I have 15k in a checking account

What is the best way to turn it into 100k within a year?

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Ummm yea its not gonna happen man. I would suggest gambling Roulette Martingale system

Ok. Fair enough. How about 10 years then.

Fun, Link, Kin, ADA


Find the next 10x and go all in.

Turn it into 150k in a week by buying MAN


by doing your own research, getting lucky and not relying on the wits of a mexican chicken tender forum

buy icx. will one hundred x this year. buy omg will also one hundred x this year. i do not type letters because i type more words per minute than Microsoft cortana

if you are able to maintain a 1% daily return you can have 500k at the end of the year from 15k initial

This is tough to do and have self control.

All in on a coin, wait for the 1% then stop for the day.

Sell meth. Check ‘em

not talking about a coin, talking about hodling stocks, commodities

security tokens. google boldpure.


Nice ID

I have 10LSK, what should I sell it for to double my money this week.

pick 10 random coins

5 will probably fall
3 will 2x
1 will 10x
1 will 100x

good luck op

buy alot of lottery tickets

which ones are going to give you 1% daily

has anyone ever actually won more than like $500 on those pieces of shit

Have only had a friend win 500 or so


What the hell did she do to spongy McBoi

In crypto, split it among Ven, Nuls, Icx, Trac they all have at least 10x within the year, but you don't want to have everything in one shitcoin.

IRL, cocaine.

> Buy $15k of pure cocaine.
> Cut it 50/50 with corn starch and talcum powder or some shit.
> Sell it for $30k.
> Repeat 3x.

Start a really successful business.
3-5 years is more reasonable though.

Buy a lottery ticket


she found him like that after the oil spill nigga

No, no, what's this, yes


...then rob a bank

travel back in time to November 7th, 2016
bet it all on Trump

just be yourself

split it up among some of these
market crash is coming sooner than later

you are going to have to do research about which is best for you. Don't put all 15k into one stock or commodity though, throw that around and diversify. Shoot, look up how binary options work. They will help minimize your risk while providing you the same benefits as a margin account.

>3x leveraged etf
>trump economy
how to lose all your money