BTCP insider here. Big news coming soon, unfortunately I can't reveal the substance of the intimacies...

BTCP insider here. Big news coming soon, unfortunately I can't reveal the substance of the intimacies, but you'll want to be holding on to some ZCL.

Other urls found in this thread:

regardless of this post I'm pretty bullish on BTCP. At least compared to the typical user

don't tell us what it is, just tell us when

Will we go past ath?

Give us a hint lad

> I know a secret but can't tell it
> Trust me
> user

come on..

Rhett pretty much announced bittrex support without doing it directly, while also stating there is a chance for binanace lmao, if you don't get in now you deserve to be poor

>please hold longer so you get dumped on by me

Pretty much announced? How?

binance listing is coming after fork, we know.

Check this my dude.

Just post it dumb nigger, nobody will believe you anyways

will a see a 300 dollar zcl user?

>he fell for the ZClassic pump and dump

Just give us a time, I don’t give a fuck about what it is

>hey guyz im a faggot with no news, pls talk to me



So a CryptoCurrency is going to be listed on an exchange? Wow. Big fucking news.

Are you fucking retarded? As soon as bittrex support for the fork is announced this shit will moon, kill yourself pajeet, we know you are trying to FUD to accumulate more you curry breathed faggot

Fucking joke get listed on an actual exchange already

No one will invite me to Bittrex :(

>pretty much confirmed
>said nothing

It’s already listed dumbass. Just waiting on fork support announcement, which IS coming.

You retarded cuck can you read? He said the announcement will be on BTCP twitter, he never said anything that shows that it won't be happening you cuck.

I'm going to assume its bittrex announcement regarding the fork. Oraclemaker w/e his name is said feb 26th.

if this doesn't moon im gona jump on a bridge

shoulda bought in at $40 like the rest of us user

tfw I was about to put 2k in at 35 but LITERALLY FORGOT because I was watching youtube videos and that night it went to 120.. AAAAAAAAAHHHHH


Pewds doesn't trump trading, how the fuck did you forget that?

I can read, but clearly you can't. There was no announcement hint. He merely said to stop autistically refreshing his twatter because nothing would be found there.

>"get in now or stay poor"

Holy shit thanks for the advice! Gonna invest all of my money and parents 401k into this, thanks OP!

>wanted to buy in at 60
>cryptopia took fucking forever to process my btc
>check price

oh well at least it was only 750k sats and not anything too high

You got in late. This was first shilled on Veeky Forums at $4.

I can't pal, I joined the team a week or two ago and i'm not willing to lose this position so quickly. Just watch the twitter

Also this coin is heavily manipulated by insiders. I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly dump it back down to $20 in one day.


look at this faggot talking

You know when something is getting FUDed this hard faggots are accumulating

You don't remember the telegram insider that posted here? I sure do. Biggest missed opportunity of my life.

Yes because you should be buying bags from one of the most shilled coins on biz since January for a copy paste fork coin from the creator of whale coin.

Also this is guaranteed to crater like Bitconnect right after the fork with no support for BTCP announced anywhere.

>since January
Nah, those threads barely got replies in January, they started popping all over Veeky Forums like a week ago and that's when it was too late.

> (You)
>Yes because you should be buying bags from one of the most shilled coins on biz since January for a copy paste fork coin from the creator of whale coin.
I bought at 23 you faggot lmao, dunno what you are tryna say pajeet

Sorry you bought high lol. I bought 5 at $5 for fun.

Lmao are you a retard? Wow you invested only 5 ZCL lmao. I bought 5k$ at 28 lmao