What's with the obscene amount of LARPing on this board?

There is nobody on this board that is a millionaire, the heavy majority of 6 figure folios are LARPers as well. People that rich don't spend time on autistic boards looking for shitcoins that might go x10. If your folio is 5 figures you're the 1% of this board, don't let those LARPers make you feel poor.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a millionaire. I've signed transaction with my Bitcoin addresses before as proof, but there's no point. Nobody even responds after I do this.

its sad that some people believe them

I have 25k right now (peak at 40k) but I refuse to believe I’m in the 1% of this board. This board has gone to shit lately but I still believe we aren’t all pajeets. Where did the oldfags go?

I got 50k and no way am I 1%
I fucked up so bad theres no way Im among the Veeky Forums elite

$120k with a peak of $200k
I'm pretty sure I'm not in the elite either
I'm a shitty trader and just got a few lucky coins

Was looking at the /g/ archive from 2010 and some guy is still holding like 35k btc

only oldfags left here are those who were afraid to put more than $100 in and didn't make it yet, if you were a millionaire why would you bother spending even a second on social media? social media are cancer on your mental health and society, it's a platform of manipulation, this board too with paid shillers and fudders

they would still be here for the little slivers of knowledge from time to time

for fun

this. i'm mostly just here to abuse pajeets

BTFOing chainlinkers is fun, but is it more fun or even comparable to all the fun things you can buy with money?

$18k here

i've got more than $1m, but it's in fiat :(

I got a million sats

1 BTC: $10,400
1 ETH: $840
1 NANO: $7.68

watching omegamaker make another wrong prediction: priceless

for everything else, there's Bitcoin Cash

Larpers and idiots who think they are rich but they never cashed out

You weren't here in 2013 were you? We had name fags that were certified bitcoin millionaires when we were at 1k
Imagine where they are now

I had 180k not I have 3 million fun where do I go to learn about real coins? Once I mske mad money do I just market dump? Halo I need a whale to hold my hand

Dude the entire reason I want to make it so I can shitpost for 66.6% of my day instead of my current 33.3%. Ya dig?

In Thailand with ladyboys

prove it then faggot. I'll respond

Fucking newfag. Bunch of us have been here pre 2015 and bought BTC and ETH for the memes.

yeah can I have 0.5 of a BTC? I promise I'll respond to your threads forever


I signed the message "DZ0CV302" (without quotes) with my address 1D8StAHGCwfbk14AbHY6wVQZ7V7bC5hiQb

the signature is



this address has 76 BTC, but I have other addresses, Bitcoin Cash and ETH

I think this should be enough to prove I'm not LARPing

no, that's my retirement fund

Veeky Forums has a million unique visitors per day. I can't imagine a genuine early adopter who wouldn't have visited b (or recently biz) at some point. The odds are good.

Only correct answer

I'm 6 figures. No Larp

I do buy that they exist, they're just not that many . What blows my mind is
> Insider here, I have information on this shitcoin but I can't say what it is, you want to buy it by the way
That's a bit insulting by how lazy it is.

Gib advice senpai. When did you start and how much have you invested through your career as a pro shitcoiner?

bought this one shitcoin back in 2011, called BTC

it was $0.24 at the time

I don't think that's going to work for me.

Ah one of the fabled lucky ones, I suppose you're waiting on it going back to 20k before cashing out? Did you do that last December run?

It's funny that there are wagecucks who find it hard to believe that some have actually made it. How is that hard to believe, do you have no awareness of the numbers at all? I hit six figures in early 2017 having started off with 7k initial investment in 2015, my portfolio was briefly over a million in December and I don't doubt it will return to 7 figures sometime this year and then press higher. I used to work retail. I do want I want now. Still live modestly because I'm not a nigger of course.

So I'm not a millionaire currently I don't doubt there are people on biz who are currently millionaires. Maybe they don't post as much as the used to, but they are there.

Go to your nearest gas station and buy a lottery ticket

I do realize that there are many millionaries, I mean how hard was it for example to buy sub $1 neo or $0.001 ripple, you didn't even have to wait a year.
What I'm putting into question is why would those people remain on this board and shitpost. Is there really all that is to life even with money?

all the money spent on vidya/premium game currency these past few years makes my soul ache.

I cashed out $250,000 for $13,200

I didn't want to pay California state tax too much, so I will move to another state before cashing out more in December

I remember when people said this to me when BTC was worth $100 - "It won't go up much from there, I wish I bought at 24 cents"

so might explaining why do you prefer to spend your time shitposting now that you are wealthy? didn't find anything intereseting to do? also why is the amount of bitcoins you own so low if you bought for cents?

turns out degenerate gamblers really enjoy lying about their winnings

>What I'm putting into question is why would those people remain on this board and shitpost.

>turn $10,000 into $1,000,000
>why continue? just quit
The absolute state of wage cucks

who said stop making money? I said stop shitposting, with that money you don't need to find a x10 or better moonshot in a sea of turd, you can make serious investments, most of it outside of crypto too

No, I didn't find anything more interesting to do.

I started cashing out fiat starting from $300, of course

>implying crypto is all we invest in

My crypto folio alone is $250k, believe it or not i know its not even that much
But i grew it from 10k since June 2017
I also have a real job where I invest in my 401k, and use robinhood for shitstock trading.

Admittedly, I only have 25k in stocks (excluding my 401k).
But I unironically consider my crypto investments as "serious" investments.

It's not like I own digibyte or turtlecoin.

this whole board is literally just pajeets larping. someone should ask hiroshimoot how many india IP's post on this board. I'm sure the stats will reveal who is really behind all these posts.

Veeky Forums gets most of its traffic from finland i believe, someone posted a chart here before, india isn't even on there. pajeets are busy shitting up telegrams with unironic "wen moon"

what was the maximum amount of bitcoins you ever owned at a time?


what coins would you buy if you were starting now? I'm sitting at a healthy stack of neo ($10k worth) and have $3k to dump into a moonshot coin
not sure if I should be asking you though, were you that smart or just lucky to be early?

Welcome to Veeky Forums, where insecurity is as infinite as the stupidity.

Buy a coin you really believe in and hold it for a long period of time

I didn't just make a good investment into BTC, I also bought ETH at $76 so now I have 200 ETH as well and I never touched it

I wouldn't stop coming to biz if I made it, I mean what else would you do when you're chilling at home?

1 million isn't that much either, it's kinda rich status but it's not 'fuck you money', I'd probably need like 5-10 million so I can move to a nice neighourhood in another country and then I'd need a few million more to consider doing funny rich people stuff like hiring a full time butler and a driver

to me, it's fuck you money status, I'm moving to Las Vegas and just chilling

it's way cheaper than SF Bay Area and I don't work as a programmer anymore so there's no point

also, fuck state taxes

I don't understand why wagecuck normies think you suddenly become really jbusy just because someone have money. No idiot, still normal, still shitpost (but it's much more fun now)

eh I didn't mean busy with life, I meant stopping spending time on things you only do with incentive of earning money

I've talked with people I genuinely believe are millionaires in this board, I believe you migo. Give me a quick rundown if what you've learned along the way!

>explaining what we all already know

Do you feel like your life has value now?

kek, I actually verified later in the thread

My wife and I have over a million in crypto. We both hang out here for the memes. Just because you haven’t accomplished anything doesn’t mean other people didn’t.

Veeky Forums is antisocial media, faggot. the real question is what are YOU doing here?

well memed

he's probably dead or lost it

this. fucking poorfag nu-brainlets

I own 10 BTC, and a variety of other shit coins. Does that make me rich? No. Does it make me happy? Also no. Thus i spend my days in this cesspool of autism. Also FUDing and shilling is one of the pillars of crypto.

six figures is not a lot. 5 figures is really not a lot. 7 figures on the dot is good but with taxes you will be back to six figures. minus other expenses and you are poor again.

Every other person I talk to offline has at least 100k. I have just over 1m which isn't anything crazy...the whale I know has 13-15m and just holds everything.

I never posted or even came here until I had what most people my age would consider a shitload of money. Why would you spend time here if you were broke? Being under 100k is a desperate situation, there's no time for memes

Why would you ever stop shitposting? The more you shitpost the less time is spent wasting money on things that aren't crypto.

>he thinks you can leave


I remember that thread

I'm glad I ignored him

It's hilarious how poorfags put this concept of "a million" so high on the pedestal like it's this unattainable ideal. When you get here you realize it isn't fucking shit. My desires increased now I need like 50 million.

You're right. I'm still coming to this shit place purely out of habit. There's almost NO value here now a days. All it does is infect you with a bunch of NEET poorfag's generally negative and ugly mentality.

do you think BCH will takeover BTC?

You can never leave

Gj, you are now being tracked by the IRS

hhaha seriously if youve been on biz over 6 months and didnt hit at least 6 figs youre fucking retarded.