How do we fix this nation's dietary habits, Veeky Forums?
How do we fix this nation's dietary habits, Veeky Forums?
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with even more salt corn syrup and lard. Eventually obesity will work the problem out and kill all that have a weak mind.
HFCS tax, followed by a tax on artificial sweeteners, followed by the sugar jews raising price of real sugar until it becomes too much for the average person to afford in large quantities.
There'd have to be a way to keep fruit prices down, though. Don't mess with my fruits.
Why are Europeans so obsessed with telling me what to eat? I have fast food every day and I'm doing fine unlike Europeans whose country is literally collapsing
>Europe is a country.
Loosen up planning regulations so the car isn't considered essential anymore
We definitely should tax the shit out of HFCS soda.
Probably the number 1 cause of obesity here. I have seen kids literally drink a gallon of soda in movie theaters.
Our city tried that and all the hambeasts across the nation rioted to support their 2nd amendment right to give themselves a heart attack at age 29
The right wing press fanned the flames by posting hysterical headlines about the nanny state coming to git your soda pop
It was an amazing sight to behold, I never would have thought fatties had the energy to do anything, but they can move with the speed and reflexes of an apex predator if they think their HFCS is at risk
interesting things they said you in news indeed
Don't listen to liberals, for starters. No new laws, bans or taxes.
You want to stop HFCS from winding up in all our food? Put an end to corn subsidies. It always rustles my jimmies when some dumb liberal wants to give the government MORE power. Kill the current laws and subsidies that are in place! We don't need taxes on soda. We need the government to GTFO.
>rural rethugnican arguing against corn subsidies
Get real, the corn belt is literally the entire funding operation for the rethugnican party now that the fossil fuel industry is on the verge of collapse. What you propose is politically impossible.
Deny morbidly obese people medical care for starters.
Typical american, doesn't know about anything outside of his shithole.
Implement some Asian food culture, they always try to use the freshest ingredients and enjoy making good food as much if not more than eating it as opposed to here where people just shove anything food shaped into their gullet.
Personally i vote for adding some Tokyo food culture, they have hundreds of small (literally) family owned restaurants packed tightly together that use fresh ingredients and make healthier food, and their lower car to person ratio helps a lot too.
How do the ones at the end inside the restaurant get out without disturbing the other patrons?
>People from Europe aren't European
I have no idea, but it works.
It's Japan. Being a cuck is considered polite. When a person wants to leave, you stand up and apologize profusely for being in their way, and let them through. Because you're still waiting on or eating your food, you give them your keys and address, and they go and fuck your wife.
Impliment a mandatory draft
start world war three
engage food rationing
or just engineer some sort of corn disease. that kills off all the corn.
give everyone a gluten allergy
and creatine allergy
Sadly that is an accurate comment.
How fucked up is that?
You live in an age where European things aren't European. I don't know about you but that raises some concerns
Theres also this place which is a literal hole in the wall, Japan apparently has a ton of places like this that are just hidden, some that are literally just behind a regular door in some random hallway.
Probably wouldnt help obesity but it would be nice to have here.
>The American way of thinking
Comfy as fuck, but I can't help but think of burning alive in there.
>"any kind of compassion towards another human means i am weak, also im legally not allowed within 100 feet of my first wife"
They're thin enough to slip past from behind. Of course american wouldn't understand this.
Tax the shit out of fast food.
Use money gained to create actual healthcare system or improve infrastructure so you poor people can actually drink tap water.
And so i just made America first world country.
But McDonald's is preferable to starving, and the poor individual (i.e. the largely useless individual, from the perspective of society) has the right to determine whether he prefers to put his income into a new cellphone or higher quality food. After all, he's merely going to be cleaning the toilets in the labs in which the scientists and the engineers will be working on the Overman, which is a function that can be fulfilled just as well on McDonald's as on organic wholesome food (and probably even better that way, since they'll have less energy and vitality to expend, and hence bear the drudgery of toilet-cleaning far better. Hell, they may as well do drugs for all we care.) The scientists and engineers, meanwhile, will be eating good food both because they deserve to, since they are more useful to society than the toilet-cleaning subhumans, and because they are smart enough to invest in it; and those who aren't are welcome to make their own choices on the matter, whatever those may be.
"But the subhumans are not well informed about the effects of nutrition!", you say. But when a celebrity rag makes millions and nutrition guides peanuts, you see where the priorities of subhumans lie. It's not a cabal that's keeping the subhumans uninformed — it's the subhumans themselves who are unwilling and unable to benefit from the tremendous decades- and even centuries-long state-backed efforts to educate them.
It's part of the richness and greatness of Western civilization that it can tolerate the existence of so many millions of losers and retards, while still forging full steam ahead with its goal without skipping a single beat. The degenerates call this steamroller effect of our culture — the marginalization of all groups not contributing to our culture's goal, and their reduction to clown- and freak-show status by our media — "social alienation", "materialism", "globalization", "desensitization", while between us it is known as simply "power".)
dum pol poster
>Europeans whose country
europe is a country now nice one
No, mainstream /pol/ wants the exact same thing as the liberal does, neither can fathom the idea that junk food might not be such a big problem at this point in time, especially in regards to the labour being thrown at it.
To be more specific, I think "right wing" consensus is that diet is down to individualist free will, and that it is government who is impeding the nations health.
The liberals at least have those the right way around.
You know that shit only exists because the government massively subsidises corn production to the extent it's cheaper to use than actual sugar?
Cane sugar is a luxury product in the USA.
Problem with junk food is false economy. It seems cheap now, but ends up being a net loss for society when you consider health care costs for the diabetus etc.
Close, but not quite. Subsides are a factor, yes. But the main reason is import quotas & high taxes on sugar that were passed during the late 1970's.
Sugar is artificially expensive in the US, costing roughly 3x what it does elsewhere in the world. When sugar is that expensive HFCS seems like a good deal by comparison.
That was what I was trying to get at. When I travelled through the USA, many people I met preferred Mexican Coke/soft drinks (made with sugar) to the HFCS American versions. Lots of eateries made the distinction of offering both as well. Really bizarre to see as a foreigner.
>How do we fix this nation's dietary habits
Make people responsible for the consequences of their dietary decisions. In other words, no "unversal" health care--if your fat ass needs medical treatment because you can't figure out how to eat a proper diet, then you pay for it. Literally. Money has always been an excellent motivator.
>Europe is a country.
I think you may be a little dumb in all honesty.
honestly i think less of the problem is HFCS and more so that meat in american is 8 times cheaper than what it really costs due to subsidies and the fact that fatties think a four egg breakfast is healthy. eating low quality fatty meat three times a day isnt healthy, if anything humans would be eating meats similar to elk and deer, not animals that are fattened up and do not move. make meat expensive
also dairy desu
>How do we fix this nation's dietary habits, Veeky Forums?
By not.
If people wanna be fat shits, then let them.
More real food for me.
Wow, it's not like it has always been like this!
Have fun in 30 years when everything food related is run by Carls Jr.
But at least you can get you extra big ass taco.
>30 years
>Carls Jr.
You think cows will still be plentiful enough for beef to remain affordable?
More like soylent brown.
Isn't it hilarious that you call them "the sugar jews" even though the two most popular promoters of the failed hypothesis that sugar and not fat causes obesity are 2 Jews - Lustig and Taubes.
The actual reason people are fat is the same it has always been - high-fat diets with too much animal products displacing plant-derived products. People are still eating the same greasy fatty fast food they've been eating 50 years ago. The only thing that's changed is apparently that they've also lost awareness of it and now blame the 15% of calories they get from sugar rather than the 40% they get from fat. Americans are a hopeless species.
I'm sure you guys can come up with some nice ideas or whatever but top-down approaches are not ever going to work in today's political climate.
Philadelphia just enacted a soda tax and a majority of people (~60%) are outraged over it, even though the money collected is to help more children attend preschool.
you can't logically put a tax on HFCS products, because then you would be both subsidizing its production but discouraging its consumption.
tax who?
>The actual reason people are fat is the same it has always been - high-fat diets with too much blah blah blah...
No, it's consuming too many calories. That's it.
over simplification. that's like saying "well he died because he stopped breathing", when someone OD's.
fat has more calories per gram, so eating less fat would logically result in lower calorie consumption. also meat, dairy and eggs contain no fiber, which leaves people hungry, which leads to people overeating. so decreasing animal product consumption is logical, also its unsustainable to produce anyways desu
Shift the subsidies from the massive agriculture firms to small farmers, i.e. the people who need it.
It's never going to happen since Conagra and Monsanto and all the others have lots of lobbying power while farmers have nothing, but it would be a nice thought.
>implying food is the problem
>implying sedentary jobs and lack of free time to exercise and relax isn't the actual problem
Yeah, keep passing taxes on soda and then wonder why people flock to the cheapest calories per dollar foods while they stress and go back to their 50 hour work week. Pip pip, fatties!
people hardly care now if theyre eating real meat
>it's a bad idea for society to work together for the betterment of everyone
I bet your one of those toilet cleaning subhumans vehemently defending the current order because you think you'll wake up a millionaire some day.
>fast food is highly subsidized (HFCS, meant, and so on)
>I know, we should tax it!
Instead we should just cut the subsidies and use that to build our health care and infrastructure.
how half-brained
>eating less fat would logically result in lower calorie consumption
eating less of ANYTHING would logically result in lower calorie consumption.
>no fiber means you overeat
citation needed.
>unsustainable to produce
feels mighty sustainable to me after the last *entire time since agriculture existed* amount of years.
if you look on the right, you can see that there's no particular bias towards non-meats overall with regards to "makes you feel full". according to you, an all potato-chip diet would be a great idea for losing weight, since you would feel full all the time.
>>it's a bad idea for society to work together for the betterment of everyone
The idea is great. Unfortunately, if you study history you will see that it never works out that way.
>he thinks potato chips have fiber and are a low fat food
meat and especially dairy have been linked with obesity and heart disease and even cancer but whole wheats without animal products and vegetables have not, surprise!
eat ur fucking meat and double cheese pizza just realize a calorie is not a calorie and this has been proven plenty of times. let me hear how you recover after your coronary bypass surgery in 10 years
While I agree it is a good idea for people to decrease animal product consumption sugar is still a pretty big issue.
Even tho fat has more calories per gram people consume more sugar than they do fat
because things like soda and other sweets make it very easy to consume 200-300 calories without even knowing it and not feeling full at all. Wereas trying to eat 200-300 calories worth of fat would be much much harder
Plus every fat free product just removes the fat and places it with sugar
>creatine allergy
>no more tuna or salmon ever
What the fuck dude?
>he thinks news stories are evidence
>he thinks "linked with" implies causation
pseudoscience and feels don't make you right, user. I've shown evidence that your claim "animal products don't have fiber and therefore leave you hungry" is bullshit. animal fat is delicious and nutritious, if you can't handle that than i suggest you go back to your echo-chamber.
yeah i agree with fat free products being unhealthy scams, but naturally lower in fat food is great. but 200 calories of butter is a lot less than people think
Has anyone else here ever tried simply eating less?
You'd be surprised how long you can go with half a cup of oats and fruit, no sugar.
IDK. Scandinavia, Canada, Swizerland et al rank pretty fucking high in the quality of life rating. What do they all have in common? Socialism. Socialism in moderation, but still at levels that would get Homeland Security all worked up if you advocated it in the US.
If there's anything that 'sounds like a great idea but never works out that way' it's fundamentalist freemarket capitalism and muh small gubbermint.
Less car-centric logistics. The most obese jobs are those where you spend it in the car (cops, truckers, EMT) you have to make day to day active or else.
if you read the news stories they had links to multiple studies within the first paragraph instead of me giving you those links outright and making a wall of links desu
>thinks saturated fat is nutritious
i would tell you to kill yourself but you seem to be doing a good enough job at that yourself
where are credible studies that saturated fat ie what animal fat is composed of is any good for you? are you really that retarded?
>it never worked before for situational reasons. Better never try it again.
So their behavior is consistent with addicts you say.
i went to an emt conference/convention about a year ago and all the older guys and fire chiefs were fucking obese. ive always thought it was an active job though, at least for me. i guess it just depends on where you live cause were pretty much always busy. i kinda feel bad for the fat older paramedics though i bet theyve been through a lot :(
If you want to cherrypick that wildly I'll say vegetable anything == processed palm oil, following your logic. Enjoy your heart disease.
The satiety index is pretty stupid though. Satiety is incredibly complex and can't simply be measured for one food at one time. Satiety is influenced by many factors and the same meal could have very different effects on satiation as a result.
>people consume more sugar than they do fat
People consume more fat than they do sugar, and more calories from fat than from sugar.
>trying to eat 200-300 calories worth of fat would be much much harder
I just have to hope you are joking. 200 calories of fat are 22 grams. That's 2 tablespoons of oil. That's 2 hamburger patties or a chunk of cheese. For a man to eat 22 grams of fat three times a day would put him in low to moderate-fat territory.
You realize the average American consumes around 80-90 grams of fat in a day, according to NHANES? That's for both men and women, with most men consuming far above 100 grams of fat.
>every fat free product just removes the fat and places it with sugar
This is false.
>Satiety is influenced by many factors
Some of them being the person involved. Some people get hungry and can't help themselves. They HAVE to eat again. Other people have no problem sticking to a specific diet or schedule regardless of hunger.
that wasnt even cherry picking its credible backed up studies lol, again you cant provide evidence for any of the shit you say and honestly think a vegan will get heart disease before you? its a shame actual doctors recommend it to people dying
you have to be 18 to be on this board
can we just talk about how this guys only medical knowledge is probably from his mother and he thinks saturated fat is nutritious. im baffled
I provided a direct link to a study that refutes your original claim and you've yet to address it, instead you just started spouting insults like a child.
please, in the last 30 years we've (the USA) lowered our fat consumption by 10% and we've doubled obesity rates in that same period.
but user...
>hurrdurr meat is saturated fat and saturated is bad
That's cherrypicking. That's picking one component not even present in many cuts and purposely trimmed from others and saying the supposed ill effects of this subcomponent applies to the whole by extension.
It's fucking exactly like claiming that because hardened palm oil is bad for you, and palm oil comes from vegetables, vegetables are bad for you.
And this is without even getting into why the whole saturated fat equals heart disease thing is not supported by modern medicinal science. It was an assumption made a few decades ago, that turned out to be mostly wrong.
But whatever. It's not as if facts will ever get through to you anyway.
actually i did refute but here is another study if you so demand it. now when will you be proving all those studies i provided wrong? also telling someone theyre going to get heart disease isnt an insult.
>saturated fat equals heart disease thing is not supported by modern medicinal science. It was an assumption made a few decades ago, that turned out to be mostly wrong.
There it is again.
Replacing it with refined carbs (albeit whole carbs do so to lesser degree) as advised makes those who abide still get heart disease. Although carbs aren't as easy to make into fat, surpluses beget that anyway.
That was a side of truth for you, but your argument is BTFO on a technical foul for cherrypicking saturated fat as an animal product to begin with. So just KYS, you self-deceiving subhuman.
why are you so defensive about your obesity enabling lifestyle? youre the literal problem. putting aside saturated fat as a problem. why is red meat classified as a carcinogen, why does chicken lead to weight gain if its so healthy.
>why are magic mushrooms classified as an illegal drug?
>why is belladonna classified as a poison?
>why is bamboo used i torture?
>zomg vegetables are horrible!
You know nothing of what I eat, in what proportions or what I'd suggest others eat. Though I'll have you know I fucking hate vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians and special fucking snowflakes.
animal products have more saturated fat than whole wheats, vegetables, or fruit. eating more animal products than plant based foods means you eat more cholesterol and saturated fat. this isnt a new concept and this isnt cherry picking. were not talking about guzzling fucking bottles of oil. thats basically butter vs canola oil. however this is the amount of saturated fat in whole foods a piece of meat versus a serving of vegetables.
also using BTFO as an acronym. youre 15 and go on /pol/ we get it. pls come back when youre of age
Dude you're retarded, that was one of the worst arguments I've ever read.
Such as coconuts? Brazil nuts? Cocoa butter?
Have a banana. Have a potato. You know they're both "highly" radioactive, right? Research banana equivalent dose. Let's pretend radioactivity is healthy. See, I can cherrypick too!
"Refined carbs" isn't even properly defined, it's just a category error. Is a potato a refined carb? Why not? Instant mashed potatoes vs. homemade? Bread vs. pasta. The category "refined carbs" doesn't exist, it just happens to be the case that "refined carbs" are generally part of high-fat or high-sodium foods. Bread is high-sodium, pasta is not. It's not a homogeneous category. The whole concept of "replacing with carbs" is nonsensical and illogical. The studies from which these sorts of conclusions are derived from are methodologically poor or flawed. In actuality, a high-carb diet is always superior to a diet high in saturated fat because, again, "refined carbs" do not exist and your body does not know nor care what sort of processing a food went through. It's an appeal to nature fallacy, this idea that carbs are somehow perfect for us the way they are "in nature". Food is just what we define as food. I can define whole-grain wheat as inedible, suddenly flour is not a refined carb - magic. That's what we do with millet because the millet bran contains some slightly toxic shit. There's your "whole food"
>he hates me but im wonderfull so it must be because hes retarded
Or you could have an inflated sense of self worth. Vegetarianism often causes this. It's a medical fact according to several research papers.
ok ill believe you when you link me a study saying theyre directly correlated with obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke and or heart disease. thats the point youre missing here, its not cherry picking, grow up and deal with it. study after study links meat to disease and all cause mortality. also you just called coconut a fucking vegetable. theres no credible evidence or even a single study to suggest eating these things are deadly, but study after study done on meat consumption shows those who consume meat versus those who dont in a controlled study are not as healthy.
You used bamboo as a torture method to try and play vegetables as bad. That's pretty fucking stupid. Also inflated sense of self worth is common among intelligent people and vegetarians/vegans tend to be the most intelligent, you can google this study for yourself since you clearly dont read anything.
You're the one that said saturated fat is bad, and that it's present in high levels in fatty meat products. I gave a few examples of vegetable (in the botanical sense) foods that are also extremely high in saturated fats.
Draw a fucking conclusion. (And yes, brazil nuts in particular are advised against in large quanteties for lots of reasons, saturated fat being the least.)
As for deadly just gob down a large amount of any of the nice, fragrant vegetable things we eat containing coumarin.
Lots of things are bad for you. It's a matter of amounts, proportions and scale. 'Hurrdurr meat is poison' is uneducated, unhelpfull and irrelevant superstition detracting from the dietary changes necessary.
lol. vegetarians end up with higher depression and suicide rates too, so how about we all just eat less of everything and stop pretending any extremist diet is going to be good for an omnivorous species.
Fat jail. Basically, the sidewalks outside fast food joints is a sprung trap door that activates when more than 250lbs crosses it. The activator is then dropped into a cell with a shitter and a faucet. The exit is a hole to the outside world too small for an overweight person to fit through.
Either, if you want to eat fast food you either have to stay skinny or get imprisoned trying.
I haven't worked out how to create a multiple drop mechanism that isolates the fatties, otherwise, they'd just eat each other until you're left with one Hutt-like king fatty.
fast food isnt the problem. its peoples ignorance of serving size and caloric content of food.
just make everything have the total calories for the entire package instead of the bullshit servings per container shit. honest packaging would cut down on a large percent of fatties.
most people don't want to be fat, it's disgusting.
>just make everything have the total calories for the entire package instead of the bullshit servings per container shit. honest packaging would cut down on a large percent of fatties.
Why would that matter at all? I doubt most fatties even bother to look at those numbers. If they did, all it takes is really simple arithmetic to arrive at how much they consumed.
eating brazil nuts in mass quantities is bad because of selenium, but where are these people consuming mass quantities of brazil nuts anyway? in what society is brazil nust for breakfast lunch and dinner normal? on the other side however animal products three times a day over an extended period of time is linked to obesity and cancer. and by animal products i dont just mean meat, eggs, cheese and milk are all huge staples in places were obesity is rampant. but communities that lack over consumption of animal products like the seven day Adventists and Okinawans to name a few are healthier, who also dont calorie restrict.