What's wrong with broccoli?
What's wrong with broccoli?
It thinks it's hot shit and it's wrong
it's best when steamed
Imagine genetically engineered broccoli trees, entire forests of them. Imagine climbing the branches and sleeping on top.
breathtaking idea
i have the gene that makes it taste like shit to me, no matter how it's prepared
it tastes like shit
is it the same gene that makes you a faggot?
holy shit you might be onto something
It's not psuedo-science
Some people's taste buds are differently developed
I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice while weeping, well done sir
overhyped by white people because they dont have AUTHENTIC food
every AUTHENTIC ethnic chef is laughing about broccoli lol
I am 32 years old and I still pretend I'm a giant eating trees when I have broccoli...
I'm glad I heard another 32 year old day that
Better vegetables available, don't like the toughness of the stalk combined with the weird texture of the top portion.
Wanna have a comfortable time on the throne? Eat some fucking broccoli.
Cooked broccoli is gross. Raw broccoli is great though.
>not pretending to be a dinosaur
you know taste buds don't taste right? Taste is an extremely complex sense that actually uses sight, smell and touch. Taste buds are literally LITERALLY only sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. Bad tastes come from smell and negative perceptions on food
>wanting to be a plant-eating dinosaur
You might as well just dive ass-first into a pool of penis, user.
i love broccoli but it gives me absolutely rancid gas
I love broccoli but is there anything you can add it to?
I've been either roasting it or steaming it and honestly it gets old.
it's pseudoscience when you diagnose yourself with that genetic predisposition. it's even worse pseudoscience when you believe that a genetic correlation with disliking something means you are genetically PROGRAMMED to dislike it. newsflash. lots of mexicans probably have the 'genetic problem' with cilantro that plebs on here have. they still eat it, because they learned to like it, just like everybody else.
broccoli sauteed with one or all of garlic, chilli, lemon and black pepper is a very common combo. mustard and cheese go well with it. it's great in a sausage stew with rigatoni, fennel, white wine and tomato.
i used to make this banging breakfast with diced broccoli stem blanched then sauteed with lemon black pepper chilli and sesame oil then a couple of eggs scrambled in.
Literally nothing unless you overcook it
I can only eat it if there's hummus nearby, otherwise it tastes funky