Thin crust pizza is the best!!!! R-right guys??? I mean, just look at can c-c-chicago even compete....heh...

thin crust pizza is the best!!!! R-right guys??? I mean, just look at can c-c-chicago even compete....heh.....


op it's past your bedtime; save the shitposting for tomorrow

Did you just fucking slather marinara over a tortilla?

this is considered a 10/10 in jew york

If that was crispy it'd be pretty nice as a fancy cracker. I used to get something like that, but with white sauce, garlic, and spinach. It was fantastic.

>new york
>has taste in pizza

Pick one

what? are you a fucking faggot or something

I like both. Should I kill myself?

Get some water, this faggot is having a stroke.

No, pls dont do that

Well now I have too. It's the only way to keep them away from my dreams.

this is the thin crust?

The crust is, relatively speaking, the least tasty part of any pizza, and a crispy crust makes for a good contrast to the melting cheese and hot sauce, so yes, thin crust is great.

Chicago thin crust sucks. The sauce is overly sweet and square cut is for cheap people who don't want to buy enough pizza for people to get atleast 2 slices at a party

>amerilards and their "food"

That actually looks pretty good.
It'd be a nice thing to snack on while watching a movie.

>Fuck, I ran out of cheese
>I know, I'll call it "rustic" because people actually fall for this shit

>my pizza isn't completely covered with shitload of universal yellow cheese as every my food usually is
>damn is this even legal

the border crust is a bit too thin for me it's also a bit pale. But the thickness of the overall pizza is pretty decent IMHO.

Chicago is deep dish but not necessarily thick crust. Checkmate, autist.

>yellow cheese

Never have I ever seen a person or restaurant use Cheddar or American on a pizza. Stop listening to Veeky Forums memes you cuck.

Summertime sadness.

I use cheddar as well as mozzarella on pizza. It's nice.