which fruit is best?
Which fruit is best?
yo that pear better chill or it's gonna catch this dick
if she a pear im a pear
>dat pear
That's not a fruit you idiot
>brightly colored
>juicy and full of seeds
On what planet is that not a fruit? Stop baiting.
>bell pepper
>chilli pepper
fyi kys
Initiate flamewar.exe
Yeah fucking right. Next you'll tell me pumpkin is a fruit just cos it has seeds
We eat this in México
pic related
never had one but that looks fun to eat. bet that shit is so smooth on your tongue
physalis my man
This. Mango is objectively best fruit.
it is dumbass
The literal King is here, folks.
Smells literally like trash, tastes only mildly better.
Yeah, the stinking.
i don't know how many times we have to fucking go over this
"Vegetable" is a culinary term meaning any part of a plant used in a savory meal. It is not a botanical term
"Fruit" is both a botanical term for a seed bearing structure in a flowering plant and a common culinary term for sweet or sour fleshy seed bearing structures of a plant that you can eat raw
A piece of produce may a fruit, a vegetable, or both depending on the context. Since this is Veeky Forums and not Veeky Forums you can assume we mean the culinary term, and in that case tomatoes are vegetables. You wouldn't be an autist and call zucchini a fruit even though it technically is because we are cooks, not plant scientists
it's just a pear that's too sweet and harder to eat. nothing special.
I think there must be some genetic difference between people because they taste and smell fine to me. Not my favorite but I don't retch when I see one either like Molto Mario does
holy fuck how did I mess that up
It is really not all that bad after you've experieced it a few times but type and quality is big factor too. I've had some that are straight sweet, custard with no odor, and some bitter, juicy and fibrous.
>a seed bearing structure in a flowering plant and a common culinary term for sweet or sour fleshy seed bearing structures of a plant that you can eat raw
That exactly describes a tomato, dumbshit.
pomegranate or fresh figs :p
don't think a tomato belongs in a fruit salad famalam but if you want to try it be my guest
Lots of fruit doesn't really work in a fruit salad. When did the goal post get moved and the definition of "fruit" get changed to "stuff you'd find in a typical fruit salad"?
weeaboo detected
My dude. Peeling the skin offa that feels so damn good.
pineapple all the way. only once you have trained your body to take a whole one tho. it is heaven.
watermelon or mango
>read this post and think of anal insertion instead of eating the pineapple
Thanks Veeky Forums
produce is the word we use idiot, vegetable is a botanical term
and furthermore, as a cook, if you don't consider yourself at least a plant scientist layman then geeeet the fuck out
omg i think i need to stop browsing this fucking site...
This user knows what's going on.
Fruit has a strict botanical definition, vegetable doesn't. The fruit/vegetable dichotomy is a pointless argument.
>if you can't google the answer to a question than any discussion is pointless
Congratulations, user, you just made Veeky Forums obsolete.
that first one looks like it murdered a lime and is trying to masquerade by wearing its body
>look around - there's another mask behind you
ha ha good one. you almost got m
Unripe guavas
Don't you know lolis are the sweetest fruit?
dat ass tho
I'm fully erect right now.