Ada mooning soon

Ada will moon

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I have a feeling biz missed this train and is now going to watch this one go stratospheric from the dessicating grass at the foot of the launch pad.

soon = eoy/by 2020

If by moon you mean maybe hit $2 by end of year, then maybe.



Tbh i’d rather hold my money in this till 2020 for steady growth, way better than my bank

I have a few thousand in daedalus that I'm not touching til then

this is a forever a project. any academia's wet dream to tenure as. enjoy the hodl.

you clearly don't understand the dev process for this project user. who is involved... teams, shops, budgets

>staking already priced in

no it won't, it'll barely reach ath..

>$9.5 billion market cap
shit already mooned bitch

I'm bullish on ADA, but I don't see a moon soon. Maybe a little when Ledger Nano S and staking are integrated. But I'm planning on accumulating over the next 10 years anyway. When other projects have been forgotten ADA will have a market cap in the trillions.

Every portfolio should have at least one long term hodl on ADA. When the cryptocalypse happens and every shitcoin is wiped out, cardano will survive as being the only one strong enough to survive it.

Sold off digitalNote for more ADA,. It's a good thing right?

>Implying crypto will last that long

It's being suppressed, it probably won't moon until the summer, despite the big stuff happening at this end of this month



This is gay af


Ada mooned already. Realistically it will reach $2 tops with that circ supply. But that aint anytime soon

That you, Dan?

Do I know you? Charles?

I was talking to friends last week about how Cardano and Request were a good 30% undervalued based on the average correction of the top 100. Definitely a good buy right now.

nice bags son

Fite me you little bitch


February 28th

No more twitter bullshit, you gettin these hands

You really think I'm going to fly to London to "fite" you? Go fuck yourself.

Well I'm certainly not driving all the way to your shitty gay club

One more thing you're too lazy to do. The way you run your company is ridiculous. It's even worse than your contributions at BitShares.

If you think you have any chance in this industry, you're dead wrong. EOS is going to demolish your company.

Nigger you're some jumped up ERC20 token which is 90% hype and 10% tech

Look at this cringe video

If you apologize now and come work for me I might, MIGHT, let you suck my dick

I could buy your shit company right now, you fucking idiot! You've always been such a God damn arrogant piece of shit. No one gives a fuck about your team's credentials if you don't deliver. Your team of stooges is so inexperienced you couldn't even integrate into the exchanges properly.

Remember your UCB mug that went missing at BitShares? It's on my mantle. Go fuck yourself Charles.

I hope you drank out of that mug because I used to jizz into it while beating off under my desk to pictures of your mom

I'm going to have Duncan Coutts bite your face and give you a disease

Had 8k ada bought in at 19c. Then windows rekt my laptop and wiped my recovery phrases.

I want to kms

Should write those things down user

should never use a laptop as a main without regular backups

>bitcoin goes up
>ada dumps hard
>foreshadowing of things to come

damn ada just dumppppped hard.. thought I was watching the bitcoin

why are these faggot ass EOS shillers all crawling out of the woodwork lately. go back to plebbit

I know. It was my ticket out of this shithole. Will regret it for the rest of my miserable life. Even though i couldn't afford a back up i have no one to blame but myself

Don't pay attention to them, they're probably paid.

>Biz said it

well it won't moon now, you asshole. thanks, fucker.

some recovery software is able to recover past a few layers of deletions..

Perfect response

>using haskell for dapps
This is how you know this project is an academic circle jerk that will never amount to a working product for the masses. Does it only run on minix, the world's only scientifically proven os, too?