Anyone else here an alcoholic? Going to meetings or anything?

Anyone else here an alcoholic? Going to meetings or anything?

link me to more of those pics and i let you know

Trapfag go home

Alcoholic reporting.
Quit cold turkey 2 months ago, but have had 2 weekend-long relapses of late.
It won't stop me from quitting though, because now, I can see clearly what the drinking does to me (anxiety, extreme lethargy, letting everything go, not showering, etc.) That just makes me disgusted with myself. I'm going to make it.

I have 3-4 martinis a night, out of boredom prolly. I still shower and go to the gym though so I guess I'm still ok right?

You're going to make it man, be careful going cold turkey though

you're over the hurdle, buddy. don't let yourself relapse anymore. look at phillip seymour hoffman - one glass of champaign offered and he's dead two weeks later.

I'm on day 2 right now, first time quitting. Shit is hard :( seeing your post gives me hope though!

I'm reporting you if there isn't a dick between those legs.

>I'm going to make it

>going to
>make it

Just let that sink in

I kinda slowed down quite a bit by switching to a single cocktail and not mixing. I find my dad would get home, have a few beers, wine with dinner, cocktails after dinner. I go through the effort of stirring a martini and I won't change drinks because it refreshes my tastes. Sort of like online shopping, theres a million things to buy, you don't have a t shirt shopping addiction you buy random different shit. Settle down and do it james bond style, have your drink or two but don't be mixing different drinks or drinking sleezy stuff.

Any other anons drink like this?

Throw in my reports as well.

Not a trap

PBR, well we know shell put out if you bum er a fag.

I'm in the process of getting kicked out of my current living situation and have a 30 hour drive to my parents' house and have been drinking all day every day for the past year and am too shaky/anxious to drive 5 minutes on my own and haven't spoken to my parents in 3 years and have no one else to ask for help.

So yeah, there's probably some meetings in the near future if I don't kill myself.

fuck man give me a link to the rest, i need more bush in my life

yes, no

honestly if you had half an ounce of liquor it might help. Dont drinking and drive though that shittl ruin your life even if you don't kill somebody.

Also eat, get nutrience back in your body and take a NSAID. I used to binge it up in the military on holidays and have to run and stuff in the mornings after.

That's a cute bush

don't kill yourself. sell your car and take a bus if you have to. you were put on this world to conquer life for all it has to offer, this is just a hurdle on your way to happiness

Used to, but then bad shit kept happening until it got bad enough that I had to cold turkey it, like forever.

Not saying your method definitely won't work, but it's worth considering that if you have to modify your behavior like this, the problem might already be too big. Look up step 1 in AA.


There is nothing wrong with that sentence.

Hmm. I guess, I might just be trying to get attention and act like a hard ass by saying I drink too much I did have one martini tonight and stopped. But burnt out on the old hangover life.

Went to my first meeting the other day. It was way better than I thought, and I'm looking forward to the next one. Just really try to show up sober, because showing up drunk is very not cool

I think so, I've been having 6-10 drinks per night like 5/7 days a week going on for five years now and I feel inhibited and anxious when I'm sober

I don't get bad hangovers though and my drinking hasn't increased (even though my tolerance has), I just sleep it off and feel fine the next day