How can people stand to drink sake? I just had some at a korean bbq joint and it tasted like what rotten rice smells like.
How can people stand to drink sake...
there's lots of different types of sake
think of the first time you tried, say, a dry white wine, did you warm up to it immediately? probably not, but it didn't put you off all sorts of grape wines
i'm not highly accustomed to it myself but i think if you are your palate probably grows to appreciate it better
>probably not, but it didn't put you off all sorts of grape wines
You must be new here, Veeky Forums is basically a bunch of tendies-eating manchildren who make loud gagging noises at any alcoholic beverage that isn't beer or whisky
Sake is best on its own
alcohol is for manchildren
I hate wine so bad analogy
I'm honestly starting to think this. It's either that or for people that are incredibly depressed and looking for an escape.
yeah but not the kind who eat tendies
Or, you know, for people that like to feel a bit drunk. I'm not talking black out drunk or anything, but a couple drinks in the afternoon/evening can be pretty relaxing.
>and it tasted like what rotten rice smells like
so like a less watered down Bud Light?
>Implying this scenario isn't indicative of severe depression
Why is it indicative of extreme depression? I'm honestly interested in hearing why.
you know alcohol is enjoyed by the majority of the adult populace right
it's a social lubricant and means of escapism, like video games or sports but with more brain cell death
i'm nowhere near new but hope springs eternal
Alcohol is for everyone. Typically the most cultured and educated are the most likely to drink, but every socioeconomic class does it, its pretty much integral to humanity. It literally is what lead to civilization forming according to our best understanding of the origins of agriculture
>The most cultured and educated are the most likely to drink
Citation? Shit like forties exist for a reason.
>alcoholfags actually believe this
An asian coworker had some unfiltered sake at his houswarming party. I drank it and politely said thanks, but god that was terrible. Dead yeast does not taste good.
It's probably that alcoholic in denial who always starts raving about sharia and feminists any time someone says they don't enjoy getting blackout drunk all the time and drinks below 10% are a Jewish conspiracy.
I like alcohol and drink on a near daily basis but I'm ok with people who don't
Same way some people can drink straight moonshine, tastes vary from person to person.
Here, have some shitty news articles
Intelligence is closely correlated with depression. The drinking is a coping mechanism for being surrounded by stupids. Source: I'm pretty smart.
>Source: I'm pretty smart.
Looks surprisingly similar to me but I don't have a receding hairline or shit stuck in my ears
>complaining about the smell of rotting rice.
The smell of rotten soybeans has sort of grown on me. It's this rich, buttery, complex, yet also rancid scent. I don't hardly mind it at all.
>tfw you're a brute when it comes to appreciating alcohol
I drank whiskey, tequila, brandy, absinthe and tonic water out of a jar last time I was drunk so I could get more drunk
I'd drink this rice shit in a second if it gets you drunk quick
>according to agriculture
you are retarded, no. it's not what lead this shit to exist. what caused people to farm was the fact that during a small period of time a place in bahgdad was super fertile and full of basically free food. a bunch of humans sat there and got fat. soon the seasons changed and they wandered off. but the winters started to suck balls, so they grabbed the easiest animals and plants to deal with they could find and started farming like crazy to stay alive.