What is/was dinner like for your family?
What is/was dinner like for your family?
>everyone is served a bowl of rice
>some meat dish in the middle of dinner
>some type of vegetable dish in middle
>a soup in the middle
Don't talk, just eat.
>mixed-ethnicity family of six
>father often away on business
>household help eats with us
>everyone has a role in helping to prepare dinner, even three-year-old me and wheelchair-bound brother
>we eat, chat and be happy
Then wheelchair bro died and everything changed.
Sorry user :(
Well shit, sorry to hear that.
With your mouth closed I hope.
>mom gets home from work and cooks dinner
>drunk dad gets home from work and calls her a stupid piece of shit
>awkwardly eat in silence and return to my bedroom until he locks himself in his bedroom and she falls asleep on the living room couch
> family of three, be only child
> dad is a hoarder so dining table is completely covered
> everyone eats at different times
> I eat in bedroom
Feels bad man. I wish I could have a normal family meal but my folks don't give a shit. :(
>Everyone comes in for dinner, mum has it ready
>usually a German style meal
>Eat food, supper lasts for an hour or so.
>go back outside to work
>Father away at work or just out fucking around
>Me and brothers would make a meal out of whatever was in the kitchen
>Usually eating at separate times
>Maybe 3 times a month actually eat a meal together as a family
Now I feel awkward when I eat out with people. Eating with others doesn't feel natural.
>sporadic for me at least because i work late shifts
>when i am around its me+mom and twin brother, dad is usually out getting shittered and sending passive-aggressive texts to various family members
>couple times a month get together for a family dinner with cousins
varies from enjoyable to extremely uncomfortable
>mom or dad would cook some boring american meal M-F
>shit like spaghetti, seasoning packet tacos, meatloaf, or eggs
>we would all eat together while I raged at my brother for eating with his mouth open and having a popping jaw
>weekends my parents would spend a lot more time cooking, usually some nice recipe my mom would find in a magazine.
>who roast chicken on Sunday at least twice a month
Mum gets home from work, cooks dinner, sets table, puts food on the table, everyone gets their plate of and goes and sits on the couch in front of the TV , mum sits at the dining table alone.
I feel really privileged to have such a great family. The posts in here are depressing. :-(
My mom's in a insanity ward and my dad's a morphine addict. I grew up eating dinner in front of a computer.
I've never experienced a genuine family dinner in my life.
we all realize we don't like each other
>eat alone in our rooms
>me + two brothers + mum
>mum would cook for us and we'd eat at the table, while she was elsewhere
>eventually we ended up just eating in the lounge while watching tv
Kinda wished i had the traditional smiling happy family dinners around the table desu. If I ever have kids that's what I intend to do
>dad leaves when I was 10
>mom goes out every night to get drunk with her friends
>most meals are shit like hot dogs or tacos or whatever that my lithuanian housekeeper made
>reach 6th grade and start feeding myself
>hot pockets and ramen and world of warcraft mixed with crippling depression and an unstable 7 year long divorce made me fat as shit
>once a week or so when mom was home for dinner before she went out
>awkward sit-down with sister and mom and housekeeper
>all i wanted to do was read my calvin and hobbes books while eating quickly so i can go escape upstairs
>get yelled at for reading at the table
>rebelled by feeding the dog under the table and training him to beg like a motherfucker
I feel like "traditional" family dinners only happen in movies and tv. and that we devalue our lives because we never get that. I've had a few family dinners where we were all together. But mostly my father was too drunk to eat and beat us with a golf club.
> mum was an amazing cook, surprised us every day. We seldom ate outside.
>My dad were not really employed nor busy when i was a kid so we always had breakfast and dinner together.
>Mum would tell me what she would make and I would be fascinated watching her running around in the kitchen grabbing spices and chopping cabbages
>I'd tell her to take out the carrots or put more ground beef to it and she would
>I help preparing the table so my dad and brother would show up later to chow down and mum always yell at them for only showing up for food without helping any
>Dad dies when i was 17 after having this kind of ordinary dinner
>mum stops yelling ever since
>I grow up and leave her
hamburger helper
'fried rice' scrambled eggs, white rice, frozen vegetables and underseasoned chicken with soysauce
spaghetti noodles with ground beef in jarred tomato sauce
those knorr pasta + sauce from a box
proud to say I don't cook like that but fuck I was fed trash growing up
Jesus that turned dark real quick...
What the fuck, man, go sit with your mom.
>early childhood
>older sister was allergic to EVERYTHING
>could have rice, some pasta, fish, poultry, pork and lamb
>no beef, no milk or cheese, no wheat, no soy
>usual meals were Spaghetti and tomato sauce, no meatballs unless they were made of turkey burger, meatloaf made of turkey burger, lamb burgers on the grill in the summer if we could afford it and fishsticks and french fries with coleslaw
As my sister got older, she outgrew some of those allergies so meals became a little more diverse. I didn't get to eat my first PB&J sandwich until mid-grade school as both my sister and dad were highly allergic to peanuts and my mom was worried about having it in the house.
> I start prep on dinner after school/work
> My mom comes home after work and finishes
> My bro and I set the table
> We talk, eat, and have coffee for awhile
> My dad and I do the dishes
> Go back to doing our own things
Looking back at it, I really like this ritual, it’s comforting
Oh yeah, forgot my sister couldn't have eggs either. Made baking very difficult for mom. Since my sister couldn't have wheat, she had to bake her own bread.
You a farmer or something?
>Always sat in same seats
>Always prayed before eating
>Food was ok, sometimes pretty good sometimes bland and cheap but better than most of the other houses I visited
>Conversation was always the same
>How was your day
>What did you learn in school
>nothing interesting
>Parents always forced me to put more food on my plate than I wanted
>I wasnt allowed to leave the table till my plate was clean
I was fat from 8-16 when my sister left for college and my parents got laze so we stopped doing the normal routine. Go figure, all I had to do to lose 40 lbs in a few months was eat when I was hungry and stop when full. My parents still claim "Thats just how puberty decided to change your body"
It's nice. I was the Vietnamese poster. I'd love to have something like yours if I have a family. It sounds way less strict and more fun.
>be allergic to peanuts
should be illegal
>dinner ready by the time dad is home from work
>9 out of 10 times everyone eats together
>tv was on and could be seen from the dining room
>still talked, it was more of just background noise
>lot of rice dishes, lot of pasta, lot of chicken
>salad served with it every time
>ate outside sometimes when it was warmer
Thinking back, mom though she was a better cook than she actually was, didn't use salt properly
Sorry to hear that user
they were a bunch of stupid niggers who can't cook
>pre middle school have traditional dinner
>ranging from american food to vietnamese food due to mom
>hit middle school dad works out of state
>just mom, brother, and i
>end up just hitting in room playing WoW
>up to now
>dad comes back to work in state
>brother moves out
>just eat alone in my room for every meal
Nothing changed really. Except maybe now I usually sit in Mumble with friends now.
when was little, until teens, family always ate together at table. mom cooked every day, always a big meal out of whatever we had available. sometimes it was just hotdogs and fried potatoes, but damn, it was good hotdogs and fried potatoes. except rice. mom didn't know what to do with rice except just cook it plain. i'd stick a piece of ice in the middle of mine because it was always too hot. it got to the point where rice didn't taste right if there wasn't a hunk of ice in it.
Us all teasing each other and my sister and I making each other shoot milk put or noses.
Work stories, being responisible etc.
Dinners with my family used to be normal, then my dad decided "lets have bland baked chicken and canned vegetables. I just make my own food now.
this. who gets allergic to peanuts... seriously
>Dad comes to the table 20 minutes late because he was busy playing video games
>Immediately takes his plate to the family room to watch TV while he eats.
>Leaves TV on and goes back to the basement to play more video games while sister and I help mom clean up.
>eat food alone all life
>mother never around, work then straight to partying
>some years grandma was around to visit from home country
>she'd make really cheap food with whatever we had
>we sat together and always ate together when she was around
>everything was delicious
>she dies while I was in high school
>food never taste the same ever since
>father used to make us eat together
>20 minutes of awkward silence
>learn to eat quickly so I can escape
>father gets kicked out
>stop eating with the rest of my family
Now I eat alone
This. Now I can never talk during dinner with friends.
That's odd man, I don't talk with family, but I'm able to socialize and talk with friends during dinner.
We had a rule where we had to talk about our day. It sucked, my stepmum was always looking for a fight.
I can talk before the food comes or between courses or whatever, but it feels too weird to talk between bites.
>Dad is a fat worthless part time wage slave
>I work full time
>Mother works full time
>He insists he has to cook
>He is a shitty, shitty cook
>Knows about 6 recipes
>None of them good
>Has a shelf of cook books
>Never reads them for ideas or tips
>Only reads when he is shitting
>Tried leaving some cookbooks in the toilet
>he told me not to do it, told me that if he wanted to think about food whilst shitting he'd let my mother cook and sit on the toilet thinking about how it was a mistake to eat that food
>is completely unwilling to learn new recipes
>mother enables him completely
>she knows even fucking less about cooking than him
>I am working all day and 'dinner' is always done when I get home so no chance to cook for myself
It is ruining my life desu. I intentionally ate some raw chicken to make myself sick and get some time off work so I could cook for myself. My dad was home the entire time and insisted I eat his homemade tomato soup to make myself feel better. His homemade tomato soup was just a tin of chopped tomatos poured into a 1/4 full tub of butter and boiled in the microwave, sprinkled with brown sugar. Also got some bread for dipping.
>tasteless boiled vegetables
>sour cream
I grew up thinking that I hated nearly every food I tried.
Turns out I just hated that culinary disaster.
>dinner for family
schizo mother picks a different person to never speak to again every other day
>aunt treats her son, and to a lesser extent. everyone else, like absolute shit for no apparent reason
>somehow everyone else seems to tolerate her
>grandfather was a great guy, but he had some anger issues
>his son isn't at the table because he was either in prison, in jail, in the hospital, or excommincated from the family 90% of the time
>pretty much 90% of the time he got mad, I understood exactly why
>he confides in me all the time that every single other member of his family is a huge disappointment, and that he despises all of them
N-no day is complete without doors slamming, porcelain shattering and parents/grandparents shouting.
Good god man...Your dad was the living embodiment of the american dream!
Speak up, cuck.
>dad usually cooks
>it's usually really good stuff but sometime easy meals like tacos or hot dogs or whatever
>we all eat together every night
>tv is usually on tuned to the news or something
>we don't talk much
was pretty good to be honest. Parents are divorced now though.
Putting food in fast enough so hatred won't spill out.
My family dinners are rushed and uncomfortable but the food is really really good. We don't have a designated place to eat so we sit in the living room with the plates on trays or in out lap. I think it would be better if we had a table and we could enjoy our time together but my spouse uses it for a huge computer work station. He eats at his "desk".
>be kid come home to grandparents house after school
>gram grams cooks dinner exactly at 5:30 every night since they were old fags and went to sleep at 9
On the weekend my mom was a based cook and would make shit like thick curry or chili verde
Indian family
Mom prepares dinner
All dine together
have fun and talk about tomorrow plans
>Dad cooks everything
>serve yourselves from the kitchen
>Dad goes and watches TV in the TV room while he eats
>Mom complains about nobody eating at the table with her while eating the food that she had no part in making
Thanks. It's weird how one person can make or break a group or even a family, isn't it?
My brother has a daughter of his own now. I don't have kids because I'm super gay.
He, his wife and my niece do things the way we grew up doing them, with everyone involved in meal prep, so it's nice to see the tradition continue. Wheelchair bro would be pleased, I think.
I know a girl like that, she turned out alright. Just do you best to get out of the house.
My dinners are similar. I'm moving out soon and really going to miss it.
My family never "talked". Ever. Not over a cup of coffee or anything. Everybody zombied out infront of the TV. One time the electricity in our neighborhood went out and my dad and me went on an adventure to find out where the fucking candles were in the house, then we sat in the living room and talked about life and politics and stuff. It was so nice and surreal and then immediately after the power came back on he went back to the TV and I went back to the computer and we never spoke again.
Living alone hasn't really changed a single thing for me.
Right in the feels.
>Eat in the kitchen island
>Mexican or any kind of dish
>Always a pack of tortillas in the middle
>Dad puts a movie on Netflix
>moms come and shake me in my bed until I wake
>I'm a bouncer who works till 4 am
>dad is a silent type and is already at table waiting me
>so is my sister
>we all eat
>dad asks about work, talk about crime
>I ask about his work too
>we finish, he leaves and lay on the couch and ask me to wake him at 1:30
>mom do the dishes and I take sis to school
>wake dad and he leaves to work
Every weekday is like this. The only thing I can complain is the monotony of eating rice and beans every fucking time because rice is low protein and beans makes me fart like an old truck
it was amazing. started cooking myself at 7 years inspired by me mom.
>German family
>that means usually only 1 warm dish per day
>mom cooks anything from trad German & Austrian food to Mediterranean to Indian and later on SEAsian cuisine
>parents often work a lot, so I cook for them every now and then
>dad can also cook pretty decently
>conversations always good because both parents are well-read & informed
can't believe they are getting old now. they've always been so young physically & mentally, but it's starting to change. oh well.
>cooking yourself this long
Slow cooking's nice and all, but eleven years is a bit much. You should be ready to eat by now.
>German family of seven
>dinner is usually bread, cold cuts, cheese, spreads, some vegetables, and leftovers from hot lunch
>on weekends, when my dad is home, he makes some easy warm meal in addition to that
>for example sausage, home fries, frozen spring rolls or a simple noodle soup
>there's up to ten people at the table (visitors)
>everyone talks a lot and is having a good time
>sometimes, on weekdays, when my father was having a bad day because he was waiting for results from his cancer screening, he would find a reason to scream at one of us and dinner would become silent and end quickly.
But other than that, it was/is always pretty good. My older brother moved out some time ago and then I did, but we all occasionally find our ways back home.
>this thread
>hate being the center of attention more than anything
>annoying grandma assaults me with questions
>try eating
>keep getting question-raped
>goes on for whole dinner
>autism eventually flares up and get visibly buttblasted
>"don't get mad"
At least the food is usually pretty good.
Is your dad better now? Cancer makes people lash out understandably.
drunk arguing
This would always happen to me but instead of eating in the living room we would all be sat down at the table and have all our food eaten by the time my mom sat down because she was always busy doing other stuff and was the last one to the table.
He seems more relaxed nowadays, but I don't get the full picture because I don't live there anymore. He originally got cancer more than twelve years ago I think, and it gets better with time. Nothing has come up in the following examinations so things are looking good.
My dad is part of the baby boomer generation and both his parents suffered in the war. I guess that's why he's never been good at managing emotional trouble or talking about his feelings. But he's a great guy overall and I really enjoy having dinner with him and the family or just talking with him nowadays.
> basically a nuclear family (4)
> whenever dad wasn't working we always had a sit down meal
> on weekends that meant all 3 meals sometimes
> mom was from country family that cooked with what they had, very resourceful and made just about anything taste good
> dad was used to cooking on his own because his parents were assholes
> mom cooked 85% of the meals, wouldn't make the same dish twice in less than 2 weeks
> ranged from casseroles to pasta to all kinds of dishes
> dad served in navy, and was on German army bases as a kid
> when he is able he cooks SOS in the mornings and then shnitzel with gravy and spetzel
> when we had sit down dinners it was ok, typical how was school, I'm working on this now
> when dad had night shifts mom would make more causal meals, sometimes ordered pizza, and we would watch TV or a movie together
> this went on until the middle of high school for me
> they started trying to eat paleo
> suddenly 80% of meals were shit
> glad I went to college so I could enjoy good food again
>he cooks SOS
Shit on a shingle?
>shnitzel with gravy and spetzel
He always said sauce on shingle but Its the same thing. probably because of how young we were. I loved that shit so much.
Thanks for spell check, I knew it was wrong but I was on mobile.
He made other German dishes and it was always good.
He made a fuckton of brötchen at some point and I havent had better bread since.
>mom wont stop talking empty words
>dad wont stop eating fast to disappear as fast as he could
>sister left home as fast as she could
>i dotn know what happened to me
and here i am in Veeky Forums. today i live and eat by myself and cant stand company.
cant remember the last time I ate with my family. Or was cooked for by them.
No one gives a damn
Do you guys think that Veeky Forums has a higher attraction rate for people with fucked up childhoods, or are these experiences really that common?
>Cook prepares dinner on trays etc
>Wait upstairs with brothers and play Video games
>Cook finishes dinner
>We go downstairs and take a tray of starters then play more games
>Parents come home
>Maid's finish cleaning the house and prepare Dad's cloths for tomorrow
>We all eat together with parents and cook
Up until I was probably 16 or 17, my parents always made a point to have dinner at the table. I don't really remember what the environment was like, but I do remember my dad always had this stupid ass rule about my brother and I putting our feet on the supporting legs of the table. Looking back, that was the dumbest shit ever. I think he just didn't let us do it because he knew we wouldn't say shit back to him about it.
As I got older, my mom got busier with work so she couldn't cook meals at home as often, much to my father's dismay. Can't really remember what the transition out of one situation to the next was like, but now whenever I go over and visit we generally eat in front of the TV. It's nice though, we eat and talk about whatever's on.
At least they were two niggers and not just one. Could have been worse.
>mom makes shitty meal because she can't cook for shit, 3 servings or 4 if my sister is here
>I eat alone, either in the living room or my room
>mom waits for my dad to come back at 10~11pm and eats with him
The only half-decent meals I remember were on christmas even but the food wasn't homemade. I sincerely had a better diet as a fucking student even though I had never cooked before.
>made me fat
Fuck you.
>Does the place that regularly laughs at people with legitimate disorders and posts the most disturbing shit attracts people with fucked up childhoods
Gee, I don't know user
>inb4 Veeky Forums isn't just /b/
Please, /b/ is edgelord teen central but all boards are certainly not as tame as anywhere else on the internet
Yes. Dutch family in Canada.
I'd eat at the table again and put my feet against the supporting legs of the table to spite your dad.
Your parents sound fucking stupid I am sorry.
We used to come together and just sit around the table. Meat, potatoes and veggies and you'd just fill your plate.
The man of the house would most of the time get the extra piece of meat that's left over.
But then we became lazy and everyone would just eat in their room (with ym parents just on the counch watching tv)
And then my mom died and my dad is shit so that continued but the food also became shit.
Nowadays my boyfriend is my family so now when we're at my place we do it like the old times, just sit at the table and fill your plate. At my boyfriend's we're on the couch, sometimes watching tv, because he doesn't have a table (student room).
Quiet and awkward, usually. I like to eat alone most of the time.
Growing up, dinner was all of us sitting at the table together in dining area off the den. Occasionally the tv would be on, like if the news was on, or some movie that we started watching before dinner was ready, but usually not. That was when it was just the four of us (parents, myself, and my brother). If any other family members were there, or on holidays and special occasions, we used the formal dining room. Regardless of which room we were eating in, we always had a fully set table, including tablecloth, place mats, full place settings, the right glasses, and usually some kind of centerpiece or candles. Mom was a professional chef before she had kids, and once we were born, she taught culinary classes and vocational homemaking classes, so everything having to do with food, cooking, and kitchen was done properly. She ran the kitchen like a pro kitchen too, and you were only allowed to take orders from her in there. She did teach me how to cook, though, and instilled a love of trying and cooking new foods, so I'll always be grateful for that.
When I was younger, my dad would make dinner while she was at work and we'd just eat watching TV. I'm 20 now but still live with parents (yeah I know), but we moved and live with in a bigger house and we all eat together more. My brother and I cook on the weekdays, mom cooks on the weekends. On the weekends we usually eat dinner at the table, but on the weekdays it fluctuates between the table and the living room where we eat watching TV.
Before parents' divorce
>Mom never cooked, dad cooked occasionally for no good reason
>Ate whatever I wanted, normally some kind of microwaved shit or a sandwich or something
>Left alone to fuck off, no one ate together, it was awesome
>Ate out, ate out, ate out, ate out, always
After divorce: Mom
>Whatever I want, whenever I want, used to eat shrimp and king crab legs and ribs - but all microwaved or pre-cooked
>Loved microwaved egg sandwiches
>Still didn't eat with mom, awesome
Dad's after getting divorced:
>Eggs microwaved in a cup
>Whatever I asked for at Costco, every day, for every meal until I finished the package
>Kid Cuisine until I was 12
>All of the fast food, until suddenly one night some important "nutritional" meal with veggies and shit (loved veggies, nbd), then back
>Never ate with dad
After they got remarried:
>Suddenly have all of the income, dinner is out every single night somewhere nice
>Make your own food or go to McDonalds, shit
I was so happy. Fuck being forced to sit at a table. I didn't even really like food until I grew up. Everyone just fed themselves whenever.
>Family of five.
>Mom cooks.
>Majority of meals were mashed potatoes with gravy or butter, some kind of beef, and some other vegetable, often peas and carrots sometimes sauerkraut.
>Used to eat around kitchen table, but then we started eating in front of the TV about the time we got satellite which I think was 2000.
>Mom still ate a kitchen table while reading a newspaper.
You sound horrible.
>sometimes mom would cook
>sometimes it would be tv dinners
>everybody would get their food and eat while watching TV together in the living room
>I suspect this is the basis for all our communication issues
I don't plan on having kids (or probably even a long term relationship, for that matter). But if I did, we would eat around a table, in a room with no TV, and make some goddamn conversation.
>everything was shit but I liked it that way
>now everything is great but I hate it
Man, go fuck yourself with a rake, for real.
in our family the food was important, being together to eat it was not. someone would make the food, and we'd all disappear into different rooms usually and eat.
>Nobody has anything interest to say
>Tensions build because of annoying habits pissing everyone off with nothing to break it like a TV in the background
>B-but muh rituals
If you have to set aside time for conversation then you have nothing worth saying.