What food or beverages you like most people would consider disgusting?
/acquired taste/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Chink shit
AKA fermented tofu, shrimp paste, century egg etc
The most peculiar acquired taste I've ever come across is pic related.
pickled herring
Hearts and lungs
Blood sausage. Like, genuine blood sausage not that blood pudding you eat in bongland.
Beef tongue
Holodets(meat aspic)
Pickled/salted/cured/raw fish
Salo(cured pig fatback)
And probably more stuff I am not aware it's disgusting for normies.
What is it? looks like those finnish salmiak things
I sure do like brain, liverwurst, and blood sausage amongst other offal foods.
I'm sure I could find more but that's all I have now.
Black pudding
Most offal and some exotic meat, crocodile, kangaroo and ostrich.
Ostrich steaks are the shit, really recommend you try them if you can get hold of some.
Lengua is not really all that strange most people would be fine eating it, especially if they didn't know what it was specifically.
That would probably also be the case for beef tongue, but people aren't exactly lining up to eat it.
It tastes like any beef roast if prepared well.
I'm legitimely surprised that a lot of people do not like this
kill yourself
I have not yet met another person that likes bloody marys.
right here senpai
I have to limit myself to a small one, and usually with a burger in the late afternoon
Those aren't acquired tastes though. Just stuff you wouldn't normally eat, but if if you give it a go you'd probably like it.
My Chinese grandma makes a soup that I love but I've never met a lo fan that likes it or can even bear the smell.
tonic water
Kombucha and pu erh were both pretty acquired tastes for me, though now I like them both.
Black Coffee
Lambic raspberry beer or some such
>Like, genuine blood sausage not that blood pudding you eat in bongland.
>she says while posting a picture of uncooked black pudding
I like the crisps but have never actually tried the sauce.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I get that shit every weekend from the organic market. It's fucking delicious.
Please don't tell me you're American, that would be so stereotypical
What a strange part of the world you people must live in...
Dude are you like 105? I thought they stopped making these during the Great Depression.
Not him, but I'm 38 and I used to get those all the time in the late 90s/early 2000s when I was a heavy smoker. Not that I actually thought they cured smoker breath, but it was kind of my fedora phase, to use the modern lingo.
Any good tobacco shop should carry them
i'm surprised by how many people hate these
Salty man meat
A soup, or 'medicine'? My Chinese grandma made me some weird concoction for a cold once. Boiled antelope horn or some shit.
Been eating natto since I was a child. People are put off by it's smell and texture but I've personally never noticed it's bad smell if there is one. The texture can make natto annoying to eat, trying to contain the strings, but the texture itself isn't off-putting.
I wish malt beverages were a bit more popular. I can hardly find them in Asia.
Nigguh wut?
Fucking old Asian grandmas. My Vietnamese grandma does the same thing.
The eyes of most fish cooked over coals
Smoked cow tongue
Just about anything fish really, fermented, sundried, curried, you name i'll eat it
Pofadder (various offal ground into a fatty sausage of goodness, cooked over coals,
Skilpaitjies (sheep/buck kidneys wrapped in the fat from some other organ, also cooked over coals)
Prawn heads
The entire apple
Jägermeister and coke
Zouty drops (Hades tier liqourice)
Peanuts with the shell (the fibrous outer bit, not the skin)
trans pussy
I like mayo with my noodles
>trans pussy
Go on
>trans pussy
transguys or transgirls?
A lot of people don't like black licorice but idk why shits delicious
The more backstreet the surgeon was, the more interesting the scents and textures become, and once they mature after a few years, the bolder and more pungent the sensations get. Its like a good cheese, a good, ripe, borderline palatable cheese.
The best import brands are turkish and japanese, imho, but you can always keep it safe and get a taiwanese 2nd hand, never let me down in a pinch of cravings.
Otherwise, if you're androintolerant you could get a circumsized subsaharan, ive found they all have their unique flavour profiles, some less enjoyable than others, but they serve as an excellent analogue for that fermented turkey gizzard texture i love so much about anthrocrotchnotch
Please, talking transguys here. I have class, I'm not some sausage gobbling slav
Dutch licorice.
I can't eat the stuff, too salty.
You mean salmiak. It's not salt flavour it's ammonium chloride that gives the taste.
Uh, I guess in Poland a lot of kids don't like, and then grow up to like:
brussel sprouts
spinach (mostly because it's served as a disgusting goopy mess with no flavour in kindergardens)
blood sausages
blood soup
coffee and beer, and vodka I guess, though I don't think people actually like the taste of vodka even when grown up
blue cheese
it's not a rule though, obviously. I know kids who loved olives forever, but most of my friends found them off-putting when they were kids and then tried them when they were adults and loved them.
Since when did idiots think "acquired taste" meant "thinks I like that most people don't"?
Look up the definition of "acquired"
It's salt, just not sodium chloride.
A different type of salt.
Cow tongue that shit is nasty
Ammonium chloride is a salt.
You sound salty yourself user :)
Fucking salty liquorice aka "drop(s)"
I don't understand how the dutch can eat this stuff
I've tried at least 4 different kinds of it and they're all horrible
Nvm, read the OP more carefully. Thought it was a general "acquired taste" thread
i liked cows tongue the one time i tried it,tasted like salami
>refers to an appreciation for a food or beverage that is unlikely to be enjoyed by a person who has not had substantial exposure to it, usually because of some unfamiliar aspect of the food or beverage, including a strong or strange odor, taste, or appearance.
that's completely different from "I like bloody maries but a lot of people I know do not"
Salmiak is awesome.
Also, raw liquorice drops.
Speaking of salmiak and liquorice, anyone else gotten liquorice poisoning here? I've gotten it 3 times so far. Discount liquorice is literally my cryptonite.
Black pudding, Marmite and Worcester Sauce are all things I heartily enjoy often.
As a Brit, I've noticed our food preferences (especially snacks) seem to favour salty/savoury foods over sugary sweet ones when compared to Americans, we really seem to have that penchant for glutamates.
Pickled Onions
Yeast Extract
Pork Scratchings
Meaty beer
The list goes on, maybe it's our shit climate that draws us to strong tasting food
shit's delicious m8
yet you keep eating the discount shit?
>be from italy
>live in us
>see this ITT
>'hey, that looks like tabu'
>wiki it
>it's got added sugar
>'so not like tabu, damn'
>it's out of production, anyway
>see the article mention something else called 'vigroids'
>wiki it
>exactly like mint tabu, but not regular one
>'oh well, mint one's still pretty good'
>it's still in production
Holy fuck, thanks for mentioning this!
Tabu was one of my favourite confectionaries as a kid and pure licorice is so fucking rare outside of Italy. I'm happy to know that there's a brand of pure licorice manufactured and sold in the US. I'm gonna go looking for Vigroids now.
yes lad, you just reminded me I've got some twiglets in the cupboard. cheers m8.
I think it could be the climate as well, Look at spains cuisine, rich but balanced flavours, lots of sweetness and sharp acids with seafood. Refreshing and quite clean tasting.
Same with Italy, fresh herbs, acidic tomato and wine. Even the fat is mostly in the form of fragrant and light olive oil.
Then British cuisine, an emphasis on meat, rich earthy warm spices like nutmeg and clove. Old pudding recipes Carbs are almost as much of a centrepiece as the meat with Yorkshire puddings, pies, goosefat roasted potatoes. Its food to keep you warm and make you feel full as quick as possible. Stops the miserable weather getting to you.
It's high quality liquorice, just on special offers every holiday. I'm a weak willed faggot, k :)
Why do you consider fernet an acquired taste? I've always thought it tasted genuinely good.
Maybe it's because where I'm from it's the most commoner drink.
Sen sen is no longer made.
I bought some from a drug store as recently as 1999ish. But yes, very old timey to be sure.
Fuck. Yes. So good! There's a little mexican joint in Joliet that makes the best menudo I've ever had. I drive out of my way and through the hood just to eat there.
I think there's a restaurant in Montreal that serves bloody marys with a slider skewered across the glass.
My friends and I refer to the idea as burger cocks.
Most people I've introduced to scrapple can't get past the consistency (especially if not cooked/fried hard) or the contents. I grew up eating and love it, however.
>fried hard
Black Philly native? I never hear anyone say that but black Philly natives and those associated with them, like Ricans and SWAN girls.
Dog food. you fucking normies can't even get on my level
No. I grew upside Reading, PA in a very traditional Pennsylvania German family. Most of my family members liked their scrapple cooked until it was crunchy.
but scrapple tastes great. people only stop liking it when they find out what's in it.
I'm not arguing with you there. But if someone knows what is in scrapple prior to consuming it, they are much less likely to eat it.
Sounds like an excerpt from naked lunch
I guess because every foreigner I have tried to introduce fernet said to me it was disgusting, like some sour medicine.
btw how do you drink it? Here in Argentina we mix it with cola.
Sen-sens are the greatest thing ever made
When they announced they were going out of business I bought 200$ worth and still have some
gonna save some til I'm on my deathbed honestly
one day if I'm rich and famous I'll start production up again
aside from that I like very bitter things in general, always keep some baking grade 95%+ chocolate at my desk to nibble on
Oysters and mussels. Can't stand their texture, smell or taste.
almost bought a bottle to try yesterday but went with campari instead. if its sour ill try it next time im at the store
I wouldn't call it acquired taste but:
Mint chip chocolate ice cream.
Horchata (the Spanish one, I don't know what the latin horchatas are even made of)
I's sour and bitter have a very strong herbal taste(strogner than jagger) and a very far woody taste. Would never recommend to blind buy it if you never tried it before. Try it first at some bar.
avgolemono soup my yiayia makes. It tastes great and cheap as shit but all the non wog friends who tried it were put off.
Also lamb liver wrapped in sheets of fat and grilled on an open flame. Although I guess that's more a consequence of me living in a shitty country like Australia that is afraid to eat anything besides muscle meat. It would probably be a fairly standard dish in most places.
Jesus fucking Christ.
A spicy bloody at like noontime after a bad hangover is a godsend. Ask your bartender to use jalepenos, raw horseradish, or pepper vodka to give it that kick.
>pickled eggs
>Brussel sprouts
>mexican chorizo
I love my licorizce
But why? It's the richest part of the animal
Khlav khalash, with crab juice. Or mountain dew.
I like to drip hot sauce on tortilla chips. I even create a chip to sauce ratio for the spice and always keep a glass of milk or water ready.