What's the best Italian meat Veeky Forums?
What's the best Italian meat Veeky Forums?
Ur muddah
All of them except mortadella.
wait, nevermind
gabagool of course
shut the door etc...
Je t'adore aussi.
I've never seen The Sopranos but I really should
I just spend too much time on /tv/...
Neither have I. Just that I noticed that the English "shut the door" is pronounced almost identically to the French for "I adore you," which is "je t'adore." "Aussi" just means "too."
I took a semester of French in college but thank you for pointing that out lol
I was always hungover as fuck for that class so I didn't learn much
My long, pink ding dong penis.
> Italian
> chorizo
choose one ( or b8 m8?)
The sausage in my pants.
Calabrese, hot sopressa & cacciatore take the top 3 for me
If we're not talking salami, prosciutto or porchetta
Cacciatore is definitely on top of the list, though prosciutto do Parma or mortadella are also breddy gud
sicilian cock is quite delectable
ITT: Americans who think they know about Italian food from the garbage-tier criminal Sicilian emigrants in their country
God tier:
Prosciutto crudo, coppa, speck
Good tier:
Priosciutto cotto (ham), salame, spianata calabra
Shit tier:
Mortadella, finocchiona
Just had duck prosciutto from a bomb ass shop. dont know if thats a soecial way of preparing it, but the meat was red as fuck, and the flavor was so intense and sweet it made my eyes water.
It tasted like hard cherry candy, the old kind thats hardly sweet tasting, but very tart, but all in a meaty way, then it got soft after 5 seconds chewing.
God tier but 43 dollars per pound.
First dude in this thread who is not completely retarded.
1. Prosciutto di parma,parma ham,
a good old one.
The fat has to be turned to a thick
melting paste.
2. Prosciutto cotto.
the ham they use for Prosciutto
di parma, cooked and lightly
seasoned with smoke.
3. Donkey/Horse salame.
Either natural with whole pepper,
Hot chili style or with fennel seeds.
Protip: capaccio & vitello tonato.
Sophia Loren
this shit right here
is... is that a meat spread?
There isn't a whole lot of meat in it. I made it once with 1kg of pork belly (which is like 50% fat) and 2kg of fatback. It's really spicy too
That's a cheese, dumbass.
>Donkey/Horse salame
Can you get this anywhere in the US?
Definitely not in California it Illinois. Most likely not in other states.
oh yeah?
I bet you're glad Veeky Forums is anonymous