>ITT - disgusting things that people eat because it makes them feel cultured and superior while everyone else laughs at them behind their back
ITT - disgusting things that people eat because it makes them feel cultured and superior while everyone else laughs at...
kombucha drinks. seriously theyre so disgusting i dont get why people would ever drink that shit. its overpriced white mom vinegar water
it is like a spice senpai, a little is tasty, too much is bad
it is cool if you don't like straight stilton, but there are other kinds, this cheese is boss, I'm guarantee it
I tried some bits of blue cheese for the first time ever when I had a salad recently, and I must say that it was pretty dank.
>rebla bla bla
>organic & raw
this has bullshit written all over it
>stop eating what I don't like
>projecting yourself onto others
Apply yourself, user!
Obvious troll thread is obvious, but steak tartare, or any kind of offal.
>ha ha you got trolled so hard!
Obvious nigger detected
Dark chocolate.
OP, you have issues.
And so do the other people bitching in this thread.
Fucking children having temper tantrums.
ITT: The coasties get triggered
> ITT everyone is triggered
>tfw I eat it because I like the bitterness
blue cheese dressing with steak fries/jojos is the best thing ever, or a big ol blue cheese burger from red robin, how can you not like blue cheese, i thought it was like bacon, just one of those foods everyone loves
>how can you not like blue cheese, i thought it was like bacon, just one of those foods everyone loves
If everyone liked blue cheese, and restaurant owners weren't cheapasses both, absolutely no one would serve ranch with chicken wings. It was originally a blue cheese side.
I adore blue cheese, and have since an early age. I'm sure I felt it was strong as a child first couple of times I had it, but I emulated my parents who loved all kinds of cheese. Eventually ended up liking it most.
Sorry kids, Veeky Forums is 18+
>reddit tries to make a Veeky Forums-inspired comic
back to 9gag and take your iphone with you, Trisha
Literally dank
>ITT Manchildren
With the exception of this, it looks stupid
I'm surprised nobody has posted this yet
>his head is a hairy ass
mildly amused
>disgusting things that people eat because it makes them feel cultured and superior
actually pretty accuate
yo that shit look GOOD
It actually is pretty good
I'm a gril btw ;^)
>not eating anus
Wtf are you even doing with your life
I'm a faggot who makes iced cappuccinos for my morning coffee and even i can understand drinking black
>any kind of offal
sounds like you've never had lamb heart
but i like the taste of clean pussy :(
Buffalo chicken with bleu cheese is great, garlic bread with Gorgonzola cheese is also amazing. The only people who seem to despise these cheeses fail to understand how cheese is made in the first place and think all cheese should taste like a mild cheddar or mozzarella.
>eating fungi
Disgusting mold eaters
Purple carrot juice. Its bitter, but the after taste isn't bad.
Do you not eat mushrooms, either?
>getting cancer
No seriously, that's how Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson got cancer.
not the kind youre thinking of, if you catch my drift ;)
>not inhaling whole chunks of roquefort till your mouth bleeds
but seriously, strong blue cheese is awesome once you acquired the taste for it. only a children's pallet would reject it, like olives or broccoli
>being this much of an American
user, please, come to Europe and we'll teach you about cheese.
There are just as many plebs in Europe as there are in the US; stop being stupid.
blue cheese is great you fucking pleb.
And don't tell me I'm just trying to be fancy because I eat that shit with crackers while sitting in my underwear at my computer.
I used to work at a deli, every europoor bought American cheese.
This reeks of class insecurity. Falling out of the middle class, OP?
No you didn't.
What an oddly specific thing to lie about.
While it's probably bait, it would be more damning if it were true, and people were so close-minded and egocentric that they'd go to a foreign country and buy overpriced food from where they're from instead of the local cuisine.
Unless you're not from north europe and can get your hands on cheap different types of black coffees, you're solid.
Black coffee always has more flavor and it can go from sour like sour tea to tasting like black rye bread.
Took me ages but I managed to go from "always milk always" to drinking most coffees black.
But how long did it take you to go from regular faggot to mega faggot?
yeah its so cool i eat chese sandwich with BBQ, ice cream its yummy
i eat smothie with BBQ, ice cream, bannana, apple, sugar, chese and eggs
About the same timespan.
its fine OP, at some point you will learn something called constructing your own personality, and you won't have to worry about having to appear cultured.
they have pretty good health benefits desu
thats turnip.
>tripping the filters
Currently enjoying a blue cheese Martini.
Rotten cheese should've never become a meme because you will always have that one retard who doesn't know when to stop.
>hey camembert is not obscure enough let's put more shit into the cheese and let it rot even more :^)
Some girls are dreadful to go down on. Others taste amazing. All depends on diet
the amount of bacteria that enters your body on the daily makes a bit of mold pretty negligible. Also, if you're talking fungus, well, stop eating bread.
My individual. Got a local place that makes a blue cheese vodka martini that is boner inducing.
I just can't get into olives. Any suggestions?
Wine, kind of
I mean wine is pretty good, but there are so many better alternatives so its only purpose is the illusion of culture
I am CONVINCED that black coffee and dark chocolate are memes. I have tried dozens of black coffee with multiple methods and they all tasted almost the same with subtle bitter bean water differences.
I literally don't know anybody that drinks coffee other than black unless they go to a dessert type coffee place like Starbucks.
i do, if i drink it with milk and sugar i get the shits.
Dark chocolate is actually quite nice if you don't want something too sweet.
Some of them taste good.
Also, good workout recovery/vitamins.
I like the Chia ones
spend some money, don't buy the cheap stuff in brine. good olives come in oil, not saltwater. try kalamata olives, they taste nothing like what standard olives taste like.
green olives are unripe, try black ones but beware, a lot of the cheaper ones are just green olives with black food coloring. good olives are never stuffed and often still have the pit
I think they do a cheese in Italy that has live maggots in it.
Ranch is paired with hot wings because wings are served with celery, fool
Just say 'mouthfeel' we all know that's what you mean nu male cuck
American here, I like Australian cheddar. I could eat it every single day on my German pumpernickel bread. Moldy cheese, on the other hand, is just a sometimes food.
But let us not fight amongst ourselves, for at the end of the day we are all cheese eaters who can feel grateful to not have been born Asian or African, for those races do not eat cheese.
>tasting like black rye bread
That's because American black rye bread literally has coffee and molasses in it to simulate the color of real black bread while only requiring a few hours of cooking time. Real black bread doesn't taste like fucking coffee because it doesn't contain fucking coffee, it's purely the result of 18+ hours of low temperature mallard reaction in the rye dough.
People don't like dark chocolate because they try to it it like regular milk chocolate. If you REALLY want to be hardcore you eat couverture or raw chocolate, that shit will send you straight into coma.
> and people were so close-minded and egocentric that they'd go to a foreign country and buy overpriced food from where they're from instead of the local cuisine.
Isn't that literally what tourists do, though?
>go to a foreign country
>try the local dishes once
>hit the McDonalds for the remainder of the trip
>go to a foreign country
>try the local dishes once
>hit the McDonalds for the remainder of the trip
I'm actually guilty of this. I was in Beijing for two weeks and after about 10 days I was almost exclusively eating McDonalds, although I put that down to me knowing it was "safe" food, having the shits, and struggling to even finish a chicken burger
Best McDonalds hamburger I ever had was the one I got when I visited Germany. America has many things, but they are all very low quality things. Simple staples like beef, bread, and potatoes all taste better basically everywhere else on the god damn planet because they weren't made in American industrial "farms".
I only had a few things from the McDonalds in Beijing, but the best things were the Green Tea McFlurries and the Spicy Chicken Burger
>compound chocolate
literally low-tier shit factories use to coat cheap products with that you should never eat. I don't think you can even buy it in regular stores.
I used to work at a Whole Foods kinda place right in the bougie part of town.
We'd listen for someone to pick up a kombucha and say they were going to try it and then surreptitiously keep an eye on them just to see their face when they took a full swig of this miracle drink they'd heard about in their yoga class or whatever.
The ones who kept drinking it after would be like fucking crackheads for the shit though.
>isn't that literally what tourists do, though
Of fucking course not. Stop being stupid.
Boiled vegetables.
Shit is gross as fuck.
>hate all cheese unless it's part of a sandwich and has a mild flavor profile, eating cheese by itself is disgusting
>hate tomatoes and eating a raw tomato is vomit tier
>hate mushrooms
I always see niggas going on about caprese salad and combining tomato with cheese and it's pretty much the most revolting combination I can think of desu
You may have never tasted a decent tomato or piece of cheese in your life. Ingredients make all the difference for "cooking" that's just raw shit tossed together.
I'd ask if you're literally a baby, but even small children enjoy dairy and fruit. Pretty pathetic dude, and I wouldn't share these shortcomings of yours in real life.
>le tomato is a fruit guys, look how knowledgeable i am XDD
In the context of something like a caprese salad it's absolutely considered a fruit; that's not even controversial.
Have you ever tried blue cheese? If not stfu it's delicious. I tried it on a whim just so I could say I tried that shit and ended up buying it every week...
In terms of food preferences you're my mortal enemy.
The 'murican is strong with this one.
Castelvetrano are nice and mild for snacking with a buttery texture and nicoise are great for something a little stronger but not overpowering.
couverture isn't more hardcore, it's just got a higher cocoa butter content.
It tastes good. That is the only reason I eat anything frequently. No one laughs because no one sees me eat it. Kill yourself.