why is this so good?
I kept seeing it recommended on here, but I thought it was a meme( awful and make me kill myself)
general vodka thread I guess. I am just starting into it the spirit.
what is a good cheap vodka?
what is a good pricey collection vodka?
any difference between wheat and potato vodka?
I guess I want recommendations and slav memes.
Why is this so good?
Just drink, don't ask.
It's so good because made with love and soul.
People make too much of an issue about vodka
Yes anyone can tell the difference
No, it doesn't matter enough to think about it for even 20 seconds
Russian standard, titos, belvedere, ketel, chopin, stoli, whatever. Doesn't matter, Who gives a shit. It's like arguing about Poland Spring vs Evian. You are literally paying for the label. Sometimes people value being seen as "in the know", then they get Tito's. Some value being edgy and slavic, then Russian Standard. Some like a pretty bottle, then Chopin. Is that important? Good, get the one that fits your image. Is it not? Really? No actually I think you're lying to yourself. Go back to "what image do you want". Is the image really not important? Really? No, you're still lying. What? You care about taste? No you don't. You don't because it does. Not. Matter. I know you can tell the difference. We all can. It isn't important.
Buy the label that best fits the image you want to give off.
but a bottle of ruble taste harsher than a bottle of grey goose?
>good cheap
Smirnoff is adequate for mixing. I've never heard anyone bitch about a Smirnoff screwdriver or vodka cranberry
>good pricey collection
>when you're buying purified alcohol
If you want to dickwave then Beluga and Stoli Elit. If you want something extremely difficult to detect for specialty cocktails then Russian Standard Platinum is decent.
Pretty much this, vodka tiers once you escape plastic bottle fusel congener hell are all about social status and image, not really quality.
Just buy Luksusowa or RS Platinum - best bang for buck.
You won't be able to tell the difference between either of those and vodka that costs $60 more.
Even mixed I can tell the difference between Smirnoff and other better vodkas.
Not that it is undrinkable, but I would never buy Smirnoff when $2 more gets me much better quality.
Me and my roommate go splits on handles of russian standard as our regular purchase. I gotta imagine we'd have 50+ bottles over the past year if we saved them.
Throw it in the freezer, mix it with coke zero. Healthy alcoholism.
>Throw it in the freezer, mix it with coke zero.
Try it with orange juice.
>once you escape plastic bottle fusel congener hell
what vodka in the plastic bottle walks the middle ground between congener hell and social status?
so drink potato vodka rather than grain vodka?
This is my bottle of choice.
Spirit from Russian federation, lime honey. And that's it.
Also it would be blasphemy to mix this with anything. I love it at -18 degrees centigrade from chilled shots, straight. Man this stuff is good.
Not the guy who's recommending it, but the NY times did a blind test a few years ago, it wasn't comprehensive but Smirnoff came out #1 above some pretty "fancy" vodkas
Also if you're drinking vodka at a bar, keep in mind that it's very common to fill expensive bottles with cheaper vodka, this isn't scotch or gin, as long as it's not complete garbage it's basically impossible to tell the difference between brands in a mixed drink no matter what you tell yourself
shit I forgot about temperature.
what is the best vodka to drink at room temp?(I need to hide my alcoholism)
if it is a neutral grain spirit, why freeze at all?
At room temp? Man I'd say finlandia or amundsen, but those are cheap cliches for this thread. I know they are passable because I was drinking a lot of those at parties.
Now I'm more into ice cold shot of some quality liquid with friends.
also good old absolute voka is passable at room temp.
And don't ever try 42 Vodka if it's not frozen. That shit is fucking vile while warm.
I'm saying that returns diminish dramatically after you look above bottom shelf and stop being worth it for 90% of uses after Russian Standard/Luksusowa's price level.
Of course you spend money to avoid bottom shelf and jump above the basics for social events, but reaching for $80 vodka instead of $40 vodka is at that point cosmetic rather than functional.
yeah, friends. Non-relatives, who are close to you. Drinking hard liquor alone is for alcoholics :>
The only thing I have no problem drinking alone is beer. I mean lots of beer. But that's because in my country we have avg of 150 liters per person per year, so I've gotta keep it up.
ok. Thank you for clearing this up for me.
Many of the ultra-premium vodka brands don't even distill their own alcohol. They buy it from industrial producers and then maybe filter it and water it down.
so all the "good" vodka comes from the same place?
Luksusowa is potato, RS is grain.
The processing is more important than the source.
Not the same place, but usually contract distilleries that produce neutral spirits (and sometimes other stuff) for a range of brands both high and low end.
The biggest ones are in Russia, Ukraine, and the US Midwest (for example pic related produces a lot of product for Seagram which in turn owns about a quarter of the liquor brands you can name off the top of your head). And also quite a few boutique expensive bourbons that you think are made by some old man in the hills.
I do, but oj has plenty of extra calories where coke zero has none
Here's the last victim
Not all of it. A lot of the ultra-premiums will distill their own alcohol, not that it really makes a difference. Certainly a number of the ultra-premiums have folded or have been sold since the market became glutted and consumers moved on to the next fad. Even some of the industrial producers tried to market their own brands.
Those big cans of denatured alcohol you find at the hardware store are made the same distilleries, they just fill it with methanol and other adulterants and sell it for a fraction of the price.
Luksusowa is my usual cheap vodka.
I thought Tito's was a meme, but it's legit.
Pretty much any vodka in a glass bottle will do the trick.
If you get shitty vodka, you can try the Brita Pitcher trick.
Run it through the Brita filter a few times, and it will taste premium.
Nice try, drink it on ice, two ice cubes per 3 shots
it has zero calories. aside from the aspartame (which I'm still dubious about because I'm not a lab rat being high-dosed into cancer), it's essentially water.
First time I heard about this. I will try it.
Russian here, I particularly find it funny when people are rating and tasting vodkas like it were wine.
Vodka have no fucking taste, it's just booze to get wreck.
All those high end vodkas are just a marketing trick to scam retards.
If you want booze with some taste go for whiskey or brandy or at least some aromatic vodkas like zubrowka. Paying that amout of money for plain vodka is just pants on head retarded.
Best vodka coming through
If it has no taiste and all is the same you can just make your own samagon and shut up.
It differs alot, depends on the water used and the base ingridient, also most important is how many times it has been distilled through the machinery. The more times it has been distilled the more pure it is, also less headace the next morning. You call yourself russian and you dont know.
that's a myth user
I know that, you are just talking about different quality of vodka, they taste almost the same, the point of a good vodka is to be the most pure and most neutral possible. The main use in the west of vodka is to add alcohol to cocktails, in Russia people drink vodka to get drunk and/or to socialize not because we appreciate the taste. This why I find it ridiculous vodka connoisseurs.