What are Veeky Forums's opinions on onigiri? What do you like yours to be filled with?
What are Veeky Forums's opinions on onigiri? What do you like yours to be filled with?
My opinion is jesus fuck why are these so hard to make they should be easy but they never fail to make me feel like an infant.
Smoked salmon and Umeboshi are the best flavors. get that smokey and that sour.
Stop trying to make them Jasmine rice dummy. They're incredibly easy make if you use the correct rice and plastic wrap
I've always wondered why nobody ever made like dessert onigiri.
I feel like fruit, or pie filling or some shit would be rad as fuck in onigiri.
Proper "O" nigiri is "O" inspired.
Cream filling is the only acceptable formulation.
Many angry kawaii jackasses will disagree with this - but they should be dismissed immediately as weeb-ass faggots.
I have spent years in Japan, and all the best onigiri shops served theirs with a creamy center.
>plastic wrap
I'm not using disposable material for something I should be able to make by hand
I am not using jasmine rice either.
>uses kawaii in a sentence
>has spent years in Japan
>thinks other people are the weebs
thats mayonnaise you moron.you probably buy tunamayo like a faggot
It's not that hard if you use the right rice and cook it properly.
No it was definitely not mayo.. it was more of a salty, creamy, filling... slightly whipped.. like what you might find in a banana or chocolate silk cream pie.
use japanese sticky rice and put a little bit of salty water on your hands as you form the balls
both things I do, it's not as easy as it sounds. either the rice wont adhere to itself (falls apart) or sticks too much (causing it to break/crumble)
Then wet your hands, but nobody makes onigiri like that except old Japanese ladies at cultural events and those "fancy" onigiri places you see in train stations. Everyone else uses plastic wrap because usually they are being made for lunch in the morning or evening. And if you're so hard pressed about using 5 yen worth of plastic wrap you probably have bigger problems.
So it was Japanese mayo, the only kind of mayo you can find in Japan
Sounds like you're using the wrong kind of rice and/or you don't know how to make rice. You should be using a rice cooker anyway since it'll be better than if you made it perfectly on the stove
No, remember I lived in Japan for a while.. know what japanese mayo is.
The creamy center of "O" nigiri is not mayo. It's more of a whipped heavy cream sort of situation like you would find at the center of a cream pie.
what type of rice do you use? What method do you use to cook it?
Which prefecture, city, and ward liar?
I'm more than capable of cooking rice on the stove damn near perfectly, but in all instances of making rice in a rice cooker, that was the rice I used to make onigiri so stove rice isn't the problem either. also I'm pretty sure japanese people made these before rice cookers where a thing anyway, so it can't be reliant on that. As for the right kind of rice. this will be the 3rd time I've fucking told you I know what rice to use. both nishiki and even short grain sushi rice give me trouble equally. I forget what brand the sushi rice was but it was super girly, maybe atsume or something.
cooked rice in a tuppaware from the fridge. short to medium grain calrose. Rice cooker or stove, doesn't matter.
That's an obvious trick question that anyone who has spent time in Japan would see right through.
Nice try though.
If everything is perfect, which I doubt, then maybe you're just dumb. Onigiri is not hard to make if you cook the correct rice correctly
oh i see... I usually make fresh Nishiki rice fresh for onigiri so perhaps it has lost its stickiness over time?
>durrr ur just dumb.
whatever you say dumbass.
You're the idiots that keeps stuffing your dick up your ass mobbing me saying you're using the wrong rice. when I'm not, and I'm not using a rice cooker, which is bullshit, and I am using one anyway.
Obviously you fucking assclown the problem is I'm shit at the technique of forming the rice by hand. maybe try pulling it out of the celophane wrapper before you wave your dick around.
Every japanese person I've seen says to use leftoever rice.
Well mine sticks and yours doesnt user sooo
I bought this thingy online and it works great, specially because all of them come out same size and shit. I like to flavour my rice with some furikake along with the general sushi preparation. For a filling either tuna,spicy tuna, smoked salmon, or shitake mushrooms sauteed in a bit of butter, with toasted sesame oil and green onion.
>mine sticks and yours doesn't
Apperantly you're retarded and can't read. you obviously are too stupid to do so, but Incase you ever wander away for a year or too then dig up this thread on a lark on the archives or whatever the fuck heres something you can translate:
"I already told you fucking shit bags that the rice either doesn't stick together or sticks to my hand, I wonder how then, you got the impression that my rice isn't sticky"
Yea I'm married to a Japanese girl and just moved back from Tokyo a few months ago. She and I were constantly making onigiri for lunch when we lived out there. Its not hard.
Literally the only technique required is cupping your hands and flipping it until its a triangle.
You don't want to use rice thats been put in the fridge, it gets cold, hard, and doesn't stick together right (same reason you should never buy sushi that isn't being served at near room temperature).
But if by leftover rice you mean the rice still in the rice cooker after you've eaten your dinner then sure. Most people aren't making rice specifically for onigiri
use salty warm water you fucking idiot
how is your wife's son doing in school?
user-kun! I have tried to be patient with you but I have concluded that due to your inability to make the Japanese equivalent to a sandwich, you must be retarded as shit!
>be a faggot
>expect helpful advice
Youtube it and fuck off
>you're the retarded one, not me, despite the fact that I can't even comprehend a basic thing.
so warm is supposed to make the difference?
>it doesn't stick together right.
it's sticky as fuck, just leave it out to get warm.
Are you the same guy who can't make a simple ass onigiri yet are trying to give advice to people who can make it?
yes warm makes the difference and also next time just look this shit up on google
>expect helpful advice
I never asked for any help even once you giant collossal retard. you saw someone else admit they have trouble, then went on a crusade to offer your "Expertise", only to find out that all of it had no relevance to the problem at hand, and now that you're out of easy solutions for being "helpful" you're chosing to delude yourself into believing I rejected your help after pleading for it. wrong. eat a thousand dicks.
>give advice.
at what point exactly do you think I'm advising anyone?
eat a trillion fucking dicks, what do you think I am doing when I make these? just watching my own asshole? I wonder what an unconfident person who is having trouble would do when they make something they have trouble with? surely not get a recipe online. gee wiz, what kind of nerd would do that.
fucking kill yourself.
mmm i love a good jelly-filled donut
have you tried anger management?
there's an onigiri place near me that does fusion riceballs. the cuban is by far the best, with plantains, black beans and pork
Pretty sure you meant "you're self." Its too words.
sorry that asking you to google it triggered you so hard. Maybe you should try reddit? I hear they operate safe spaces for people like you
>being this mad because your hands don't work
>you're the retarded one, not me, despite the fact that I can't even comprehend a basic thing.
And yet you yourself cannot comprehend how to make basic onigiri
have you tried shoving the fuck off after you're told that your help isn't appreciated? I wonder why someone would get angry about that?
nice trips
>safe spaces
this is a safe space, you can tell because your face isn't injured.
Actually, I can comprehend how to make it, the problem is that I cannot execute it. The only people proving they can't comprehend shit is you fucks.
That's nip semen, son.
you must have a ton of healthy relationships
>nice trips
Thanks. This is a blew bored so I'm not legally aloud to inquire as to weather or not people checked them. But it's still very nice too see that it was noticed.
I'm righting this to let you no that eye appreciate you're recognition and think your doing a really grate job here. You seem a little angry, butt I believe in you. You seem like a good sole. I want you to succeed at making your best O'nigiri.
user-kun, if you can comprehend how to make it then why can't you?
nice dubs
>every single person in this picture can use their hands and thus can make onigiri
>watching my own asshole
>What are Veeky Forums's opinions on onigiri? What do you like yours to be filled with?
I've only made it a couple of times. I used tips I read online from the mommy on Justbento website(s). One of the things she mentioned is that it's pretty steamy hot, and most people develop kind of the right technique to cool the palms without the pain. The older cooks just have hands of teflon.
So I had a cold wet towel on my counter with a few ice cubes on it. I used diana brand/goya valencia pearl rice one of the occasions and ordinary long grain the other. The stickier pearl rice worked better. I didn't fill it and I'm not a fish fan. I chilled down the formed rice inside plastic wrap, and panfried them a moment for yaki onigiri with a lot of black sesame and tamari sauce.
I bought a packet of furikake seasoning but never got around using it before it went bad. ROFL. I typically use my leftover rice for curry fried rice breakfast ideas. I love a cold marinated rice salad too.
A gain, thank you kindly four you're admiration of my repetitive post identification digits. I can't literally point them out two people but it is nice to here that they were add mired.
I fully expect that you selected this picture because at least one person is in an arm cast or missing a hand, but Im too lazy too look that close.
that's a jelly donut you pinko
This picture really makes me want to play Alex Kidd on Miracle World.
ITT: user is too autistic to form onigiris.
>b-but they crumble with muh sticky hands!
Stay pleb.
We should gas the anime posters
OP...I hope you do realize that's just a jelly donut.
My family made onigiri from Thai sticky rice, which was easier to get at the time than Japanese.
To this day, I still prefer them the way I grew up with and mildly dislike it the way family in Japan makes them. Big difference in texture.
Roasted fish with some kind of salty roe and pickled mustard greens.
Distant second: roast pork. Don't like it as much because it doesn't have that sourness.
When I make it, it's just tinned tuna and/or tinned salmon and/or tinned prawns with mayonnaise. I season the rice with a little lemon or vinegar for that, even though you're not supposed to.
Or smoke-dried salmon with pickled ginger and avocado (it's supposed to be wasabi, but I fucking hate wasabi).
I always use Botan calrose rice, made fresh in a rice cooker. I lay it out hot in a glass Pyrex tray but any glass container works, season it (usually with just sea salt and a bit of hondashi), and have a bowl of water handy. Wet your hands, take a handful of rice, put your choice of filling in the middle (I like miso, my favorite is spam/egg/miso but that's a totally different preparation method), fold the rice over the filling to make roughly a ball shape, cup your hands and squeeze lightly. Flip and squeeze a few times, making a triangular shape. If it sticks to your hands at all use a tiny bit more water. It should stay together, just make sure not to squeeze too hard. Then just wrap it with some nori.
Jelly filled doughnuts are the best!
I want to make the umeboshi kind. What's the cheapest rice I can get away with using?
Mochi? (Rice flour, same shit). Daifuku mochi is amazing.
Not that user, but plastic wrap is bad for the environment you ass.
>tinned fish with mayo
Will try.
that's 'yo faggot
durrrp durr durrp oh me make onirgi is so hard
you fail at life senpai. kys with rice
sorry I don't speak retard
lol you mad boi