Somebody redpill me on Stevia.
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Gives you the runs if you eat to much of it. Or at least it gives me the runs.
stevia is a plant, it is dried and occasionally into a lowcal/nocal sweetener.
It has a weird aftertaste. That's the worst I can say on the subject, given that there are almost no long-term studies on side effects and what little research has been done shows no significant threats to human health.
Interestingly enough, its introduction in the US is a bit of a redpill on the FDA, given that they essentially restricted its importation based on an 'anonymous industry complaint' (suspected to be a member of the artificial sweetener industry). It goes to show that despite its invaluable role in regulation, it's as vulnerable to lobbying as any other government institution.
This is where I first heard of Stevia:
>it tastes disgusting
redpill achieved.
I don't really go for stevia in anything other than Zevia sodas. They are legitimately good; the cream soda tastes authentic as hell.
I prefer it to sugar in my coffee. I find its sweetness perfectly offsetting to the bitterness of my brew... that's just me, though.
Really, I don't mind this at all. I sorta like the tangy aftertaste of the stevia, especially if it's drunk through glass.
tastes like shit family
you taste like shit; stop existing
aspartame is the best artificial sweetener.
It tastes vile and your intestinal bacteria metabolize it into a carcinogen which is then absorbed by your body.
Coke Life is best Coca-Cola.
Ketotard snakeoil
I heard it contains ricin.
Dude, those sodas suck. The orange one tastes like you brushed your teeth before drinking it.
you sound like you're not accustomed to the taste of stevia.
wierd aftertaste. tried it on some strawberries. yuck.
how's the dr. zevia and mountain zevia?
the closest i can get it is 25 miles away.
Last time I had it I was working in a hippy organic grocery store. I was used to all the weird sweetener tastes and that soda still tasted like shit.
Your pancreas still still hate you for consuming Stevia.
Unlike splenda, which it doesn't give two fucks about.
Try erythritol, it's safe and 90% of it is excreted in your urine unchanged. I think it tastes fine.
>Try erythritol, it's safe and 90% of it is excreted in your urine unchanged. I think it tastes fine.
Where do you find that?
I never realized that my pancreas was fucking my stomach 24/7
Never tried Mountain Zevia. Dr. Z is very good.
Oh I'm sorry, do you have a fucking clue what you're talking about? No? You don't? I didn't think so.
Steviosides are metabolized by colon bacteria to steviol which is a known mutagenic compound in humans.
This study was done with rats but we have the same bacteria in our guts performing the exact same process on steviosides and there's no reason to think that the steviol made by our bacteria is any less toxic than that made by the exact same bacteria living in a rat.
The WHO has recognized this fact and has suggested 4mg/kg as the maximum safe daily intake of stevia. Health organizations generally don't suggest limits on daily intake of benign substances.
That 1996 study was shown to analyze its data dishonestly.
>ywn have coffee with a qt businesswoman
Kill me now pls
I'm the one that cu/ck/s
I like the taste of it.
There's a flower shop nearby, when I walk past I always steal some stevia leaves to chew, they're much better than the sweetener shit