Isn't chili just bolognese sauce with beans and spices?

Isn't chili just bolognese sauce with beans and spices?

Chili can have ground meat, cubed meat, or any variety of meat substitute. Aside from the beans what makes it chili are the chilies, and the spices are completely different from bolognese sauce.

No chili is just ' '

aren't humans just atoms with skin on it

aren't you just a black person with white skin?

ITT, OP is just a straight male that happens to really prefer the company of men and sucking dicks.


>arent humans just atoms covered by different atoms moving over and through other atoms?

>the artists likes to use words like love, meaning, disappointment, regret...
>all that really exists are atoms and a void.

Arent you just a woman trapped in a mans body?

Isnt this thread just a random collection of Ones and Zeros that amazingly has been arranged in the same order thousands of times?

Fuuuuuck you.

Isnt semen just gravy made inside my body?

Chili has no beans in it you fucking heathen.

so it's indeed spicy Bolognese Sauce?


Texas chili does not have beans. Except, when it does. Texas chili is chili con carne - peppers with meat. But, just as popular is chili con carne y frijoles - peppers with meat and beans.


>Isn't chili just bolognese sauce with beans and spices?
It can be considered similar, but bolognese often has carrots, a major flavor contributor, as well as celery. Tomatoes onions and garlic are the only things in common, as both can have ground or shredded meat. If they taste that similar to you, you have likely been having basic versions.

>Texas chili does not have beans. Except, when it does. Texas chili is chili con carne - peppers with meat. But, just as popular is chili con carne y frijoles - peppers with meat and beans.
Stop making shit up.
The only thing you're doing is using a name from the 1950s-1970s which has fallen out of fashion. Chili con carne is just chili. Fact. Whatever variations on a theme there are doesn't have a name outside of the Texas word to mean it _might_ not have beans. It's still flexible though. I would equate the title to mean someone might have a clue how to make it with dried chilies and nothing more assumptive than that.

>Isn't chili just bolognese sauce with beans and spices?

Last I checked chili peppers weren't used in bolognese, whereas they are required in chili.

Texan here. I hear this meme about "texas chili doesn't have beans" all the time, yet roughly half the chili you see around here has beans in it.

I've seen people get in fights over their brand of dip (chewing tobacco), as well as beer. But I've never seen anyone give a crap about beans vs. no beans in chili aside from on this board.

Chili doesn't have tomatoes, faggot.

>Aside from the beans
you mean LACK of beans, right?

>canned chili doesn't have tomatoes, faggot

>The only thing you're doing is using a name from the 1950s-1970s which has fallen out of fashion

Stop being this STUPID. The name has never "fallen out of fashion", it's STILL called chili con carne, even on restaurant menus. The only places that just say "chili" are cheap, hole in the wall places and fast food, where their chili is an abomination anyway.

I've never seen a bolognese with beans in it before.

>eating faggy restaurant chili

And I for chili, so I don't know why you'd bring beans up

Not to mention bolognese contains wine and cream. This thread is a steaming pile of shit. Here's a recipe for chili that I've shared before from Cooks Ills., I usually don't bother with grinding the whole peppers (though it does yield excellent results) and use my own mix of ancho/chipotle/paprika/cumin/cayenne/mex oregano. You can sub ground for chuck. I prefer black beans myself. Enjoy.

>i've never seen chili with beans in it

Literally impossible, unless you're a European and have never seen a chili at all. Either way it's poor bait.

On a side note, eating just bolognese sauce with some bread is great as well..just saying

true bolognese contains milk, not cream

Yeah, I know. (Another Texan here). The only place in Texas you'll never see beans in chili are at the serious chili cookoffs (like Terlingua), but otherwise, no one gives a shit. People usually use beans when they want to make the chili stretch, or just want fucking beans in it. Sometime I add them, sometimes I don't, it's no big deal. It's more about what kind of beans you use. You can always tell someone from East Texas, because they'll use kidney beans. Where I grew up, everyone only used either pinto beans or Ranch Style beans. The beans are more telling of where you're from. Also, the chili gets hotter the further south you go.
I don't think people realize how big and diverse Texas really is.
>I've seen people get in fights over their brand of dip (chewing tobacco), as well as beer
Heh, me too.

Um, OK.

>implying I don't make my own chili
>implying home cooks don't call it chili con carne either
>implying implying implying

>implying you're not a fucking hipster
you're irrelevant bruh

look it up

no one puts cream in their bolognese except white trash americans

Someone post beef cooking methods graphic please. Can I grill this?

You could grill it but it won't come out very tender.

Chuck is a stewing cut. You want to cook it low and slow, aka braising. Use it for a stew, pot roast, or similar.

^this. Not for grilling. You could grind it up and make burgers out of it though.

If I'm a hipster, you must be nu-male scum.
If I were a hipster, I'd be the oldest, worst-at-being-a-hipster hipster to ever exist.
I'm not the irrelevant one here, child. You'll learn your place in this world as you get older.

>claims to be older than everyone
>uses "nu-male"

Sure is Summer.

Or bolognese, or chili :^)

Oh you're so RIGHT, you dumbass, no one over the age of 25 could possibly keep up with current popular lingo, can they? Fucking moron. Go back to whatever board you crawled out from. Also, I'd like to point out the irony of someone who used the word "hipster" commenting on other people slang.

>implying we don't have chili in europe

standard dish

>no one over the age of 25

First you made it sound like you were in your 50's, and now you sound like you're 14. And "hipster" isn't an internet buzzword.

speaking of spag bol, anyone got a really good recipe? my first instinct is just canned tomatoes, onion, garlic, oregano, thyme, salt and pepper of course, maybe some wine added to deglaze and cook down. and obviously ground beef.

You can keep this going, or you can learn from your mistakes. Here's a tip, I'm older than you, old enough to know more culture, more wisdom, and when to stop arguing with the village idiot. Your posts are idiotic, and hipster is the very definition of a buzzword. Actually, the word "buzzword" is the very definition of a buzzword. Think before you post, user. We're done here.

Whatever, kid.

Holy shit, dude. Everything about your post reeks of trying to act older and more mature than you are.

>Being REKT this hard

This, I'd be surprised if he were older than 14. Every post sounds like it's been extensively checked and re-checked to sound mature and, hilariously, it fails miserably.

>Same fagging this hard

I like to put chili onion and mustard on hotdogs


>You can keep this going, or you can learn from your mistakes. Here's a tip, I'm older than you, old enough to know more culture, more wisdom, and when to stop arguing with the village idiot. Your posts are idiotic, and hipster is the very definition of a buzzword. Actually, the word "buzzword" is the very definition of a buzzword. Think before you post, user. We're done here.

>over 9,000 hours in mspaint


Isn't cola just water with sugar?

No, they add gravy to make it brown.

I thought it's brown because they super-heat it and the sugar gets slightly burnt. That's also where the bubbles come from.

No, the bubbles come from shaking it during production.


>Cites the same post twice


Aren't crepes just pancakes with loads of egg? Aren't grits just a different grind of polenta? Isn't mornay just beschemel with cheese?

Lots of foods are very similar and the variation in name is often due to one single ingredient or changing the propotions of one ingredient to another. A soufflé is just a cheese omelet that is whipped raw and baked if you consider the ingredients. Things have different names because they are different, strange huh?

>isn't mornay just beschemel with cheese

That's the literal definition though. Chili and bolognese have completely different flavor profiles, and comparing them is like saying, "aren't these both just stew?"

Taking commonly posted bait this seriously....

isn't 'go 'za just pizza in a bowl?


>mommy, people are making fun of me on the internet again!
>don't worry son, they're just butthurt, and you be sure to tell them that too

I grilled it anyways, came out nice and juicy.
Gutted and preboiled 4 green peppers, sauteed a sweet onion and a bunch of mini red sweet peppers, added rice, steak, set cheese on top and grilled them.
6/10 Wrong cut and shitty rice, but quite edible.

Grilling the steak is one thing, but you then stuffed peppers and grilled those too? Why not just put them in the oven like a normal person so that everything is evenly heated?

I adjusted them comstantly, wanted them charred. It was low+long, 50 mins, then I left them on a plate opposite the coals for 30 extra mins.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but if I had the grill going for the steak then I would certainly grill the peppers too.

Why? It tastes better with that little bit of smoky flavor the grill provides, not to mention I'd rather not heat up the house or waste the electricity by having the oven going. Especially in the summertime. Plus, my grill heats very evenly so that's not a concern at all.

You spent an hour and a half cooking those over hot coals and that was your end result? They look like they were simply par-boiled and stuffed.

wtf i hate chili now

Here we go again.

What are you, 12? B&

yes it is and it's funny that it upsets people

no cuz smal dik

Sure is summer.


so go outside you fag

Good effort user. You'll catch a raft of shit of course... But, you tried and posted results. Next time try flank or blade.

Chili is goulash (porkolt) made with hot paprika and cumin.

Would eat/10

No. It. Is. Not. Post recipes back to back. Substantiate your claim.

As long as we're veering off topic, my late grandmother (and yes she was country as fuck, and poor, etc.) used to make a "goulash" out of v8, browned ground beef, probably onion, garlic, paprika powders, elbow macaroni. Sounds nasty, but was actually quite good.

While the two are similar in that they have mince there is one key difference.
Spag Bog sauce comes from a jar while chili comes from a packet mix.

1⁄2 cup rendered pork lard or vegetable oil
12 oz. oxtail, cut into 1-inch-rounds (have your butcher do this)
2 1⁄2 lb. beef shoulder, cut into 1-inch cubes
2 large yellow onions, roughly chopped
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 cups red wine
1⁄4 cup Hungarian sweet paprika
4 Hungarian wax peppers, stemmed, seeded, and thinly sliced crosswise
2 vine-ripe tomatoes, cored and cut into 1⁄2-inch wedges
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Sour cream and gherkins, for serving

same as above, but with cumin and hot pepper, and beer replacing wine

i'm getting hot wet farts just looking at all that bell pepper

+1, thank you for the response. The dishes are in fact quite similar. Will try your recipe this weekend.

No pasta/spätzle or anything included?

I always just assumed the origin of both chili and BBQ brisket was Germanic and East European immigrants coming to the Tex-Mex border to be cowboys. Because both are just a Southwest spin on popular dishes from that part of the world, and there sure as fuck were a lot of German/Austrian cowboys in Texas and Mexico in the 1800's.

Never mind - Google is my friend
Quite right. People also forget that a lot of the Cowboys were black folks and Mexicans as well. Chili is an interesting dish in that regard. Like gumbo, truly American. We are a country of immigrants after all.

It was good.

absolute horseshit. ragu alla bolognese can use either milk or cream and nobody will be able to tell the difference if you water down the cream.

napoletana on the other hand you would not see any dairy and see a much higher carne:salsa ratio.

salsa: worked boh italian and actually know what i'm talking about unlike you, ya fuckin boba.

>We are a country of immigrants after all.
No doubt. And some of our best culture (including food) comes from the places where different groups of those immigrants crossed paths and influenced each other in a place that already has some of its own character to begin with.

This is true all over the world. The best cuisines come from crossroads places in good climates.

It's just kinda amazing that in the US we've done as well as we have in terms of great regional dishes given the rise of industrial farming, the supermarket and frozen/fast food. Shows the power of the vibrancy in some parts of the country.

Agreed. 'Gumbo' tho there are both Creole and Cajun interpretations is actually the African word for okra. If we are 'exceptional' it's because of our food. [insert 'go 'za meme here]

At our best we ARE exceptional for our food. Given what the second half of the 20th Century did to us it's a testament to how good some of our best shit is.