As an American used to fried eggs and fried bacon for breakfast, I'm fascinated by the central European tradition of cold meat in the morning. But at the same time, I can't imagine doing it with what I can find at my usual store. Does the US just not have high enough quality cured meat?
As an American used to fried eggs and fried bacon for breakfast...
What are you talking about? Have you never looked at cured meat other than in the hot dog section?
Cold cuts and cheese on bread for breakfast is one of the most cancerous things here... The amount of space allotted to cold cuts in refrigeration is beyond absurd, there are several meters of it in every grocery store and everybody buy this shit.
As someone who's lived in the US and Germany, all I can say is if you think the meat and cheese section is excessive, then you definitely haven't seen the cereal aisle at an american supermarket
if you gettem from the right place I american meat is fine, but just stick with cures and cheeses that are, well, "american", otherwise they'll end up disappointing you. I've yet to taste an american salami that comes remotely close to the funk of the real thing. As for hams and other cured sausages, you're ok with what you can get. Only caveat: bread. American bread is pretty garbage, not gonna lie.
>cold cuts most cancerous
Wait wut, source?
Some study came out a few months ago linking cured meats to cancer. People talked about it for about a week.
Oh, yeah, right, I thought it was red meats only somehow.
user is newfag, saying everything is le cancerXDD, because obviously all of Veeky Forums is r9k and pol. All of it, /ck included.
wow, central european fag here, never thought about it that someone can perceive ham slices or something like that as strange
now it gives perfect sense, that meat is eaten cold, are we fucking eskimos or what
You probably eat it cold, because it complements hot coffee. I don't know.
It's not that ham slices are strange, it's just that what they sell in the lunch meat section is hardwired in my brain as a separate category from breakfast
The only exception is a ham and egg sandwich, but that same ham without egg just seems... strange
You really do not belong here.
For a grocer the cereal aisle represents the biggest buck by square footeage.
>le exclusive internet clubsXDD
fuck off faggot
in my little part of the midwest, we have this thing called trail bologna. it looks a bit like the horseshoe shaped sausage in your pic and its always served with swiss cheese. It's usually served as hor d'oeuvres or a quick snack, but i'd never really considered having that for breakfast
The problem is most American adults are wake up and go hurry hurry hurry and need something on the go and don't have time to sit down and slice up sausage and cheese and be healthier or at least think they don't have the time.
>meat cured in salt and pure fat
If anything, the propensity for salads in the morning outside the US is the healthiest breakfast.
I was comparing it basically to 3 sandwiches and a hashbrown and large coke at mcdonalds or something but you are in fact correct
How shitty are you grocery stores?
We have full delis in ours with an extensive cured meat section with US and lots of imported brands, same goes for cheeses.
I will say that the cured meats section in the grocery stores in Bavaria neat Nuremberg were massive, but we have much the same in larger stores in Texas.
There's nothing wrong with salt and pure fat provided you don't go full American on it and eat a small family worth of food. Fat and salt are great for getting your body going in the morning as opposed to jump starting it with caffeine.
>Fat and salt are great for getting your body going in the morning
No it's still red meats too, it's just that cured red meats give you supercancer. Also everything that's cooked until golden brown causes cancer because of acrylamide.
I don't disagree, but saying that salt-cured meats and cheeses are any healthier than salt-cured meats and cheeses is just silly.
There are fast-food options that are easy on the portions, and even have things other than salt and fat.
Your brain literally needs sodium to function. The electrical current that forms the basis of all of your nerve signals is the result of sodium and potassium ion gradients.
Fat keeps you full and moderates blood sugar spikes, keeping your glucose levels stable.
>he doesn't know about low carb high fat diets
Also note that the brain largely consists of fat.
Really it's amazing that people haven't caught on sooner. It's so fucking obvious that America (and the rest of the western world because they all follow America) only started becoming morbidly obese after the 1970's when they told everybody that fat was bad. So you ate low fat, low sodium, high sugar diets and you turned into fucking landwhales with diabetes and heart disease.
Fat and salt are not the enemy. Carbs are not even the enemy. Eat all things in moderation except for literal poison, like sugar.
(((Sugar))) is the enemy.
>Fat keeps you full and moderates blood sugar spikes, keeping your glucose levels stable.
Spotted the fatty
Love me some diabetes for breakfast
>last decade's bad advice was X must be avoided at all costs and Y should be consumed in excess
>that was wrong
>therefore it follows that X must be consumed in excess and Y should be avoided at all costs
sure, ok dr. oz
Sugar has no negative effects on humans.
The primary promoters of anti-sugar high-fat diets are Jews.
>fat makes you fat
>low carb gives you diabetes
Kek, get out of here Goldberg.
There is no food boogymen and the answer is simple - eat a balanced diet and don't indulge in shit just because "it tastes so good". Basically, have self-control.
You didn't even provide an argument, you just said "Get out of here Goldberg", despite the fact that the two most famous and popular promoters of anti-sugar nonsense are Jews: Lustig and Taubes, and the most vocal proponent of GI nonsense is also a Jew: Ludwig.
So the irony here is quite significant, it's like saying we should be sending more foreign aid to Israel and then calling anyone who disagrees a Jew.
Go back to brussel you fucking EU shill
This is so intense. I love it. Battle on you great warriors.
>1970s: we were successful the decade earlier, so let's do everything in excess now!!! oh shit, we're getting fat and unhealthy!!! why?!
>1980s: it's the fat, not the sugar!!!
>1990s: it's the processed food, not the fat NOR the sugar!!!
>2000s: it's the sugar, not the fat!!!
>2010s:!!! carrots cure cancer!!!
And no one ever realised that American portion sizes kept growing and growing and growing and American lives grew increasingly sedentary...
THAT is the reason you're fat. Your portions are fucking ridiculous and you don't move. Exercise, not extra fries, motherfucker.
I always say this on Veeky Forums, but I and everyone in my family eat literally all the things that American dietetics has taught you to avoid: saturated fats, processed foods, animal-derived foods, white carbohydrates, carbohydrates in general and sugar in particular. Yet, none of us are fat. All of us, medical conditions not linked to diet notwithstanding, are in great health. Our secret? We move more than Americans do and our portions aren't anywhere near as huge. There is no French paradox (all that butter!!!) or Italian paradox (all that oil!!!) or Sardegnan paradox (all that pork!!!) or Japanese paradox (all that white rice!!!). We simply just move more and eat less than you. That's all.
>cold cuts for breakfast
Not tasty porridge?
Nobody is following the dietary recommendations of the American government anyway. Nobody did it in the 70s and nobody is doing it now. And even in the 70s they told people to quit eating sugar.
All of you people are fucking dumb as shit. If Americans were actually on low-fat/low-sugar/low-sodium diets, every single fast food place in the country would have shut down decades ago/transformed into a health-based restaurant and BBQ events wouldn't even exist.
>he thinks we're talking about government sanctioned diets!!!
I'm from the same alternate timeline as you, user! Remember when Dr. Atkins and Ingrid Newkirk were co-surgeon general? That was a crazy time, man.
um... your post doesn't even come remotely close to refuting or invalidating anything in in fact, all it does is support 's argument that portion size is what's fucking people up, which is the only point made in that post
There was never a time when sugar was not associated with obesity in the public mind. You realize saccharin was first produced in the 19th century and started being used at the beginning of the 20th century to fight the evils of refined sugar? The "alternative timeline" is the one where sugar was ever considered a normal nutrient that doesn't make you fat. This despite the fact that sugar doesn't make you fat and doesn't give you diabetes like dietary fat does.
There is nothing to refute with "excess calories make you fat", it's a moot point. It's like finding a dead guy on the street and the police write down "cause of death: death" instead of "unknown".
>The primary promoters of anti-sugar high-fat diets are Jews.
That's just silly. Ashkenazi food is loaded with carbs, and their dietary laws encourage avoiding meat at least one meal a day
Jews eat high-carb and promote low-carb, the same way they have an ethnostate with tightly controlled immigration while promoting mass immigration for Europe and North America. Taubes and Lustig are massive liars and frauds who bend the truth mercilessly to arrive at the conclusion they deem best for the goyim: high-fat diets that prevent clear thinking and physical excellence.
So lemme get this straight...
>there's nothing to refute!!!
But then reads quite a lot like a rebuttal
>nobody follows those recommendations
>you're stupid for pointing out the reason people are fat is because portion sizes are big and movement is rare
>but portion sizes are big and movement is rare is the reason people are fat
Basically, these two posts are irrelevant. Completely.
Again, no one is talking about government recommendations but you.
What's being discussed is public perception of X, Y and Z at whatever point in time, the public's irrational fear of 1, 2 and 3 at whatever point in time and the health experts who perpetuate these falsehoods all while ignoring the basic truth that the reason the American public has become the most obese highly developed people on earth is simply because the portion sizes have grown to excessive quantities and their lifestyles, in part due to suburban sprawl, office jobs and long work weeks, has grown sedentary.
Cured meats are only marginally carcinogens. Drinking and smoking are still a lot worse for you. You can also counteract the nitrates and sodium with a high fiber diet.
The portion sizes have grown because people have been on high-fat diets for decades, which promote overconsumption of calories. As people get fatter from overconsumption of calories, their energy needs further increase and portion sizes grow correspondingly. Lack of movement has nothing to do with obesity, there are entire populations of lazy out-of-shape fuckers on high-carb low-fat diets who are still lean as shit. Do you think people in the 19th century were going to the gym to stay in shape? And no, not everybody in the 19th century was a fucking carpenter or farmer on 5000 calorie expenditure.
>Does the US just not have high enough quality cured meat?
I'd say the variety of cold cuts you usually have at Central European butcher shops or grocery stores is something you'd have a hard time finding anywhere else.
>The portion sizes have grown because people have been on high-fat diets for decades
[citation needed]
>which promote overconsumption of calories
[citation needed]
>As people get fatter from overconsumption of calories, their energy needs further increase
[citation needed]
>and portion sizes grow correspondingly
[citation needed]
>Lack of movement has nothing to do with obesity
lol u literally just said >There is nothing to refute with "excess calories make you fat"
how do u expect excess calories to be there if ur not working them off??
>there are entire populations of lazy out-of-shape fuckers on high-carb low-fat diets who are still lean as shit
no one said otherwise/that's not relevant
>Do you think people in the 19th century were going to the gym to stay in shape?
no, i think people in other countries don't tend to get as fat as americans tend to because they are more active and live in walkable cities/towns/villages and dont spend their day sat in an office at work fifty hours per week and sat in the car to and from work twelve hours per week and sat in front of the telly/computer at home thirty hours per week, just like they did in the 19th century. and why the fuck are you even talking about the 19th century? fucking no one mentioned anything about the 19th century. people are talking about other developed countries v americans in terms of being fatty-fatty-fat-fats
>And no, not everybody in the 19th century was a fucking carpenter or farmer on 5000 calorie expenditure.
[citation needed]
Thread officially derailed
>talking about Europe
you guys always give me the cringes
>But at the same time, I can't imagine doing it with what I can find at my usual store. Does the US just not have high enough quality cured meat?
it's not a lack of cured meats in the US, it's a lack of refrigeration in the "old world".
If by linking you mean may increase risk by less than 1%, then yes.
90% of this board is the exact opposite