Was about to get in MAN but got lazy. Literally fell for stinky linkies. Have like 1k$ of STRAT I bought around 15$.
Always do the opposite of what I do, I guess.
I am not trying to scam you, man. You know of AssBlaster? He shilled this to linkies. Base your decision to go all in on this based on this data point.
99% of ICOs are scams right now.
they already run a forex brokerage so I doubt they're struggling for cash
Oh I see, so you're still at the 'this shit can't possibly work stage', once you've had a dozen or so 10xs you realise it really is as good as it sounds. It'll end eventually but not yet. I remember buying BNB @ 0.30 lol.
Unless I am late to the party as usual mate. I am what you guys call "dumb money" and according to stuff I've been reading that should concern you at least a bit.
But hey. I do hope you are right.
nothing happens when i click CONTINUE on the which currency page
Don't sell your Link though. It is unironically one of the best bets in terms of risk / possible reward.
doesn't matter man. You can't determine a projects worth lol. If the project is legit, it's legit. Doesn't matter if dumb money is buying in, or LARPs are shilling it.
The internet came along way since pets.com, and crypto has come along way since mtgox
It does concern me haha, that's why I cashed out most of my money awhile ago, XCM is the only ICO this year I'll be investing because exchanges are always winners imo.
>got into crypto 4 years ago
yea, saw that in the telegram too. 0.11 euro might be sold out.
Good larp retard.
>What is a smart contract for 200 trebeck
why i can´t enable two factor authentication at coinmetro?
put a valid cell phone first
Thanks anons. I hope you are right.
thanks user. it worked. now im ready to burn some money