The meme is getting to me...I'm starting to fall for it

I just want to go all in on something

Chainlink will either be the savior of crypto or is a total scam

This board has debased me from reality...I can't tell who is jewing who anymore...I might just do it...I'm tired so tired /biz

Other urls found in this thread:

pajeet scam

fucking retard. stinky linkies will stay poor. Where my VENiggas?

here's what will happen when you go all in:

stop being a faggot

The fud doesn't even phase me anymore and I've fallen in love with the project and all it's potential applications.

Phew for a second I thought you were emotionally invested

lmao that's most likely what will happen when I buy anything I've got like 10K to spare

People keep saying RLC already solved what CL is trying to do as a side project? I've never seen so many polarized opinions on a project that makes up like 20% of the posts here. Was there similar FUD for ETH NEO etc?

Just skimmed the whitepaper. Actually looks promising.

I saw the 2008 housing crash coming, but couldn't capitalize because I was too much of a poorfag.
I knew that gold was going to tank a few years ago but was too much of a pussy to short it.
I knew bitcoin was going to moon but didn't trust my gut.
Had the same feeling about Eth but never bought in.
I knew after the banking crisis that the bankers had the politicians by the balls so buying their stocks in the basement was a no brainer because they would recover massively, but I didn't trust my intuition.
I knew Tesla was going to blow up but was too afraid to risk the down payment on my condo that I was saving up on what I knew deep down was a sure thing.
I got straight A's all the way through my econ degree, but for some reason I keep second guessing my financial predictions, only to watch them be right over and over again.
All these things I've known were going to happen, all these times I didn't do anything about it like a big pussy.
I have this same feeling about Link, and this fucking time I'm doing something about it.
All those untold millions of dollars that slipped through my fingers by not doing what I knew was right at the time.
Well not this time, NOT THIS TIME.

I did that too recently,
I just find it very confusing.
Can someone explain to me this 'operating a Link node' picture?

This pasta isn’t that inspiring

or this part,
how is this picture explaining anything?
Sergay must be a next level visionary to write a white paper like that

It's no more scammy than all the other garbage in the alts market. I had my doubts about Link, but I had more about anything else out there.

Wait till you start wondering if the comparisons to NEO and ETH are part of the scam....

Ignoring the $1000 eoy bullshit, it's an undervalued coin. Worth more than garbage like Nano and less than a dollar. Easy 2x. I wish I had more to put in.

The memes here are incredible...if anything its worth the laughs, I'm also crying on the inside...this might drive me to an hero if I not careful

Yea I was thinking maybe even 10$ could be possible EOY but I just don't know. My other choices for all in were TEL(great fundamentals) EOS or RLC but I just can't decide-Chain Link has meme magic and FUD, which unironically seems like a good sign

Chainlink is fucking overrated by the plebs in here.

yes there was. eerily similar.

guys, I give up, I know I'm a brainlet but the white paper is just too advanced

This is the one time you’re wrong

Over hyped as fuck.

Join me

Medium quality FUD


Given all the hype, why hasn't it moved more? I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but its just confusing. FUD seems good because people are trying to load bags. Idk

You need to diversify yo portfolio, nigga

I usually want to do the opposite of /biz, but biz is like literally fucking 50/50 split on ChainLink causing my brain to explode

That would be the smart thing to do, I don't want to diversify into more than 3 or 4 choice max with 10K I have available-thoughts? I also want only alts

There isn't hype. Once you leave Veeky Forums there aren't many who know or care, too busy hyping Tron or some shit. Those who do however.

There is no hype, and Veeky Forums does not count as hype.

We have no twitter. No Facebook. No media presence. No spokes person. Nothing.

This is why the price is doing nothing.

But all that isn't a bad thing. It just means this is you're chance to buy in cheap.

it's just memes op

i hope i made it in time and you didn't actually buy any

Give some research on BAT, most other alts will need Chainlink's Oracles up in order to have any real implementation. BAT on the other hand can run it's own Smart Contracts as it is targeting the online ad industry and has Brave browser as it's platform. Not a Pajeet project either, Brendan Eich might aswell have founded the modern internet.

chainlink actually does something important.

name another coin that actually fucking does something.

Sorry to say user but all those times you could have pulled the trigger on a nigger and you didn't only means the one time you actually do it means you utterly fail to put you further in the grave. Life is a cruel joke.

*yawns obnoxiously*
nice try, no one yet is convinced to buy this vaporware meme

>He went all in

>m-muh hindsight

How about you just do some research instead of relying on your ability to cut through the fractal tier layers of irony, that way you can actually know what you're doing. You'll probably just fomo in when it pumps and sell the first dip.

I don't fomo...its the one skill I have...If I was about emotional investing I would have lost this money already. I know what Chain Link does. I'm just more interested in understanding the psychology about this particular product as everyone here is incredibly polarized about it

Lol not a penny has been spent yet

You're lucky this is a sure fucking thing because you are completely retarded for buying shit because of memes.

Here's a breakdown of the FUD:
>bored tokenholders memeing malleable newfag minds
>desperate shills for other tokens trying to promote themselves
>retards who actually believed the fud and are mad that it gets spammed constantly

Anybody who understands what the longterm goals of crypto are should recognize why this gets the amount of attention it does.

>that whitepaper
Its been a while since I saw LINK FUD that actually made me laugh.

Again nothing has been bought...I just wanted to point out parallels I heard that ETH and NEO were shilled and fudded to the same lengths of Chain Link. Its just something I heard but wasn't present for during that time. I'm just trying to find a moon mission I can invest in and forget about. 2018 should be a great year for crypto, especially after the SEC meeting although 90% of alts are probably worthless or will be in about 5 years

remember the team hasnt done any marketing whatsoever yet. the only place it gets "hyped" is biz which is much smaller than you think. the singularity people talk about here is sort of a joke but sort of not. if swift or another large finance/insurance company makes an official announcement this shit could go to $5 overnight once it hits facebook and twitter and the normies fomo

satan endorses chainlink BUY BUY BUY

I wonder why they haven't done any? Sure it seems like a good sign as maybe they are focused on the actual product, but what about product updates? I'm going to watch some videos of Sergey speaking about it if I can find any. I watched the dev leaders speak about EOS and I almost went all in because of Dan Larimer. He alone has immense block chain experience and knowledge and has a passion for what he does. He really believes in what he is doing and its objectives of freedom and decentralization. I'm glad I didn't because this dip is causing everything to take a shit. Lol


marketing is the last step in a project
the only reason to market before that is if you're going bankrupt and need the price to pump so you can dump your holdings
and that would be a bad sign

Its a decent copy paste that clears up some FUD thanks

Also quite true, shouldn't market something that isn't finished

RLC is an amazing project too.

fucking kek

*detached from reality


Maybe on Veeky Forums, and even then it gets fudded AT LEAST as much as it gets shilled most of the time.

Link might not succeed or be adopted, but it is definitely not a scam. If Sergey wanted to take the money and run he would do nonstop advertising and constant hype, announcements, announcements of announcements, etc.

you sir made my day


Get out, you absolute retard

The fucking best Logo in Crypto... Unlimited opportunities

Top percentage.

listen to me dawg... don't be 'that guy'...stink up. love you.

It did move. Went from #104 on cmc to 80-84 in a week