Pickled eggs

Goddamnit Veeky Forums, it's been too long since I've pickled some eggs. It's time to do a batch!

I usually use some hot sauce as a solution, but would love to hear some other ideas.


I've always made them with beet juice & generic pickling spice (bay leaf, mustard seed, cloves, etc.)


I love pickled eggs but I keep it very simple and just add a handful of black peppercorns and dried birdseye chillies to the jar.


would you like an egg in this trying time?

I put beet slices in them to turn them pink


>but jar of pickles
>eat pickles
>put hard boiled eggs in leftover pickle brine
>let sit for a few days

There. Pickled eggs.


I do that all the time. Ghetto style, perhaps, but still makes tasty eggs.

I've never had a pickled egg, what do they taste like? Is the texture any different? I can only imagine it's like a hard boiled egg but saltier

Depends. Homemade ones will be more like your typical hardboiled egg. But mass produced ones/bar eggs can sometimes have a more rubbery texture. I don't know if it's because they were just boiled for so long, the brine, or just left to soak for so long. But the egg will obviously have flavors similar to the brine (with obviously more subtle notes of salt, vinegar, spices, and spice).

You can also just throw hotdogs or sausages into the brines as well (pre-cooked of course).

I always imagine that the outer surface of egg white on a hard boiled egg is pretty much water tight.

Does the flavour of the pickle juice really penetrate into the egg much?

The mass produced one I have had are overcooked and placed in pretty much pure vinegar which is why they are so rubbery.

Made these yesterday.

Brine from homemade dill and garlic kraut, sweet peppers, hot peppers, salt, pepper, cinnamon, crushed red pepper, beets, anise and garlic.


you would be surprised

akshully the outer shell is a semi-premeable membrane so it absorbs external liquids/gasses through ozmosis.

I remember there was a high-school science experiment where this is demonstrated by placing an egg over a glass bottle and heating the bottle so the steam causes the egg to shrink and slip into the bottle without breaking the shell.


Yes user, you understood the reference, congratulations.

Well as someone who's never made pickled eggs before but has been meaning to, I'll try the bottom recipe. Recently got an electric kettle so cooking eggs is a lot less of a pain in the ass than before (fuck electric burners)

Love doing that with Claussen pickles

Shame I can only fit 8 or so eggs in the jar

The only thing like that I'm aware of is with a boiled and shelled egg being sucked into a bottle by using the vacuum a burning match produces

I must say personally however that I quite enjoy the rubbery texture

Pig salt apple cider vinegar and red peppers

What do you mean by "pig"?

>steam causes the egg to shrink


>I quite enjoy the rubbery texture

This loser doesnt exclusively use Pig salt

Fuck, forgot pic

About 72 hours

>I usually use some hot sauce as a solution

How do you do this? It sounds good.

You'll need an American style hot sauce, which are based on vinegar, not the sugary Asian stuff.

You can use it pure or dillute it with some vinegar.

As a yuropoor I actually import the stuff, because all you can get here are those tiny bottles of tobasco, which aren't exactly economical.

I dread the idea of eggs pickled in pure tobasco.

Like I said earlier I just throw in a few dried chillies.

I would like a stronger vinegar though and am wondering if i heated it for a bit . . .would it get more acidic or would the acid boil off?

The eggs get spicy of course, but they don't pick up as much spiciness as you might think. Most of the fire seems to come from the solution that coats the egg when it leaves the jar.

But I suppose you could throw some hot sauce into your existing solution, so it's not so 'extreme'.

I'm going to try this although I like salted eggs better.