Grab a plate Veeky Forums, the pizza is ready.
Grab a plate Veeky Forums, the pizza is ready
nice dubs
that is a delicious looking cheese and tomato bread dish
no no no, it's fazolis
wa la
'gooooo 'ZA!
>no corn
>no pineapple
not a real pizza sempai desu
I'll take things that don't belong on a pizza for $500 Alex!
once you grow up and become a man you'll realize just how wrong that statement is
Check em
fa-fa-fack off fazolis fuck faggot
Oh lord help me no
>not having pineapple on your pizza
well at least you can have semen there, faggot
it's like eating "raquelle" or cheese-fondue i suppose, but in a crust and topped with tomato suggo... doesn't sound appealing to me desu
what kind of cheese is used traditionally?
What on Earth is wrong with that 'za? That looks disgusting, and I actually like eating morbidly obese amounts of cheese.
Why does Veeky Forums turn to shit when brits and aussies are awake bros?
Not even once
Don't mind if I do!
>corn on pizza
That's a nice cheese melt. Is that tomato on top? And do i see some bread crust? Yum.
Soup goes in a bowl you fucking moron.
rate my go za guys
they probably just cut it too soon after it came out of the oven, so the cheese was still hot and melted.
or the filling/cheese was too wet.
Go Za?
As a person who just made pizzas nonstop for the last 14 hours I have to ask wtf is up with that cheese falling out of it? How the fuck can you even chew or swallow that shit without choking the puke out of you is beyond me.
>wa la
I'm new to Veeky Forums:
Do people intentionally misspell "Violà!", and, if so, for what reason?
It's voilà you fucking knob.
I never understood the autism when it comes to pizza toppings. Like, calm down. Maybe it ain't ORIGINALE ITALIANO but who gives a shit? We're not going for that, we just want some damn pizza without being smugged at by people who claim we're committing a crime against food, and yet proceed to eat their pepperoni pizzas with a side of marina because it's """italian"""
>white people will defend this
I recognize that shade of autism green.. Damn it Jack
no, just midwestern white people
It's a meme you dip
i've been away for over 2 years, and to see that "fazolis" and "wala" have endured is depressing.
this is some reddit-tier shit, guys. figure it out.
you know its gonna be good when they bring out the plastic disposable lunch boxes
Quick question, as an Italian I always found the idea of a Chicago style pizza incredibly decadent. Not in a bad way, per se, as I am quite the cheese and toppings lover, but decadent nonetheless.
I'd really like to try it, but there are no places that cook it around here and I don't have an oven to make it.
So how does it compare to Italian pizza? What are the differences in the crust, in the cheese, in the sauce? Or in any other thing, really?
Uh... GO' ZA, am I memeing right guys?
there's a lot more dough. I know it seems kinda obvious, but that's honestly #1. Italian style pizza you taste the cheese most of all, but it's balanced really well with a nice thin layer of sauce
chicago style basically just says "fuck that," and goes for an excess of everything. there's a lot more sauce, a lot more cheese, and more than anything, a lot more dough. it's really an entirely different dish. worth trying if you get a chance, though; it's very good
what a great little za
>not hitting at least 5kcal every day
Are you a small female or child?
what does 'go stand for in 'go 'za
Honest question, I can't figure it out.
The dough is less chewy and more crispy/flaky. Think more of an American-style biscuit if you've had one.
I somehow doubt that you're telling the truth.
>flicks the bean
It stands for dago. It's a /pol/ meme
Well it's not 'rk 'za nor is it 'it 'za, must be 'go 'za
Oh as in a slur for Italians.
Now it makes perfect sense.
Shit's delish
Shit's delish
except 'go 'za has nothing to do with Italians, so it doesn't
Mah boi! Are you at Old Chicago's in Petaluma?
Let's be real, I'd still eat it although it looks like shit... Even the WORST pizza (except for Lunchables) is still enjoyable to me. And no, I'm not fat as fatass.
Pineapple balances other salty toppings like capers or olives well in a 'za.
Pokemon Go
>im sick of these gay pizzas with no tropical fruit on them
that's a cheese casserole w/ tomato sauce
Have you ever encountered a popped cyst from a pig carcass?
you know it's a high quality za when the cheese makes a run for it
why the fuck is he so autistic
Cool posto, you're very cute, trannies and pizza I love it
No but I think of the images from Lucent every time I eat ham. Makes me savor the taste more.
That 'za is so bad even the cheese is trying to escape.
what am I looking at here
The scene from The Thing where they put a hot poker in each blood sample to try and figure out who is an alien.
When they stick it in the alien blood, it does what the cheese is doing in OP.
>Implying it wasn't invented by Italians in chicago
Oh ok then, but where is it? That isn't definitely one
nice one m8
never ever ;_;
Good man.
it is literally out dude
>TFW I live near pequod's
>TFW I ate at Burt's before he croaked
Do what you must, I have already won
holy fucking kek
I'm good, I for one like shitting every day, not biweekly.
Just realized that when he flings the pig fat it must have landed somwhere in his house. He just doesnt give a fuck
>He just doesnt give a fuck
Surely you realize he's doing this shit on purpose to get viewers, right?
thanks dude
Nice rock you've been living under
Wa la!
>he doesnt know
'za, 'go 'za, fazolis, british food, flyovers, poo in loo, flavor town... When will we get new memes, this place is dead and I refuse to die with it. Fuck you all. Our new meme is tupperware. ask if a food is good after being stored in tupperware. Fly my mememonkeys, fly!
this place called bianelli's on the big island.
Is it 'go 'za or go' 'za? I always figured it was a WOPpy way of saying go(od) (piz)za
it's 'go 'za
because it's short for _ _ _ _ _ g o _ _ _ z a
Is this hangman? Do I guess letters?
Can we let this meme die?