If you start with a good quality steak you don't need any of that stuff.
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ya just douse it in olive oil and a fistful of salt and it tastes fine just by """""""""""""itself""""""""""""""
I agree. I can't believe he criticizes people for serving raw food when that's exactly what he does. You can tell he only judges people like that for tv.
Exactly. You seem to understand just fine. Go troll somewhere else.
>implying rare is the same thing as raw.
>lemon pepper
>on quality steak
just off yourself dude
personally the only thing that touches real quality meat is salt and pepper. sometimes i will flavor the oil in the pan with garlic, rosemary and thyme, but never the steak itself.
i use cumin, kardamom and coriander seeds to flavor things like ground meat because they have a very meaty taste and, in my opinion, really just strengthen the taste of meat rather than overshadow it.
the whole point of eating expensive cuts of meat is to taste the fucking meat you mong. if you eat fresh lobster, do you drown it in lemon pepper and himalaya salt? no, you it eat with fucking butter, that's it.
How many ingredients do you need for good tasting food? Some of the best food in the world has minimal ingredients.
You really had to use so many quotation marks?
Don't shit on my boy Ramsay or else I'll jam a spatula up your bunghole!
Did you faggots even wathc the viedo? He used garlic-thyme butter basting. The best way to cook the thing.
Anything else is just ruining the flavor of the meat, you need only salts, pepper for some heat and two another spices. Everything beyond third spice is just overcomplicating the flavor, thus ruining the meat.
If I wanted shit ton of spices, I would go make a curry, not a steak.
seriously white people can’t season at all
“salt” isn’t seasoning baka
>expecting a celebrity chef to use complex ingredients
How fucking retarded are you? These dudes make a living by convincing regular schlucks that they can cook just like them with these super simple recipes.
You think the fucker serves plain shit like that in his own restaurant away from the cameras?
Boring people treat steak as a religion because culturally it symbolizes wealth and success, at least among people who are stuck in the 1950s mentally.
Batali uses balsamic and all sorts of other things that plebs think are forbidden because they have this bizarre idea that if they don't put anything on their cooked salted beef, that upper class people will mistake them as one of their own.
>This guy is a hack
He quite frequently uses counter intuitive techniques, and classically wrong techniques, and not for the better. No matter what you can't slap any class into him no matter how rich he gets, he'll always just be under educated idiot who has the attention span of a drug addict (alcoholic). I can't hardly watch him speak 100mph anymore. It's grating. If I see one more fucked up chili con carne recipe with thyme, bay leaf, and *gag* cinnamon...or one more exclamation about how he can't find good butter chicken in India, zomg.
Can't. Stand. Him. Yes, he's a meme, but he's also like watching a OD trainwreck.
>omg don't ruin a steak with seasonings!!!!!!! we just want le natural taste of le meat xDDDDDDDD
>oh btw guize, I want you to drown it in oil, coat it in salt and pepper then top it with butter ;}}}}}}
There's a million ways to cook a steak user
>cumin, lemon pepper, cayenne, annato seeds
why tho
le don't ruin the natural steak taste is something you hear in respect to using sauces, not seasoning.
Steak Diane is best way to cook a steak. It will never fail as a dinner date too, pussies flow especially if get a big ass flame going.
The girls always panic and you handle that flame like you'll handle that pussy later
no there isn't.
you can even fry, bake, grill, boil, and maybe a couple of other ways.
I believe it's from his beginners cooking course.
>tfw after a great Diane
I do feel quite smuk
>rare is the same as raw
>you handle that flame like you'll handle that pussy later
So you don't really know what you're doing and then you start crying?
is ketchup a seasoning
>lemon pepper
I bet you cook steak welldone and serve with ketchup as well you cretin
I'm really new to cooking steak, would incorporating sage be any good?
I really like the taste of sage and thyme
Il take Ramsey's advice over any random user steek any day of the week.
cultureless rosbif
fuck they didnt even show us the inside of the steak i wanted to see the colour
it was green i was there trust me
go back to myspace you're the trainwreck
You're all pathetic
>salt and oil
>restaurants, shows, millions of dollars
>complex spices and herbs
>shitposts on Veeky Forums
>Where are the complex spices and herbs? The cumin? The lemon pepper? The cayenne? Not even any fucking annato seeds.
White people amirite? Their food is so tasteless, they don't put spices on their food until the smell burns their eyebrows like people with real cultures do.
OP is a fag
With that said, Ram did rub raw meat over a cutting board, then placed the cooked meat on the same board to cut and taste. He would go ape shit if he saw someone else do that.
you are so fucking mad it's unbelievable
sage, thyme, rosemary all good on steak. Melt butter in pane with sage/thyme/rosemary leaves in it. Let it infuse and baste over your steak when it's nearly done.
>we know better than one of the best chefs in the world
fucking kek
I think that video is suspect.
Oh, it's you again, the pissed off autist who uses way too many quotation marks when attempting to drive a point home.
There seems to be a lot of purism in this thread. I hate when people get preachy about their "salt+pepper and that's it" philosophies when it comes to steaks. Live a little. Salt and black pepper are boring as fuck. They're perfectly functional, sure, but in reality there is no rule against getting creative with the way one flavors one's steaks. An example would be a blended seasoning like old bay. That shit has at least twelve different spices in it. Are you going to tell me that old bay on a steak is ruinous and anything short of delicious? I will fight you. Don't be pedantic /ck.
Btw I didn't bother watching the video because Gordon Ramsey IS a hack.
are you implying that using spices would stop you having to use salt and oil?
>Salt and black pepper are boring as fuck
no they aren't.
also, spices burn. using spices to season your steak is actually pretty common even in the whitest of places, it's just usually delivered in a sauce or something like that. the thrill of the steak is in contrast between the crust and the juicy interior, i think there's plenty of interest in that on its own and incorporating spices before you cook it is only gonna harm the result.
>If you start with a good quality steak you don't need any of that stuff.
I fucking wish this normie maymay would die.
Basically implies you should only use spices and herbs for shitty quality food
not really. note the word 'need'
>lemon pepper anything
fucking kill yourself you idiot
Not only is he a hack, whatever comes out of his mouth is pure filth.
I agree no one's above criticism, but this guy demonstrated his ability long before he was household name famous, whether he's as good as he used to be is something that should be debated
I don't blame Gordon Ramsay. He is white and not only that he lives in the UK, not America. The UK has never had a black influence on its cuisine so he hasn't had the chance to learn about real seasoning. If he was black I have no doubt he would be a world class chef but as it stands he is mediocre.
And don't give me that shit about 'he has michelin stars'. Michelin Stars might as well be called Michelin Good Grades at School because like good grades they are set up for black people to not get them by a racist system. If you make your food taste like the seasoning you are using they disqualify you. So you get a michelin star for carrots that taste like carrot (shit) but not for carrots that taste like a blend of cumin, all spice, and nutmeg. The judges also refuse to visit restaurants in inner city areas even though the best restaurants in the world are located there.
When a black man cooks steak he has a wide array of seasoning he uses.
Peanut Butter
Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce
Hot Sauce
Patti Labelles Jerk Seasoning
Patti Labelles hot sauce
Patty Labelle and Sweet Baby Rat present Jerk BBQ Sauce
Patti Labelles Sweet Potato Pie
Spray Cheese
Fried Catfish
Gordon Ramsay is white, so all he thinks of is salt and pepper. That isn't his fault. He just white. White people are also allergic to sugar which is why diabetes is also known as 'Trysomewheaties' because white people have to eat wheaties for breakfast, sugary cereal is too much for them. Besides white people have never once been enslaved. Being enslaved helped us create amazing recipes. The average black man can pick cotton from a field then turn it into some Senegal style Gumbo. Meanwhile a white person only uses cotton for the socks they masturbate into when their women are out getting fucked by black dick.
no, spices and herbs are to enhance flavour that is otherwise lacking.
steak from meat that has been hanging for weeks is fantastic with maybe a pinch of salt, but shouldn't need to be drowned in anything if you know how to cook it and let it rest properly.
My nigger. Thyme is the real shit.
Holy fuck, kill yourself.
Second mane, didyano gumbo date back to the first egyptian kangz? The jew also stole our smoked meat recipes when they fled our utopia so don't believe their lies Kosher is hood culture.
It's time for suicide. Admit it.
>false flagging THIS hard
>not drowning it in black pepper
nigger what are you doing?
always salt and pepper HEAVILY
also, really coarse pepper. fuck that fine sissy shit. gotta be spicy and add texture.
>poor niggers can only afford chicken and turkey
old bait seasoning on a steak sounds like vomit
>we don't see a shot of the meat after he cuts it
>because he overcooked it
You left out that he uses a teflon pan (Woll titanium to be specific) instead of a proper cast iron pan.
Kinda interesting to see how his cooking evolved. In his old video he was all about the cast iron and only turning it once, now he just uses teflon and flips it obsessively.
>sous vide is meme stream now - sous vide is like flipping something constantly.. or like rotisserie.. its constant heat from all sides as evenly as possible.
>celeb chefs are always du jour.
there is no one way to do anything.. and there is no one best way either. it comes down to personal taste.
I think cast iron meat burners are retarded, i also think that turning your meat every 3 seconds is fully stupid.
i nice heavy teflon pan that can finish in the oven is the best of all worlds. non-stick, can still sear, easy to clean, versatile.
i love all the cock fags that come in here talking about how awesome their cast iron is because it is indestructable, only to come back barking about how their room mate ruined their cast iron pan by washing it. fucking faggots love pans that can't even be washed... how fucking retarded is that?
>i nice heavy teflon pan that can finish in the oven is the best of all worlds. non-stick, can still sear, easy to clean, versatile.
anyone who has problems with a steak sticking to the pan is a fucking complete shambles, and teflon pans simply cannot deliver as much heat as a heavy cast iron one.
>. fucking faggots love pans that can't even be washed
for the last time will you stop mouthing off about shit you don't understand. of course you can wash cast iron.
>anyone who has problems with a steak sticking to the pan is a fucking complete shambles,
So far so good
>and teflon pans simply cannot deliver as much heat as a heavy cast iron one.
Bro, the problem with teflon is not the heat capacity. Learn to cook.
>Bro, the problem with teflon is not the heat capacity.
teflon pans are simply not designed to reach/emit high temperatures.
Maillard reactions happen at temperatures that are between 280 and 330 F.
All teflon pans are capable of this temperature.
Get a fucking bren moran.
>perfect Steak
>pan nice and hot flip it around a bit wa la
is it making fun of people overthinking cooking?
buh, buh ,but user i like to burn the shit out of my meat at temperatures over 500 degrees
well.. thats not necessary, and most people think you have shit taste. like previous user said
>lern 2 cook
>git gud
I don't know whether you think you're arguing with me or trying to agree with me in a very indirect way, but I get the feeling it's the first
the pans themselves are capable of reaching this temperature but this does not mean they heat the steak effectively. two different things. you need to heat the steak rapidly and without losing heat to the evaporation of moisture, cast iron has a massive advantage in this regard. there is also the matter of building a fond, and finally there is the fact that teflon itself is not particularly resilient to higher temperatures.
>false flag
is that way
>you need to heat the steak rapidly and without losing heat to the evaporation of moisture, cast iron has a massive advantage in this regard
that's sort of true if you're cooking a thin sliced steak, but anything more than an inch or so you're better off with aluminum because as soon as the cast iron gives up its heat from the steak hitting the pan (which takes about a minute), the rest of the cook time is a struggle for the cast iron (an insulator) to evenly distribute the heat from the burner. so the steak steams on a cold spot for the rest of the cook time, unless it's a really big pan and you can move it around
a thick aluminum pan has almost as good heat retention but more than makes up for the slight disadvantage by never having cold spots
> but anything more than an inch or so you're better off with aluminum because as soon as the cast iron gives up its heat from the steak hitting the pan (which takes about a minute), the rest of the cook time is a struggle for the cast iron (an insulator) to evenly distribute the heat from the burner
this is speculation and just doesn't work that way in practice. if your cast iron is storing enough heat to begin searing immediately, it has enough to stay above that threshold for the duration - as long as you've got a good burner.
>a thick aluminum pan has almost as good heat retention
nope. would have to be pretty fucking thick
>you need to heat the steak rapidly
sous vide what now?
Agen, lern2kook
>nope. would have to be pretty fucking thick
Yep. Thick aluminum pans do not come cheap, and often people buy them and think they need to be babied because they don't know how to cook, so they tend not to see "extreme" use like high temperature searing
I will agree with you that cast iron does almost as good a job for steak, and burgers, and stuff like that, as a thick aluminum pan, for like 1/8 the price
But that doesn't make it better, just as your fibrox knife is not, in fact, better than my tojiro powder steel gyuto. Just the best option at its price point
I have it open in my other tab. Thanks though.
the need to heat it rapidly is even more pressing in the case of something that has come out of a water bath. the sear needs to be applied very rapidly to avoid overcooking the interior. unless you meant something else with that inexplicit namedrop, but i think you're just throwing words out in lieu of a fully formed point.
.... i understand why he is seasoning like that. He is using UK meat. Not American Meat. As an european i miss the American meat. Which is way more flavor and you don't need to season that much.
There is a big difference between Argentine, american, uk, german, japanese etc meat.
no, that's just standard practice when you're cooking a steak. remember you're only seasoning the surface.
idk man you just seem confused at the relationship between the material's specific heat and its density. but there is obviously truth in the fact that the recommendation of cast iron is pragmatic, not necessarily optimal, and i am happy to concede that
>taking whatever chances he has to namedrop his lower-mid tier Japanese knife
This is why you wait a few minutes and work on your sides/sauce until the internal temp drops before searing. Even with a direct water bath to stovetop a 45 second sear isn't enough to raise the internal temp a significant enough amount to go above your desired doneness.
You're the only one getting confused here. Let me lay it out for you again:
-Teflon is just a coating and has nothing to do with the pan's thermal performance
-Aluminum conducts heat 300% better than cast iron
-Comparing by price, cast iron wins because the kind of alu pan you get for $30 is a piece of dogshit
-Comparing a $30 cast iron pan to a top end alu pan with 4-6mm aluminum, the aluminum will shit all over the cast iron, but most people are unwilling to use their $250 pan for steak because they erroneously believe it's going to warp (again, because of internet wisdom that says that all aluminum pans are flimsy garbage that will warp if you look at it funny)
p.s. most of the "super scientific" reviews of cookware that show cast iron to be a winner tend to be evaluating on a "cost for performance" basis and make invalid assumptions like "thick copper pans don't exist" and "the only way to have a stainless steel lining is to make the entire pan out of stainless steel". this is fine but don't take it as unequivocal gospel, you have to look at the details.
Kramer by Henckels guy detected, enjoying your tri-hone?
>This is why you wait a few minutes and work on your sides/sauce until the internal temp drops before searing.
a few minutes is nowhere near enough to make a substantial difference
>a 45 second sear isn't enough to raise the internal temp a significant enough amount
it actually can be, but in any case that's the point isn't it - you have to get a good sear under 45s
i know the teflon coating isn't directly affecting the pan's thermal performance, but the two have an indirect relationship, and there's a hard limit on what you can get out of teflon without it smoking or becoming damaged.
i'm frustrated by you telling me to 'look at the details' because i just can't see how the math works out in your favour unless you're looking at a seriously thick piece of aluminum - its specific heat per cubic centimetre is not good
>Thinks his $150 knife isn't lower-mid tier
I'm giving you the details. 4-6mm of alu, compared to cast iron which pretty much comes in one thickness (around 4mm)
Aluminum has about 75% the heat capacity of cast iron for each unit of thickness, but 300% the conductivity
A cheap alu pan isn't nearly as thick as a cast iron, but a good one is about as thick, and in a few cases, actually thicker
The massively superior conductivity more than makes up for the slightly lower heat capacity. Look at how long it takes to heat up a CI pan evenly - much longer than it takes to cook a steak.
I never said whether it's high tier or low tier, just that it's better than a fibrox
But I can see you are really eager to name drop your knife, so feel free, unless you are afraid we'll make fun of it
>a few minutes is nowhere near enough to make a substantial difference
Yes it is, use a probe thermometer if you have doubts. For steaks 5 degree change determines the difference between a rare and a medium rare. A 1 or 2 degree drop is enough to give a good deal of leeway for a quick sear.
>you have to get a good sear under 45s
Which is easy with a cast iron skillet at ~650-700 F with a torch for the reverse side. 45 seconds per side will not bring a steak to the next level of doneness.
It was custom so there's really no name to drop.
>there's really no name to drop
Any custom maker worth a shit has a name worth dropping, but I'm sure your knife made in some dude's garage is really impressive to some people.
underrated post
It doesn't have a brand and product name like Tojiro® Powder Steel™ Gyuto. Some gook in Osaka just made it to my specifications.
>some gook from osaka with no name who glues a "custom" handle to a generic blank from shikoku
Fixed that for you.
It would be best if you spent a few minutes frantically googling "best knife maker in osaka" so that at least you can lie and save face.
End of the day you're bragging about your $150 knife and looking for conflict while I'm satisfied with my custom knife. I get that not everyone can go to Japan and get a knife made, but no need to be bitter about it.