What's some of the dumbest things you heard relating to food and dieting?
What's some of the dumbest things you heard relating to food and dieting?
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Anything but calories matter to weight loss
Ice cream has no calories because it makes the body heat up to digest which in turn burns calories
Eggs are healthy/unhealthy
Oh that's fucking brilliant.
Serious question though - if you drink ice-cold water, does that translate to negative calories for the same reason?
I would assume so.
An insignificant amount, but yes.
>dietary cholesterol is bad for you
>vegan diets are healthy
Yes it does. Your body actually spends a small amount of energy in keeping you warm in addition to your basal metabolic rate. This amount increases the colder you are, which is why shivering in the cold is a viable way to burn calories.
By definition, your body needs to expend one calorie to raise the temperature of one gram of water per degree Celsius. This means that if you drink a liter of ice-cold water, you have managed to burn about 36 kcal. A gallon of freezing water would then allow you to burn an Oreo. But careful: the water must be freezing, otherwise you're burning off fewer calories.
The amount of calories taken to break down nutrients is always a percentage of the calories absorbed (it is highest for protein at about 20-30%), and so it never takes more energy to digest something than you gain by consuming it. And of course, the calories burned by your intestines' contractions are negligible. Bottom line is, negative-calorie foods are bullshit.
"Carbs are the reason people gain weight!!1!"
No, Dr. Atkins. Unused carbs are the reason people gain weight. Address your diet according to the amount of activity you perform. Sheesh.
>So in the case of a 16-ounce glass of ice water, your body must raise the temperature of 473.18 grams of water from zero to 37 degrees C. In doing so, your body burns 17,508 calories. But that's calories with a little "c." Your body only burns 17.5 Calories, and in the grand scheme of a 2,000-Calorie diet, that 17.5 isn't very significant.
>there's 10 spoons of sugar in that can of coke you're drinking, user
yeah why don't you fuck yourself, retard
I read an article in Readers Digest about hummingbirds once, and the writer got confused between calories and kcalories. He seemed to think that calories were the same as food calories, and that a kcal was a thousand food calories. He then extrapolated this to say a hummingbird needs 10 cheeseburgers worth of calories a day. He wasn't even internally consistent. My 12 year old self called bullshit.
And that's how I learned about calories and food calories.
Had a friend once who told me hot cheetoes were made from Styrofoam and petroleum byproducts, then lit one on fire to demonstrate.
Wonder of wonders, aerated carbohydrates soaked in oil burn well, and for a while too. If it had been foam it would have burned up in an instant.
He then had a cigarette.
Sorbet/gelati is healthier than ice cream.
Eggs are dangerous for you don't eat more than one a week.
Your body will absorb the carbon in all those sodas you drink.
Milk for breakfast ? no no no drink this glass of hot water and lemon juice.
Source is mom.
Anything regarding carbonation in carbonated drinks.
Carbonation doesn't influence your body in any way. You should only avoid it if you've had a gastric surgery of some sort and your stomach literally can't handle the volume added by the carbonation.
That bananas are the be all, end all for potassium.
I know this is super specific, but a friend of mine had colon cancer, and had a complete removal of his large intestine. He was told that in order to keep his potassium levels normal, he'd have to regularly eat potatoes in any form. Also, potato chips have different levels of potassium based on their flavour, the best being salt and vinegar. Who knew?
>milk is bad for you
yeah maybe if you're a lactose intolerant shitskin
>fruits are healthy
most fruits have about 10% sugar or more
>Sugar is baaaaad!
Another one :D
Water and lemon first thing in the morning, ive been doing it for years. Guess its more due to habit though, rather than because ive had any noticable benefits from it alone. either way I'd recommend it, can't be harmful. Alkalizes your body they say
The absolute dumbest is when something gets called a meme.
t. fat fuck
This is why imperial units are shitty.
Use kJ.
If you drink 2L of ice water, follow that meme, that means it's about 70 calories
If you're cutting calories it can't hurt
>using both gallon and liter
fucking end yourself America already
this fucking vampire stuffed inside a human suit
his comment was way more insightful than you could ever hope to be you aussie cunt
>lemon juice alkalises your body
Drinking distilled water is bad for you.
t. fluoride shills
>Alkalizes your body they say
>drinking acid makes my body more basic
carbs in system, sugar spike, insulin spike, sugar levels go down, need more sugar. A diet in which sugar is the main component isn't a good one user.
>by definition your body needs to expend one calorie to raise the temperature of one gram of water per degree Celsius
>metabolic processes are 100% efficient
What are thermodynamics
nuh uh user, insulin spikes have been shown to be correlated with high amounts of fat along with carbs. also if Atkins diet was so good and he followed it why did he die of heart disease and obesity desu
Added sugar is bad. Makes your foods very calorie dense without filling you up.
>Carbs/bread/potatoes/rice make you fat
>Americans are following the dietary guidelines/have a low-fat diet
>Insulin causes diabetes
>Blood sugar causes diabetes
>Fructose is bad because it gets converted to fatty acids
>Eating fatty acids directly isn't bad though
>Fat doesn't make you fat
>Olive oil is healthy
>Saturated fat is good for you
>Omega-6 causes inflammation
>Low-fat products are full of sugar
>Paleolithic people had a high-fat diet
>Glycemic index matters at all
>Sugar makes you hungry quicker, you need "slow carbs"
>Diabetics should adopt a low-carb diet
>No carbs after X hour of the day
I work with a chick that still goes by fat content and completely ignores/disregards calories.
Yes. But he's talking about fruit, not refined sugar in processed foods.
Isn't the issue with fructose is that it gets converted into fat which is then stores around your liver thus putting pressure on it?
Sugar is a simple carb your body and access the energy in it faster then say brown rice which is a complex carb. Idk about it making you feel fuller or anything but there is somthing to be said about the energy release being delayed
Finally with the whole carb thing. I think the issue is thinks like white bread high in carbs lacking in fiber and has more added sugar than whole wheat, in America at least. So yeah if you got the beatus it would be a pretty bad idea to base your diet around enriched grains
But milk actually has cow puss in there user
And your mom has my semen in her, doesn't mean I don't eat her out every day.
People who say shit like this are dumb. It's like saying beef is decomposing flesh... yeah, it's still the exact same beef I've been eating my whole life, who cares if you give it an unattractive description? It's not like people were tricked or something.
It has nothing to do with imperial units, and everything to do with improper use of units - not that the two are mutually exclusive.
Mind you, calories aren't properly imperial either, given that its based in joule per gram per celsius. The imperial equivalent would be British Thermal Units.
>He must be really healthy, he never eats meat
wow I've never seen a collection of things that are so utterly wrong and uninformed
o that was a laff
seriously what
>all these people who can't tell the difference between ionizing and non ionizing radiation
>fruit smoothies burn fat (tumblr and so many women's magazines)
>eggs are bad for you
>fat is bad for you
>low fat premixed flavored yogurt is good for you
>fake sugar is healthy
>bread is healthy (I fucking love bread but I know what it is--essentially a candybar.)
>granola bars are healthy (they're a fucking candybar, just look at the sugar stats)
>vegetarian/vegan is more healthy
>a bagel for breakfast is healthy
>carrots and fruit are bad for you because glycemic index (show me one person in the history of ever who got fat on fruits and carrots)
>fruit has a lot of sugar (it's mainly water, fiber, and vitamins ya dingus)
>rice is healthy
>peanut butter is healthy
>pb+js are a healthy meal (they're essentially a double size candy bar, probably about the same as a snickers)
>people who drink flavored water because they want to be healthy but they're too much of a sugar addict baby to drink plain fucking water)
>fruit juice is healthy, especially when they are referring to 10% juice loaded with hfcs/sugar
>those retards who think soaking fruit and veg in water and drinking the water is healthy (eat the fucking fruit you twit)
>turmeric milk
>drinking shots of apple cider vinegar
>juicing fad (throwing away all the cunting fiber that would make it filling)
>muffins are "healthy" (niggers have 500 calories, a donut is technically better for your diet)
>people who think those frozen single meals like lean cuisine are healthy
>weight watchers
>atkins, long beach diet, any sort of fad diet
>grapefruit diet
Yes actually, your body will attempt to counterbalance the extra acidity in your stomache, that's why the most common remedy for heartburn is eating chalk.
>grapefruit diet
It's already been proven that you can get cancer from non-ionizing radiation and that the damage is accumulative.
non/ionizing radiation is a stupid anti-fact, anti-science meme now. Ironic, aint' it? Yes, cell phones causing cancer is back in the science consciousness. Deal with it.
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
>Then, in 2015, a study in Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine provided part of the answer as to how RFR might lead to cancer. A review of prior research into the biological effects of RFR exposure showed that the levels of radiation absorbed through normal cell phone or wireless internet use produce oxidative stress, a condition in which the body's antioxidant capability is overwhelmed, and free radicals start to build up in the body.
>Free radicals cause oxidative damage to cells and DNA, and have been strongly linked to cancer, heart disease, dementia and other health conditions.
>eggs are bad for you
They are.
>fat is bad for you
Some types are.
>vegetarian/vegan is more healthy
Unless you're the type of retarded vegetarian who lives on macaroni and cheese, they are.
>bread is healthy (I fucking love bread but I know what it is--essentially a candybar.)
Only if it's made with refined grains.
>He then had a cigarette.
>health and food and biology is a complex and only partially understood science
eat this, it's healthy. science says so!
GMOs are perfectly safe. science says so!
>and my favorite
calories are the only thing that matters. thermodynamics says so!
and other retarded blanket statements.
>eggs are bad for you
>They are.
>calories are the only thing that matters. thermodynamics says so!
In the context of losing weight, they are. If you're talking about actual wellness and body composition, of course they aren't. Though I don't think anyone actually says calories only matter in regards to those two things. At least, I've never seen anyone make that assertion.
Another (old) study showing that high-sugar diet isn't any worse for you than high-starch diet, and both are good for you. High-sugar improves your insulin sensitivity, high-fat will give you diabetes in just 4 weeks, fucking keke order now and you'll get a heart attack absolutely free. fatkins apologists btfo out of this universe
no they just make the assertion in any context like it's actual useful information
>did you know you could eat less to lose weight?
r u serious? this is something you think about? you think because people don't know this is why obesity is an epidemic?
It's very useful information. People often get distracted and think that they have to totally change their diet in order to lose weight when in reality they can eat the same things they do now, just less of it.
Like I've said, I've personally never seen someone say that in regards to body composition or wellness.
Same here. I've seen it often when discussing weight loss. I've recommended it myself in the context of weight loss.
But yeah, I've never seen it suggested in the context of health in general.
>r u serious? this is something you think about? you think because people don't know this is why obesity is an epidemic?
Yes actually. Growing up in the southern US losing weight meant eating no fat and running for 10 miles a day.
At age 20 when I realized you can eat whatever you want if you track your calories I applied it and lost 70 pounds.
It really is a problem and people honestly don't know how or why the body gains weight.
Calcium Carbonate is basic and reacts with acids as follows:
CaCO3(s) + 2H+(aq) → Ca2+(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O (l)
Citric acid does not do this, and in no way alkalizes your body. That said, a lemon water first thing in the morning sounds delicious and is not harmful at all
>But yeah, I've never seen it suggested in the context of health in general
Lets see
>Someone who is 200 lbs overweight, but eats all the "right" foods and follows his nutrition to a T. No junk food, no excess fat or sugar, the epitome of perfect nutrition
>a person at a normal weight who often eats junk food but manages his weight
You know who is going to live longer and have less health problems? The guy that isn't putting 200 lbs of excess stress on his body.
whose dumb shit is this
there is no way apples and oranges take more calories to eat than they contain
High-fat low-fiber diet can turn a healthy normal weight guy borderline diabetic in 4 weeks, see Sugar vs. Fat documentary. Meanwhile there are a couple fat people with good blood tests, it just happens to be the case that most fatties eat high-fat diets which caused them to become fat in the first place and also gives them diabetes and high cholesterol
Read em and weep, fatty.
>Intakes of meat, fish, poultry, and eggs and risk of prostate cancer progression.
>Our results suggest that the postdiagnostic consumption of processed or unprocessed red meat, fish, or skinless poultry is not associated with prostate cancer recurrence or progression, whereas consumption of eggs and poultry with skin may increase the risk.
>Choline intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer: incidence and survival.
>Of the 47,896 men in our study population, choline intake was associated with an increased risk of lethal prostate cancer.
>Egg, red meat, and poultry intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer in the prostate-specific antigen-era: incidence and survival.
>Men who consumed 2.5 or more eggs per week had an 81% increased risk of lethal prostate cancer compared with men who consumed less than 0.5 eggs per week
As a bonus, egg producers are forbidden by law to refer to eggs as "healthy" or "nutritious". Enjoy that prostate cancer.
>Free radicals are bad
>Anti-oxidants are good
Not a shred of evidence for either statement
>linked to
Not a strong case user
>All those non-definitive findings
>All those "may"s and "could"s
>Other studies show no issues with egg consumption
I'll keep enjoying my delicious gain ovals, thank you very much. You can go cry in a corner or something.
"Tapping the side of a shaken soda can will prevent it gushing out when opened".
This is bullshit. I asked Veeky Forums
>I'm fat because I'm not eating enough good fats
Did you stop after the first line or what?
>We prospectively examined total, unprocessed, and processed red meat, poultry, and eggs in relation to risk of lethal prostate cancer (e.g., men without cancer at baseline who developed distant organ metastases or died from prostate cancer during follow-up) among 27,607 men followed from 1994 to 2008
>Men who consumed 2.5 or more eggs per week had an 81% increased risk of lethal prostate cancer compared with men who consumed less than 0.5 eggs per week.
That's not a inconclusive result. In a study of 27,000 men over the course of 14 years, men who consumed of 2.5 or more eggs per week had a 81% increased risk of dying from prostate cancer.
An increase of 81% means that you're almost doubling your chance of developing and dying from prostate cancer by eating eggs on a regular basis. I don't personally give a fuck if you want to ignore the facts and eat eggs regardless but this is about the strongest case you'll ever see in a field like dietary science where correlations are difficult to pin down.
>81% increased risk of lethal prostate cancer
Jumping from 0.01625% to 0.02941% IF the study holds up. Which it won't
Read them all dude. All of them are still literally inconclusive.
That one you have is real scary, but there are so many things they don't account for. And like I said, there are many studies countering ones like these.
I'll enjoy my eggs tyvm fag.
Flick it instead.
I'd rather grip the container hard for a minute and refrigerate for 8 hours, no noticable difference.
You sound like my gf, she's got diabeetus now
>Never eat before or after [certain time] it'll all automatically turn to fat!
>You have to drink 8 glasses of just water a day if you ever want to lose weight.
>[Insert macro] is the reason why people are fat! If they just stopped eating [macro] they'd be skinny!
Pretty tired of hearing about Dr. Oz fad diets and foods as well. It's even funnier when something someone tells me from the show contradicts something they said a few weeks/months back.
Sugar and carbs prevent diabetes though, fat causes it Maybe tell your gf to drop the butter and mayo
>10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy
I don't why I lol'd so hard.
You fail to recognize the huge amount of variables that come into play here.
Also these studies don't mean anything untill they have been lumped together in a big meta-analyses.
See pic for an example.
Ive never seen this pasta. Very nice.
>"Cleansing diet"
There's no way to lose weight and eat shit likes cookies and chips.
Yes there is, just eat less of it dumb fuck.
Microwave popcorn is actually dangerous. There was this dude that would basically huff it every day and it fucked up his lungs and killed him. I think there was a lawsuit.
it's the fake butter chemical they put on it that's dangerous
plain microwave popcorn is fine
inb4 chemophobia aspie announces water is dihydrogen monoxide
yeah its diacetyl, it gives the buttery smell
Or, or, you could just not huff the bag every time you make it?
>implying metabolism has anything to do with literally heating up water
Your body needs to expend 1 kcal to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. The fact that human bodies are not 100% efficient means that they must consume more than 1 kcal in dietary energy to provide this heat, but the actual heat expended in warming the water is precisely 1 kcal.