Just bought 17 Petros, how fucked am i?
Just bought 17 Petros, how fucked am i?
the absolute madman
about as fukd as the Venezuelan economy
>tfw u literally get pnd'd by a government agency
post the forkdelta adress
LOL. and due to issues they're going to issue 2x PETROS tomorrow because that's what they do in Venezuela.
The full url
So pedro is basically the crypto equivalent to venezuelas failed fiat money?
Are you really too dumb to get there with the provided information?
im a god damn brainlet how do i buy this
> Petro was moved to the NEM blockchain
> Whoever sends any dollars to any ethereum address is getting double scammed
NEM's official tweet:
It isn't fiat. It's backed by oil.
>trusting known liars to conduct their own oil audits
user, I...
>investing in anything related to venezuela whilst their entire economy is collapsing
lel. you cucked yourself buddy.
I bought yesterday but now when I try to go to the URL it sends me back to another token
I could not get this working for me, wanted to buy a few
looks like prison rape user
Click add
Contract address
0 Decimales
Or send the equivalent to the ICO contribution address
checked. OP it'll moon for sure
reported for bypassing US sanctions
id say pretty fucked
goodnight user