Ask an Overnight Baker at Dunkin' Donuts anything

Ask an Overnight Baker at Dunkin' Donuts anything.

has baking donuts caused you to not like them?

I wouldn't say not like them, although I definitely don't eat as many as I used to. I get them for free since no one gives a shit, so I still eat them from time to time, but I'm not bringing home dozens at a time anymore.

Why does DD taste like chemicals

Where's the factory? Cuz no DD makes donuts on site.
>baking donuts
That's why their donuts are shit, then. Why not fry them so that they're actually good?

Because the sum total of stuff actually made "fresh" by me is diddly-squat. Everything I make, I get out of boxes in the freezer, so I have no idea what they do to them before they ship them off to us.

No idea where the factory is. My DD gets frozen donuts delivered every Sunday and Wednesday, and I just thaw them out, frost them, glaze them, or fill them, and put them out on the racks. I also do the same for the muffins, croissants, and bagels.

Do you donate any shit to food banks or does it all go into the trash
this poster is southern

Officially, we're required to throw them away at the end of the day. It's a liability thing- if we donate them and someone gets sick, that's on us.

Unofficially, there's nothing stopping employees from taking as many donuts as they want after closing, since they're getting thrown away anyway and the managers don't really care. It's one of those things everyone looks the other way for. I've donated a few dozen to my local shelter, as well as to my mother in law at the police station. If anyone ever tells you that cops don't actually go crazy for donuts, they're a damn liar.

are you overweight?

No, which is a damn shocker, considering how much free coffee and tea I consume. I've always had a good metabolism, so that helps.

So you pre make them and send them to stores.

>No, which is a damn shocker, considering how much free coffee and tea I consume.

Lol what? That's like saying

>I'm shocked I haven't gotten an STD considering how much I masturbate.

No, the donuts themselves are made at the factory and sent to the store where I work. I thaw them out, frost, glaze, and fill however many the production sheet tells me to, and put them out on the racks behind the counter where the customers can see them when the store opens in the morning.

Both are loaded with sugar and caffeine.

Je suis Européen. But I live in the northeastern US.

So you don't really have anything to do with the donut preparation beyond filling them. You said you bake them, so I assumed you worked at whichever factory they're baked in.

Correct. The position is just called Overnight Baker. It's a lot less unwieldy than "Overnight Froster-Glazer-Filler-and-also-makes-bagels."

Everything tastes like chemicals you dumb ass anti-vaxxer

>The position is just called Overnight Baker.
That sounds like a kinky-ass position. How does it compare to reverse cowgirl?
>It's a lot less unwieldy than "Overnight Froster-Glazer-Filler-and-also-makes-bagels."
I smirked.

I worked for yoliviches donuts in NY one time and the glaze was kept out 24/7 not covered and when I dipped the donuts in it there was always flies too that tried eating it and I would have to pull flies off the donuts if there were any. They got closed down and thus I lost my first job at 17.

Oh, this job is kinky as hell. All those donut...holes. The best part is the hand-piping, when I have to use a large tool to squirt thick white goop into a hole in the donut.

I did not make up a single word of that sentence.

Are there any donuts or other items at Dunkin that you just won't fucking eat based on what you've learned in your current position?

Do you ever just suck off the Boston Creme squirter?

No, nothing that extreme. We keep things clean, and there's nothing that shocking or horrifying about any of it. The closest I could come was that I hated the coffee buttercream we used for the caramel-coffee donuts a few months back, it tasted disgusting.

I will say this: I somehow never learned before I started this job that Boston cream and Bavarian cream are the same damn filling, and it blew my fucking mind at the time.

Don't you judge me.

You ever add a little of your own bodily fluids into the cremes and frosting?

Lord knows I'm tempted, but there are cameras in the kitchen.

there are some that do and then distribute them locally (at least when I worked there 7 years ago)

Okay seems late but did you ever jizzed on some donuts ?

Why aren't you called an overnight froster?

I think I pass a place where they actually bake them. Or maybe they just release a smell make people think they are.


metabolism may account for at most about 100kcal swing in TDEE

Is your name Fred?