Is Starbucks a meme place?
Is Starbucks a meme place?
Coffee is a meme, only drunk by "mature adults" or people who can't manage their sleep.
>mediocre taste
>unhealthy as fuck
Or the people who think it tastes great.
You mean the people who force themselves to think it tastes great while they silently cry on the inside
Coffee is only good when mixed with milk, otherwise it's Hitler and Stalin combined.
>not naming your order Bernie Sanders so all the hipsters cream themselves
ITT: lots of people who have never had good coffee
also starbucks is terrible
I've had Dunkin/Coffee Bean/Folgers and some indie coffee places so I'm actually well versed in coffee. All of those drinks were horrendous; it's sad that coffee drinkers can't just admit that shit tastes bad.
If you think coffee tastes great and you drink on starbucks, you'll love actual coffee.
ah yes, Folgers, the go 'za of coffee.
>I've had Dunkin/Coffee Bean/Folgers and some indie coffee places
You need some beans from at least a respectable roaster ground to proper size for the brewing method, and then brewed with the correct ratio of water to grounds at the correct temperature for the correct amount of time for that brewing method
I doubt you've had properly brewed coffee.
People at the places I listed are specifically trained to brew coffee. ESPECIALLY at Starbucks. Like...just admit coffee is shit already user.
People at places like McDonalds are specifically trained to make chicken. Especially tendies. Like, just admit chicken is shit already user.
It is...?
Starbucks has entered the post-ironic stage. It is now considered try-hard to actively shit on Starbucks. Depending on future trends it may even become fashionable again to admit to liking it like what happened to Dunken Donuts.
Krispy-Kreme is the new meme that is met with disdain.
Their donuts are ridiculously expensive considering they are 98% composed of air.
They aren't that bad, a whole box of plain is reasonable enough and they are still caloric I still prefer the light texture.
Dunkin' Donuts is fucking garbage. I don't know what meme-magic was invoked to get back on the people's good side but all their donuts and coffee is ridiculously overpriced, like $2 for a single donut on average. The coffee isn't atrocious or anything but its not as good as its hyped up to be.
I had a 5 dollar off coupon for their box of Joe + a box of assorted and it was $25 fucking dollerydoos with the discount. Yeah it was a good amount of coffee but no way that shit was worth $30. Donuts are doughy and too cakey and manages to be gooey and dry at the same time with lackluster flavor.
Nah, it tastes good. It's comfy in the morning.
Coffee without milk tastes overwhelmingly acidic to me.
your ratio of coffee to water is probably off. most likely you aren't using enough coffee and are over extracting from the smaller portion of beans, getting a bunch of acidic and sour oils.
try using more ground coffee
Are autists like you memes ?
What's the best way to peel a kiwi?
anyone else get the vague desire to peel their skin off when they use one of these
obviously i wouldn't attempt it for a variety of reasons, not least of which being the peeler isn't sharp enough
but the thought is always there
everything is a meme. nothing is not a meme. realize this and be free.
>I don't like it, therefore no can like it!
You dont need to peel, the skin is perfectly edible.
I work at Starbucks, it's generally about a 5~6/10
Worked at 3 other coffeeshops prior, local places are usually a better bet, but honestly what you get from Starbucks is completely dependent on your barista. I can make some fantastic coffee; some coworkers I've had could make fantastic coffee; others genuinely don't understand a single part of the process and should not be working, but we don't have standards so they do anyway
I love working at other stores and hearing baristas explaining to customers that "Oh, Starbucks' dairy pitchers are too heavy/shaped wrong/etc, that's why we don't do latte art, you can't!" - That's bullshit, I can consistently serve perfect rosettas with our equipment.
Honestly if it weren't for popularity, Starbucks would be a lot better - if they still used Marzoccos, the espresso would be great, but Mastrenas serve mediocre espresso at best.