Hey coo/ck/s, I'm looking for filing low calorie food like kimchi that tastes different. I'm a recovering fatty looking for every edge I can get.
Filling low cal food
Literally just buy vegetables that are in season and look up a way to prepare them that doesn't involve drenching them in fat.
I like kimchi just fine, but unless you're making your own it's expensive as fuck most places for being nothing more than tasty cabbage.
celery + every single kind of sauce/dressing/dip you can think of
No such thing. You just eat as much as you want but you'll never feel the way you do when eating carbs. Everything else is sugar coating. It's like eating a mushroom burger, you can get used to it, but is not the same as an actual burger.
i think miso soup is pretty good for a low carb appetite suppressant
add in some chopped chilli to get your balls touched and its not bad, basically no calories too
Most things become filling and low calorie when you drastically reduce fat, sugar and animal products. Vegetables, legumes, carbs, fruits, these should form the basis of any meal
OP said low calorie though, not low-carb. And low carb is among the worst ideas when looking for low calorie.
Either penis or pussy depending on your preferences. Sometimes they come with indoor physical exercise too.
trying taiwanese pickled cabbage
napa cabbage cut into small pieces like kimchi
optional jalapenos for some bite (not too much like 1 or 2 diced w/e)
heat up some rice vinegar and put sugar in it like a 40/60 ratio or however sweet/sour you want that shit
salt cabbage either 1hr prior or during the heating up
put veggies in safe container able to withstand some heat
pour that vinegar sugar shit on the veggies
let it sit/refrigerate for a couple hours or days
there you have some sweet sour pickled veggie shit
Drink a liter of water.
try indonesian foods, like sayour lodeh or atjar tjampur, atjar ketimun. All low in calories and delicious
>OP already mentions kimchi
>Recommends only other types of pickled asian foods
wow the creativity
Drink a liter of diet Monster
Drink a liter of kill yourself
No u
30 pk of beer. Live life, kill everyone.
Mushrooms are good but only if you know how to do them right.
Kimchi are tasty but high in sodium.. if i were u i wont try hard but just eat chicken breasts with salad
Fish, you can never go wrong with seafood. Tuna, Salmon, Mahi Mahi, Tilapia. Pair it with heavy vegetables like brussel sprouts, baked cauliflower, asparagus and you're golden.
Just avoid using too many oils/fats
Tea. Veg. Extremely spicy food. Usually eggs, like frittata. Fish, canned or fresh. Fruit. Broth based soups.
Pretty much every green vegetable
I like to boil some kale in chicken/beef/veg broth or whatever and then near the end slowly pour a beaten egg or two into it while stirring italian wedding soup style so that there's lots of little egg bits, it's pretty filling and low cal