Is it illegal for my student loan servicer to refuse cash payment?
No document that I have signed states that cash payment isn't allowed or accepted.
Nowhere on their site does it say that cash isn't an accepted form of payment. It is only when I call that I am told cash isn't accepted and when questioned why this is the case and if I can be directed to this policy in writing I am told that a manually generated letter will have to be sent to me.
A private school that I went to advised me that refusal of cash payment on a debt is illegal which is why I am asking.
Further clarification is appreciated
Is it illegal for my student loan servicer to refuse cash payment?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cash is for niggers and drug dealers
Which one are you OP?
America has a soft takeover going on run by communist and globalists. They will do whatever they want including not take legal tender because they want a cashless society. You chose to use one of their indoctrination/debt mills so now you have to play by their rules.
you are probably just talking to some low paid office grunt... try talking to someone higher up on the ladder.
The problem is there is no written rule anywhere stating this
Why don't you stop being a white trash piece of shit and take your 97 camry down to your local post office and buy yourself a money order. Alternatively use a bank account like everyone else has been for the past 20 years.
>fastest capital flow is communism
and stay there
If it's not in the contract you signed, then it's likely illegal for them to refuse to accept money.
That being said, courts favor loan servicers in a lot of different ways, and hiring an attorney to fight this would probably be more expensive than just paying it off.
This is causing an unnecessary hardship user and is illegal
Prove it. Show us the law
it is illegal for public organizations to refuse legal tender/cash.
but there is no federal law mandating private corps and citizens to accept cash. so a regular Tom/Dick/Harry like you really has no recourse here, they can just send you to collections and call it a day.
American? Pull out a dollar. Notice how it says it is legal tender? I think that means they are legally required to accept it. When I was a major poor fag, I scrounged like $5 in change to get gas. I know it's shitty, and I wouldn't have done it if there was any other way. But the dumb Indian bitch at the store refused to accept it. So I called the cops down there and they forced her to, lol
This is true if the person or entity refusing cash is not owed something
Meaning they didn't provide a service or good
An example would be walking into a private business and trying to buy an item with cash and the business refusing to sell the item for said cash
In this case the person is already indebted
commies and globalists write the rules as they go to fit their political agenda. It is technically illegal to reject cash since it is legal tender. Enjoy!
OP is a literal bottom feeding poorfag who doesn't have a bank account, there's really no point is working out this problem for them
Pay taxes on your gains Jamal.
>waaaah I went to a Marxist breeding ground and did not foresee the Marxist cash ban
The thread
user is literally a presumptuous faggot whose Daddy feeds them cumshots in exchange for recharging their Goldman Sachs bank account
ok buddy. I'm just a regular middle class wage cuck making a paltry 120k a year, but it would be nice to be a trust fund kid.
but there's only 2 reasons you'd have this problem:
>1) you're poor and you have such little money getting a bank account would be too much work for you, or
>2) you're a drug dealer/criminal/money launderer trying to stay off the grid
ironically #2 is the reason they won't accept your cash.
Also how the fuck are people supposed to get cash to them? No business is going to accept cash by mail. Huge liability for lost/stolen funds and embezzlement
Or I live in a rural area where I get paid in cash
Please tell the other 65 million Americans and their families that they're all poorfags or criminals
I do not live in an area with credit unions and most likely unlike yourself, I choose not to fund corporate banks that fund war and environmental degradation
The loan servicer has physical locations and used to accept cash until very recently
I grew up in a rural town of literally 1,500 people and we had 2 credit unions. Where the fuck do you live, Somalia?
I'm pretty sure they legally have to accept cash
I'm pretty sure they do too user, but like another user posted it would probably cost me more to fight than the loans are worth
a normal person would never have a good return on investment fighting this, so your options are make the trip to a bank/credit union, create an account, deposit cash, and then send them a check OR get sent to collections. your choice.
>hey guys property is theft
>yes of course I have a nintendo switch
USPS money order, friendo. $1.25 each. You're welcome.
nigga there are more than 1500 towns/CDPs In the US with less than 300 official residents. some of them 50-100+ miles from the nearest credit union
I'm not a communist or Marxist but when people say "property is theft" it means specifically the private ownership of the means of production is theft. This included things like mines or factories. Personal items which are not used to produce capital, like clothes, bikes, or a game console do not fall under private property and instead are considered personal property, which Marx had no problem with.
not worth your time arguing with 16 year olds on an anime board
>can’t own diamonds in a mine but you can own them on your finger
Enjoy connecting words to emotions champ
>Corresponding with a student loan company
>Signing documents from a student loan company
>Paying student loans
>Not defaulting and investing the money instead
Just like Bitcoin huh